Dr. Fudd recently released the following statement regarding Rabit 20, AKA Carrotavirus.
"Thewe is no vawid weason for wabbits to howawd any of the fowwowing items: timothy hay, yogurt dwops, scented witter, salt bwocks or chew sticks. We do, wecommend, howeveah that aww wabbits wemain at home unwess they don't, in which case they should pwobably stock up heaviwy on essential items such as timothy hay, yogurt dwops, scented witter, salt bwocks and chew sticks.
"Our mowst wecent statwistics indicate that we have fwattened the cure, humped the cuwve, and saved miwwions of wives. Unwess, wabbits weave their homes, in which case, miwwions will die.
"Wabbit to wabbit twansmission does not occur, unwess it does. It cannot be twansmitted by mosquitoes, unwess it can. It will not kiww you unwess it does, and then you won't cawwe anyways. What we should do is shewter in our hutches unwess we don't, westore the wabbit economy, unwess we don't want to, go to stores, unwess we have things dewivered. Wear a mask, unwess we don't.
"I encouwage all wabbits to shame other wabbits for whatever behavior is occuwwing. Not weawing a mask? SHAME!! Weawing a mask? FOOL!! Staying home? IDIOT, you awe kiwwing the economy! Going out? SENSWESS MOWON!! You are kiwwing evewybody!! This is my best suggestion becauwse I actuawwy, know absowutely nothing!
Since I don't know anything, I wiww be weading a wigowous testing pwotocol. Evewyone must have the vaccine and a chip inserted in theiw wectum, pwoving they have taken the shot!! My good fwiend, Biww Gates has coincidentawwy been working on just such a pwotocol for two yeaws! Amazing.
"Accept it or die."
Dr. Elmer Fudd.
