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Douchey Political Talk

The Six

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Douchey Political Talk
« on: September 28, 2020, 04:45:14 PM »
This is the old Kaos.  I love myself.  I love Auburn. She don't love me.  She don't love you, either.  You're part of the past, the unwoke.  You better raise that fist!  Support!  Get out there and march!  Vote! *Unless you plan to vote for a republican.

I despise the social justice blathering sheep the Auburn I grew up loving has become.  Can't abide it.  Won't abide it. 

Just gonna get worse.  Wiregrass is (no offense, WT, old buddy) but a rank amateur compared to Kaos on a mission.
Imma need a full thread in the SGA forum Tuesday night led by you on the debate or I'm calling bullshit on your protest.

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Re: Douchey Political Talk
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2020, 08:27:47 PM »
Imma need a full thread in the SGA forum Tuesday night led by you on the debate or I'm calling bullshit on your protest.
Why would I watch the debates?  Biden has nothing to say.  Hes been in hiding for most of two weeks getting drugged up.  

If there was a chance of Trump taking him up on the offer and whipping his ass?  Yeah.  I’d watch.  Or if I knew he’d actually shit his pants?  I might watch for the giggles.  But that decrepit mummy has nothing I want to hear.  
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Re: Douchey Political Talk
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2020, 09:08:19 AM »
Why would I watch the debates?  Biden has nothing to say.  Hes been in hiding for most of two weeks getting drugged up. 

If there was a chance of Trump taking him up on the offer and whipping his ass?  Yeah.  I’d watch.  Or if I knew he’d actually shoot his pants?  I might watch for the giggles.  But that decrepit mummy has nothing I want to hear. 
I figured you'd at least want to see Trump go at him. You do you, man.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2020, 09:11:35 AM by The Six »
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Re: Douchey Political Talk
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2020, 09:50:00 AM »
I figured you'd at least want to see Trump go at him. You do you, man.
Here's what I know.  Unless Biden has a stroke, shits himself, starts shouting profanities/racial slurs, or starts jerking off on stage the national media will declare him the winner, anoint him the "Comeback Kid" and celebrate his entire catalog. 

Joe himself isn't evil to the core like Hitlary is.  Problem with Joe is that he's dumber. And at this stage of his life, where anything he says is just a parrot of what somebody told him to say he might be even more dangerous than Hillary -- he can be controlled.  His whore mommy part wife is so enamored with the idea of being "First Lady" that she's essentially abusing the guy.  It's pretty obvious to anybody who pays attention that he's got dementia.  Any Republican candidate who disappeared for days on end like this guy does would be destroyed by the press.  They harped for weeks on Trump walking carefully up a rain-soaked metal ramp as evidence that he was frail.  But Biden hides for weeks at a time and you get crickets? 

I know who I'm going to vote for.  I'm hoping Biden shits, curses, jerks off and passes out.  But he won't because he's been lying in bed for five or six straight days being pumped full of drugs.  No reason for me to watch.  My mind won't be changed. 

Same with sports in general.  They made a bed that I can't lie in.  I'm not tilting at windmills or just being a bitch.  I disagree with the pandering.  I don't approve of the direction it's taken.  I can't support it any more.  It's not just the bullshit social justice posturing, it's been coming for a while.  The Auburn I knew and loved simply doesn't exist any more. 

I told somebody the other day that almost from the day I was born, when I got to Auburn and stepped on campus I felt like I belonged. Like I was home.  I had no right to feel that way, I didn't go to school there (most of my family did, though). Still I'd get choked up just being there.  The last time I was in Auburn, I felt nothing. The charm it used to have is gone, replaced by glass and steel, strip malls, sprawl. 

I've been told in recent days not to let that be taken away because Auburn is more than that.  Well, it used to be.  I've been told to recognize that the coaches HAVE to take these positions in order to compete.  That just makes it worse.  Fraudulently supporting something like BLM that clearly states its intent to overthrow the established system of government, that has as its core mission to demolish tradition and create a system where children are raised in communal villages.... the fuck?!?! Haven't we seen that somewhere else, like maybe National Geographic?  Fucking tribalism.  Why should I celebrate people who embrace that -- largely out of ignorance -- and who threaten me personally and professionally if I don't conform to that twisted ideology.  The American system works.  American values work.  But let's destroy all that in the phony name of "justice."  I don't reject BLM because I'm racist, I denounce it because I am first and foremost an American.  That comes before everything else. 

Auburn men and women don't bend over and grovel.  They stand up for what's right, what's true, what's honorable.  At least that's what I always believed.  If we endorse our college (and fuck YOU, it's mine now since I paid for my child to graduate), our athletic teams, our spirit falling in line with this hysterical horseshit (99% of which is a flat out lie -- People being murdered for wearing hoodies Boo hoo hoo, Cuck Herbstreit) then who are we?  We aren't what we claim to be, that's for sure.  We're no better than that redneck rabble that mewls at the feet of Saban and excuses every dishonorable thing he does.  

It won't change unless people quit hiding and force it to change. If you keep flocking to games, spending money on it, making it a part of your life?  The bullshit artists won.  

So...Nope.  Fuck that.  I can't support it.  I won't support it.  And it bothers me greatly to see people so willing to overlook it. 

Walk away.  Do it for your own self respect. Do it for your kids and for your grandkids. Do it for the Auburn and the America you claim to love or lose it forever.  You can go back eventually.  If you walk away now, there's still time to foment change. Still time to stop this nonsensical upheaval of our society.  Turning your back, even if it's temporary, is the first step. 

I know.  Tl;dr.  Fuck it. 

« Last Edit: September 29, 2020, 10:12:16 AM by Kaos »
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Re: Douchey Political Talk
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2020, 04:30:55 PM »
Here's what I know.  Unless Biden has a stroke, shits himself, starts shouting profanities/racial slurs, or starts jerking off on stage the national media will declare him the winner, anoint him the "Comeback Kid" and celebrate his entire catalog. 

Joe himself isn't evil to the core like Hitlary is.  Problem with Joe is that he's dumber. And at this stage of his life, where anything he says is just a parrot of what somebody told him to say he might be even more dangerous than Hillary -- he can be controlled.  His whore mommy part wife is so enamored with the idea of being "First Lady" that she's essentially abusing the guy.  It's pretty obvious to anybody who pays attention that he's got dementia.  Any Republican candidate who disappeared for days on end like this guy does would be destroyed by the press.  They harped for weeks on Trump walking carefully up a rain-soaked metal ramp as evidence that he was frail.  But Biden hides for weeks at a time and you get crickets? 

I know who I'm going to vote for.  I'm hoping Biden shits, curses, jerks off and passes out.  But he won't because he's been lying in bed for five or six straight days being pumped full of drugs.  No reason for me to watch.  My mind won't be changed. 

Same with sports in general.  They made a bed that I can't lie in.  I'm not tilting at windmills or just being a bitch.  I disagree with the pandering.  I don't approve of the direction it's taken.  I can't support it any more.  It's not just the bullshit social justice posturing, it's been coming for a while.  The Auburn I knew and loved simply doesn't exist any more. 

I told somebody the other day that almost from the day I was born, when I got to Auburn and stepped on campus I felt like I belonged. Like I was home.  I had no right to feel that way, I didn't go to school there (most of my family did, though). Still I'd get choked up just being there.  The last time I was in Auburn, I felt nothing. The charm it used to have is gone, replaced by glass and steel, strip malls, sprawl. 

I've been told in recent days not to let that be taken away because Auburn is more than that.  Well, it used to be.  I've been told to recognize that the coaches HAVE to take these positions in order to compete.  That just makes it worse.  Fraudulently supporting something like BLM that clearly states its intent to overthrow the established system of government, that has as its core mission to demolish tradition and create a system where children are raised in communal villages.... the fuck?!?! Haven't we seen that somewhere else, like maybe National Geographic?  Fucking tribalism.  Why should I celebrate people who embrace that -- largely out of ignorance -- and who threaten me personally and professionally if I don't conform to that twisted ideology.  The American system works.  American values work.  But let's destroy all that in the phony name of "justice."  I don't reject BLM because I'm racist, I denounce it because I am first and foremost an American.  That comes before everything else. 

Auburn men and women don't bend over and grovel.  They stand up for what's right, what's true, what's honorable.  At least that's what I always believed.  If we endorse our college (and fuck YOU, it's mine now since I paid for my child to graduate), our athletic teams, our spirit falling in line with this hysterical horseshit (99% of which is a flat out lie -- People being murdered for wearing hoodies Boo hoo hoo, Cuck Herbstreit) then who are we?  We aren't what we claim to be, that's for sure.  We're no better than that redneck rabble that mewls at the feet of Saban and excuses every dishonorable thing he does. 

It won't change unless people quit hiding and force it to change. If you keep flocking to games, spending money on it, making it a part of your life?  The bullshit artists won. 

So...Nope.  Fuck that.  I can't support it.  I won't support it.  And it bothers me greatly to see people so willing to overlook it. 

Walk away.  Do it for your own self respect. Do it for your kids and for your grandkids. Do it for the Auburn and the America you claim to love or lose it forever.  You can go back eventually.  If you walk away now, there's still time to foment change. Still time to stop this nonsensical upheaval of our society.  Turning your back, even if it's temporary, is the first step.

I know.  Tl;dr.  Fuck it.

I get the general feeling that you aren’t even willing to give Joe a chance.
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Re: Douchey Political Talk
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2020, 04:57:13 PM »
I get the general feeling that you aren’t even willing to give Joe a chance.
Points.  You made me laugh. 
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