I know it's a comic. Or maybe it's from a movie. Doesn't matter.
This is where I am. You're telling me wrong is right. You're telling me to sit back and accept things, endorse things by turning a blind eye to it and still participate. You're telling me to ignore what's wrong and just go along to get along.
I don't give a fuck if I'm the only one. I'm right and I know in my heart and my soul that I am. I'm not willing to sell that soul to a mob of uneducated, spoiled racists and anarchists who try to tell me that every thing I value is worthless, that the American dream can only be obtained through overthrow of the political and family systems that created this great country. I'm not willing to do that just so I can waste time watching a bunch of kids play a game.
I love this country. It's got flaws, but it's so far ahead the rest of the world in every single category that there's no competition, really. I love the country more than I do football. Because without the country, there wouldn't BE football. If we let America go -- and whether you want to admit or acknowledge it or not, we are right on the precipice -- it won't matter any more which team of entitled teenagers you support.