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The Virus, Cyrus


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Re: The Virus, Cyrus
« Reply #160 on: April 15, 2020, 03:39:42 PM »
A couple of things.  First, I finally know someone in a real fight for her life against this virus.  She is a little older and I believe would qualify as being in the high risk category.  The thing that compounds the situation is that from the moment she entered the hospital, she will never see family or friend again unless she pulls through.

Now that we're over 26,000 deaths nationally and steadily adding over 1,000 every day, I don't care if the numbers may be somewhat inflated in certain circumstances.  I also don't care that more people die each year from the common flu.  This shit is serious and needs to be handled as such.  Having said that, I continue to believe the response has been way over the top.  Yes, I think shutting down sporting events and gatherings where tens of thousands of people will literally be shoulder to shoulder is just plain common sense.  Forcing the shutter of "non-essential" businesses is just plain idiocy.  Non-essential becomes essential real quick when you lose your livelihood. People should be left to make their own decisions and choose whether or not they want to keep their business open, go shopping or quarantine themselves.  If you're scared of contracting it, keep yourself away from folks.  Your decision.

As I've said before, my fear is that next year, when the newest, funky named flu virus comes around, this reaction will start up all over again.  Below is a copy/pasta from the bookfaces written by a CRNA in New York.  Kind of echoes what many have said on here.

 Ok, here comes the rant and I apologize ahead of time, but I really can’t take it any more. I am a CRNA working 14 hour days in the heart of NYC in an ICU. I have been here over 2 weeks now. I have seen and experienced things I would not wish on anyone. People truly have been sick and dying right before our eyes with very little that we felt we could do for some because of the extent of their coexisting diseases sometimes. That being said, we are not, nor have we ever been at full capacity. We have consistently kept at least 15-20 beds available since we opened (We are 68 beds of Covid only patients), even at the peak census last Friday. Over Easter Sunday we did not have a single admit. And now we are allowing a few staff to leave for home by the end of the week.
I say all this because I hear talk of extending the social distancing and people fearfully saying we need to just stay home for longer. I see posts from friends saying it is too soon to open America back up for business. Let me be quite clear about this, if you think a hospital which statistically makes most ALL of their money on elective surgery can remain open by only taking on Covid patients, you do not understand basic finance.
And for those hospitals with low PPE, it is not because they cannot get any. We have plenty here and change it out multiple times a shift. Most hospitals reduced their supplies of PPE when Obamacare reimbursements took away their ability to reinvest in things like stock. Now that we have cut off their biggest source of revenue, how are they supposed to buy more and keep their full staff (including outpatient surgery and clinic staff) employed without their cash cow?
It has been over a month since outpatient surgeries were stopped, since scheduled heart caths and tumor removals and important preventive measures were stopped. How many people will now die of a cancer that could have been caught early or a heart attack that could have been prevented before the American Public gets it? Stop living in fear, people. This is a terrible virus and I am not for a minute saying we don’t take precautions and protect those we love. Use masks. Wash hands. Those with heart disease, diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure must especially be careful and if possible remain quarantined. We are learning quickly about those at greatest risk, so as a nation we can help those who are at greater risk, but we cannot continue to shut down hospitals, clinics, and businesses for the sake of something that may never happen (a flooding of the healthcare system). Nurses are being laid off. Doctors are shutting down their clinics. Businesses are being closed. The cure CANNOT be worse than the disease.
I am sharing the video my good friend, Suzy Redd, posted as it gives you a very stark difference from the lies being perpetuated by the media.
Above all, our faith right now must be firmly planted in God. We cannot live in a spirit of fear. This is the time for the church to rise up and reach out. We can help those that have immune compromising health issues. We can help those who are jobless seeking work. That is what Christ has called us to do in the first place.
2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
As Americans we have a Constitution that guides us, NOT politicians. It is time for us to demand our congressmen and senators, on both the state and federal level, abide by the constitution and allow Americans to get back to work.
I certainly hope and pray that your friend pulls through. I knew 2 that had it. 50/50 survived.

Re the rest of your post, it’s just like so much other stuff that you fall for. You see it on the internet and think that it has to be true.

Srsly, how many times have you shared your banking information to people in foreign countries needing to transfer cash?

I know your wife is ready to call A Place for Mom and has been for quite some time.

And as soon as she gets you checked into a room, I’m going to check on her. Frequently.
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Re: The Virus, Cyrus
« Reply #161 on: April 15, 2020, 03:54:24 PM »
I certainly hope and pray that your friend pulls through. I knew 2 that had it. 50/50 survived.

Re the rest of your post, it’s just like so much other stuff that you fall for. You see it on the internet and think that it has to be true.

Srsly, how many times have you shared your banking information to people in foreign countries needing to transfer cash?

I know your wife is ready to call A Place for Mom and has been for quite some time.

And as soon as she gets you checked into a room, I’m going to check on her. Frequently.
Let me tell you something you prick with ears. Keep on talking that shit.  Just keep it up and eventually, a good ass whoopin' is headed your way.  I'm only going to say this once, so you'd better listen good, if that's possible.  IT WAS ON THE INTERNET, SO IT'S TRUE
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: The Virus, Cyrus
« Reply #162 on: April 15, 2020, 04:12:59 PM »
A couple of things.  First, I finally know someone in a real fight for her life against this virus.  She is a little older and I believe would qualify as being in the high risk category.  The thing that compounds the situation is that from the moment she entered the hospital, she will never see family or friend again unless she pulls through.

Now that we're over 26,000 deaths nationally and steadily adding over 1,000 every day, I don't care if the numbers may be somewhat inflated in certain circumstances.  I also don't care that more people die each year from the common flu.  This shit is serious and needs to be handled as such.  Having said that, I continue to believe the response has been way over the top.  Yes, I think shutting down sporting events and gatherings where tens of thousands of people will literally be shoulder to shoulder is just plain common sense.  Forcing the shutter of "non-essential" businesses is just plain idiocy.  Non-essential becomes essential real quick when you lose your livelihood. People should be left to make their own decisions and choose whether or not they want to keep their business open, go shopping or quarantine themselves.  If you're scared of contracting it, keep yourself away from folks.  Your decision.

As I've said before, my fear is that next year, when the newest, funky named flu virus comes around, this reaction will start up all over again.  Below is a copy/pasta from the bookfaces written by a CRNA in New York.  Kind of echoes what many have said on here.

 Ok, here comes the rant and I apologize ahead of time, but I really can’t take it any more. I am a CRNA working 14 hour days in the heart of NYC in an ICU. I have been here over 2 weeks now. I have seen and experienced things I would not wish on anyone. People truly have been sick and dying right before our eyes with very little that we felt we could do for some because of the extent of their coexisting diseases sometimes. That being said, we are not, nor have we ever been at full capacity. We have consistently kept at least 15-20 beds available since we opened (We are 68 beds of Covid only patients), even at the peak census last Friday. Over Easter Sunday we did not have a single admit. And now we are allowing a few staff to leave for home by the end of the week.
I say all this because I hear talk of extending the social distancing and people fearfully saying we need to just stay home for longer. I see posts from friends saying it is too soon to open America back up for business. Let me be quite clear about this, if you think a hospital which statistically makes most ALL of their money on elective surgery can remain open by only taking on Covid patients, you do not understand basic finance.
And for those hospitals with low PPE, it is not because they cannot get any. We have plenty here and change it out multiple times a shift. Most hospitals reduced their supplies of PPE when Obamacare reimbursements took away their ability to reinvest in things like stock. Now that we have cut off their biggest source of revenue, how are they supposed to buy more and keep their full staff (including outpatient surgery and clinic staff) employed without their cash cow?
It has been over a month since outpatient surgeries were stopped, since scheduled heart caths and tumor removals and important preventive measures were stopped. How many people will now die of a cancer that could have been caught early or a heart attack that could have been prevented before the American Public gets it? Stop living in fear, people. This is a terrible virus and I am not for a minute saying we don’t take precautions and protect those we love. Use masks. Wash hands. Those with heart disease, diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure must especially be careful and if possible remain quarantined. We are learning quickly about those at greatest risk, so as a nation we can help those who are at greater risk, but we cannot continue to shut down hospitals, clinics, and businesses for the sake of something that may never happen (a flooding of the healthcare system). Nurses are being laid off. Doctors are shutting down their clinics. Businesses are being closed. The cure CANNOT be worse than the disease.
I am sharing the video my good friend, Suzy Redd, posted as it gives you a very stark difference from the lies being perpetuated by the media.
Above all, our faith right now must be firmly planted in God. We cannot live in a spirit of fear. This is the time for the church to rise up and reach out. We can help those that have immune compromising health issues. We can help those who are jobless seeking work. That is what Christ has called us to do in the first place.
2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
As Americans we have a Constitution that guides us, NOT politicians. It is time for us to demand our congressmen and senators, on both the state and federal level, abide by the constitution and allow Americans to get back to work.
I also know somebody who has it.  Mid 70s. Already with multiple health issues that have caused her to be "down" numerous times over the last few years, hospitalized a number of times, trouble breathing.  Before.  But now she has it. Here's the thing, she lives in a very rural area, hadn't traveled anywhere, hasn't had contact with hardly anybody from the outside world, etc.  went to the hospital because she was sick (again) and now suddenly SHE GOT THE VAAAARUUUSSS!!! Oh Jeeaysus!  People freaking out.  

Does she actually "have" it?  I don't know. If she does, it is only worsening conditions that were already prevalent with her.  At this point I'm not sure what "having" it means.  

I'm going on another rant... 

1) This is some man-made experimental shit.  It's not a traditional virus and it's not going to respond as a traditional virus would.   Did we make it and some fucked up version of Chapters 1 and 8 of The Stand turn it loose?  Did China make it and send it out into the world as a test to see just how much havoc a minor version could release before they set the big-bad-bug that decimates free society loose?  Did Bill Gates, Hillary, Soros and those evil fucks have a hand in making it so they could destroy the economy that Trump created in an effort to prevent him from retaining power and further empowering the average American citizen while he trashed their fucktarded "globalization" efforts?  Maybe some of all of it.  

2) It's NEVER been as bad as the media and the chicken little Fauci fuck have tried to make it out to be.  Never.  They somehow buffaloed Trump into this massive overreaction.  

3) I think we all have it or have been exposed to it at this point.  As far as viruses go, it's a pretty weak little fucker unless you fit into certain categories.  The vast majority of us are likely immune and have been from the jump.  

Let my people go. 
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Re: The Virus, Cyrus
« Reply #163 on: April 15, 2020, 06:50:37 PM »
I also know somebody who has it.  Mid 70s. Already with multiple health issues that have caused her to be "down" numerous times over the last few years, hospitalized a number of times, trouble breathing.  Before.  But now she has it. Here's the thing, she lives in a very rural area, hadn't traveled anywhere, hasn't had contact with hardly anybody from the outside world, etc.  went to the hospital because she was sick (again) and now suddenly SHE GOT THE VAAAARUUUSSS!!! Oh Jeeaysus!  People freaking out. 

Does she actually "have" it?  I don't know. If she does, it is only worsening conditions that were already prevalent with her.  At this point I'm not sure what "having" it means. 

I'm going on another rant...

1) This is some man-made experimental shit.  It's not a traditional virus and it's not going to respond as a traditional virus would.  Did we make it and some fucked up version of Chapters 1 and 8 of The Stand turn it loose?  Did China make it and send it out into the world as a test to see just how much havoc a minor version could release before they set the big-bad-bug that decimates free society loose?  Did Bill Gates, Hillary, Soros and those evil fucks have a hand in making it so they could destroy the economy that Trump created in an effort to prevent him from retaining power and further empowering the average American citizen while he trashed their fucktarded "globalization" efforts?  Maybe some of all of it. 

2) It's NEVER been as bad as the media and the chicken little Fauci fuck have tried to make it out to be.  Never.  They somehow buffaloed Trump into this massive overreaction. 

3) I think we all have it or have been exposed to it at this point.  As far as viruses go, it's a pretty weak little fucker unless you fit into certain categories.  The vast majority of us are likely immune and have been from the jump. 

Let my people go.
Seriously. Herd immunity. For me in this thing it was ALWAYS about protecting the older or more at risk folks. Not so much myself. Herd immunity is how we fight damn near everything every winter. And it doesn’t work if the whole population is holed up in their houses. 
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Re: The Virus, Cyrus
« Reply #164 on: April 15, 2020, 06:53:46 PM »
I certainly hope and pray that your friend pulls through. I knew 2 that had it. 50/50 survived.

Re the rest of your post, it’s just like so much other stuff that you fall for. You see it on the internet and think that it has to be true.

Srsly, how many times have you shared your banking information to people in foreign countries needing to transfer cash?

I know your wife is ready to call A Place for Mom and has been for quite some time.

And as soon as she gets you checked into a room, I’m going to check on her. Frequently.
Snags is always creeping at the old ladies during bingo night. They get crazy. Just the way he likes it. 

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Re: The Virus, Cyrus
« Reply #165 on: April 17, 2020, 01:26:25 PM »
Is it over yet?  

Florida beaches are about to open back up this weekend.  I know a number of business owners who have reached the "fuck it" stage and are about to quietly resume operations.  People as a whole are starting to wake up to the fact that you can't really allow the government to tell you to stay at home. It's not American. The government can provide you information and inform you of the risks, but if you're free?  You have the right to take that risk.  

We are ALWAYS at risk. Every day.  Everything we do is a calculated risk.  No government (federal, state or local) truly has the right to tell me I cannot open my business.  Employees can choose to stay home and I can accommodate them (or not).   Customers can stay away, at which point I have a decision to make. But I'm just not sure the government actually has the authority to close my business or anyone else's unilaterally like this.  

First please note that despite the dismissiveness of some(wes)one on here, Kaos was 1000% right on every bit of this shit (as usual).  

This virus, such as it is, is most likely man-made in China.  You, we, will never find out the truth but if you did you'd likely find Bill Gates, George Soros, Hillary Clinton and others of that ilk lurking in the background. There was something fishy (or batty) about this from the very beginning. Too many things didn't add up/make sense.  And Kaos TOLD YA'LL'S ASS what was up from the jump. 

Second?  The absolute panic unleashed by the dire predictions from Chicken Little Fauci, that shrimpy Demented Dr. Death fuck, is completely unwarranted.  It is a balls out over-reaction and if anything, has worsened the situation.  

a) The massive run on hospitals hasn't happened and won't happen.  Those frightening tent cities they built that were all over the news?  Those fucking things are quietly being dismantled because NOBODY EVERY WENT TO ONE.  They stood empty.  Don't believe the fucking sad-sack commercials of nurses with their faces scarred from plague masks.  They are BULLSHIT.   Wear a mask to the grocery store and get a few things.  Your face will look like that too.  

Here's a conversation I had with an actual nurse two days ago.  It started with some self-serving picture she was sending around with the comment "I can't shelter in place, I'm a nurse holding down the front lines of this war!" on it.  She followed that with "hospitals simply can't keep up with the overwhelming need.  People are literally dying and we can't do anything about it.  All we can do is our best and pray that God leads us through this wilderness."   So I asked her how many COVID patients she's seen.  Two.  She's seen two.  One is/was critical and is also 84 years old.  So she's overwhelmed?  No, but she's sure they will be, we haven't reached the peak yet.  Really?  So what's her 'peak expectation'?  Thousands. Could be thousands.  Based on what?  People not practicing social distancing, THAT'S what!  Are you questioning how serious this is, or what we're going through?  What are you going through, really.  Two patients in over a month?  How DARE I diminish the round-the-clock work being put in by doctors and nurses, they are the REAL heroes in this fight.  We'll never win with idiots like you out there.  *sigh*  Two patients since March 16.  Two.  Amen. 

Kaos told you all this was bullshit from the start.  Remember that. 

b) The number of COVID deaths is greatly exaggerated.  Don't believe me?  Look at the statistics.  Even though we've suffered such a tremendous loss from this dreaded pandemic, we can take comfort and solace in the fact that other diseases have been miraculously cured.  While COVID deaths spiked, the number of people dying from heart disease, pneumonia and the regular flu plummeted to historic lows!!  We are so, so truly blessed!!  

It's bullshit people.  Kaos told you and is telling you again.  

c) I don't care if you stay six feet away, ten feet away or wrap yourself in a condom.  You WILL get exposed to this and in all likelihood already have been.  A very small number of you will show any symptoms.  Of that minuscule number, a tiny percentage will notice anything beyond some mild aggravation.  Of that even tinier number, a teeny fraction will actually suffer harmful effects.  BUT THOSE ARE THE MOTHERFUCKERS WE WILL SEE ALL OVER FACEBOOK AND THE MEDIA!  Fuck the 100,000 who have/had it and weren't bothered.  Let's focus elsewhere so Fear Factor can ramp up again.  

It's all bullshit.  This is a man-made virus/bug.  It is a test.  Somebody is testing something either for the release of a true pandemic or to see just how far we will let the government go in stripping away our freedoms in the name of safety.  

We are giving away things now that we will never get back.  The "stimulus money" is all well and good (I won't get a single cent of it, dammit) but at the same time it has reached out and put a hook in every single person in the country who takes it.  It's made them/us ignore our innate American spirit of freedom, hard work, enterprise and sacrifice and latched us firmly on the government titty.  

And Kaos done told you again.  
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Re: The Virus, Cyrus
« Reply #166 on: April 17, 2020, 01:51:14 PM »
Is it over yet? 

Florida beaches are about to open back up this weekend.  I know a number of business owners who have reached the "fuck it" stage and are about to quietly resume operations.  People as a whole are starting to wake up to the fact that you can't really allow the government to tell you to stay at home. It's not American. The government can provide you information and inform you of the risks, but if you're free?  You have the right to take that risk. 

We are ALWAYS at risk. Every day.  Everything we do is a calculated risk.  No government (federal, state or local) truly has the right to tell me I cannot open my business.  Employees can choose to stay home and I can accommodate them (or not).  Customers can stay away, at which point I have a decision to make. But I'm just not sure the government actually has the authority to close my business or anyone else's unilaterally like this. 

First please note that despite the dismissiveness of some(wes)one on here, Kaos was 1000% right on every bit of this shit (as usual). 

This virus, such as it is, is most likely man-made in China.  You, we, will never find out the truth but if you did you'd likely find Bill Gates, George Soros, Hillary Clinton and others of that ilk lurking in the background. There was something fishy (or batty) about this from the very beginning. Too many things didn't add up/make sense.  And Kaos TOLD YA'LL'S ASS what was up from the jump.

Second?  The absolute panic unleashed by the dire predictions from Chicken Little Fauci, that shrimpy Demented Dr. Death fuck, is completely unwarranted.  It is a balls out over-reaction and if anything, has worsened the situation. 

a) The massive run on hospitals hasn't happened and won't happen.  Those frightening tent cities they built that were all over the news?  Those fucking things are quietly being dismantled because NOBODY EVERY WENT TO ONE.  They stood empty.  Don't believe the fucking sad-sack commercials of nurses with their faces scarred from plague masks.  They are BULLSHIT.  Wear a mask to the grocery store and get a few things.  Your face will look like that too. 

Here's a conversation I had with an actual nurse two days ago.  It started with some self-serving picture she was sending around with the comment "I can't shelter in place, I'm a nurse holding down the front lines of this war!" on it.  She followed that with "hospitals simply can't keep up with the overwhelming need.  People are literally dying and we can't do anything about it.  All we can do is our best and pray that God leads us through this wilderness."  So I asked her how many COVID patients she's seen.  Two.  She's seen two.  One is/was critical and is also 84 years old.  So she's overwhelmed?  No, but she's sure they will be, we haven't reached the peak yet.  Really?  So what's her 'peak expectation'?  Thousands. Could be thousands.  Based on what?  People not practicing social distancing, THAT'S what!  Are you questioning how serious this is, or what we're going through?  What are you going through, really.  Two patients in over a month?  How DARE I diminish the round-the-clock work being put in by doctors and nurses, they are the REAL heroes in this fight.  We'll never win with idiots like you out there.  *sigh*  Two patients since March 16.  Two.  Amen.

Kaos told you all this was bullshit from the start.  Remember that.

b) The number of COVID deaths is greatly exaggerated.  Don't believe me?  Look at the statistics.  Even though we've suffered such a tremendous loss from this dreaded pandemic, we can take comfort and solace in the fact that other diseases have been miraculously cured.  While COVID deaths spiked, the number of people dying from heart disease, pneumonia and the regular flu plummeted to historic lows!!  We are so, so truly blessed!! 

It's bullshit people.  Kaos told you and is telling you again. 

c) I don't care if you stay six feet away, ten feet away or wrap yourself in a condom.  You WILL get exposed to this and in all likelihood already have been.  A very small number of you will show any symptoms.  Of that minuscule number, a tiny percentage will notice anything beyond some mild aggravation.  Of that even tinier number, a teeny fraction will actually suffer harmful effects.  BUT THOSE ARE THE MOTHERFUCKERS WE WILL SEE ALL OVER FACEBOOK AND THE MEDIA!  Fuck the 100,000 who have/had it and weren't bothered.  Let's focus elsewhere so Fear Factor can ramp up again. 

It's all bullshit.  This is a man-made virus/bug.  It is a test.  Somebody is testing something either for the release of a true pandemic or to see just how far we will let the government go in stripping away our freedoms in the name of safety. 

We are giving away things now that we will never get back.  The "stimulus money" is all well and good (I won't get a single cent of it, dammit) but at the same time it has reached out and put a hook in every single person in the country who takes it.  It's made them/us ignore our innate American spirit of freedom, hard work, enterprise and sacrifice and latched us firmly on the government titty. 

And Kaos done told you again. 
Serious question. Have you ever been wrong?
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Re: The Virus, Cyrus
« Reply #167 on: April 17, 2020, 01:59:48 PM »
Serious question. Have you ever been wrong?
I once thought you were funny.  Does that count?
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Re: The Virus, Cyrus
« Reply #168 on: April 17, 2020, 02:09:17 PM »
I once thought you were funny.  Does that count?
That’s really not even debatable. You were correct then. Wait.
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Re: The Virus, Cyrus
« Reply #169 on: April 17, 2020, 02:18:18 PM »
I once thought you were funny.  Does that count?
Oooooohhhh Will Smith GIF - Oooooohhhh WillSmith FreshPrince ...
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: The Virus, Cyrus
« Reply #170 on: April 17, 2020, 03:07:33 PM »
Oooooohhhh Will Smith GIF - Oooooohhhh WillSmith FreshPrince ...
That didn’t burn. You idiot.

Did not bother me, none. He knows that I’m funny. 

Ask Wes. Or, Token. Token loves my stuff, except when I talk about inmate sex. He doesn’t think that’s funny, at all.
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Re: The Virus, Cyrus
« Reply #171 on: April 17, 2020, 03:24:35 PM »
Speaking of Token, I dreamed about him last night. I was going through his town and I was smoking pot and drinking whiskey, as usual and he pulled me over.

Now, I don’t even know if jailers have the authority to make traffic stops. Anyway, he had a bubblegum light on top so I stopped.

We talked for a bit and then when he figured out who I was, he starts getting lippy with me. Talking about my attitude, arrogance and brain issues. So, about the time he got idiot out of his mouth, I introduced my left hook to his jaw.

The rest is kind of blurry but I’m pretty sure it is like it would be in real life. Meaning, he balled up into a ball and immediately fell onto the ground and absorbed most of the licks quite squarely. His training obviously kicked in.

I have to hand it to him. He never lost consciousness. Just to add insult to injury, and I probably should not have, but I pulled his pants down. And I left him beside the road on Main Street with his light still flashing and siren on, handcuffed to the back of his golf cart.
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Buzz Killington

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Re: The Virus, Cyrus
« Reply #172 on: April 17, 2020, 04:14:06 PM »
But we just had our biggest day EVAR yesterday with 500 new cases!  How can you be so insensitive to all those folks with sore throats?  
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Now I may be an idiot, but there is one thing I am not, sir, and that, sir, is an idiot.


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Re: The Virus, Cyrus
« Reply #173 on: April 17, 2020, 04:42:57 PM »
But we just had our biggest day EVAR yesterday with 500 new cases!  How can you be so insensitive to all those folks with sore throats? 
Coughing GIFs | Tenor
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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  • Don't touch Tappy, he's a service tiger.
Re: The Virus, Cyrus
« Reply #174 on: April 17, 2020, 04:43:18 PM »
But we just had our biggest day EVAR yesterday with 500 new cases!  How can you be so insensitive to all those folks with sore throats? 
I actually understand why you are so cavalier, at your age. But if kaos or snags get this, they are going to be sucking on a tube.

No fun.
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Re: The Virus, Cyrus
« Reply #175 on: April 17, 2020, 04:47:32 PM »
I actually understand why you are so cavalier, at your age. But if kaos or snags get this, they are going to be sucking on a tube.

No fun.
You finally earn a like from me and the damn button is broken.  It's like a free ride when you already paid.  Who would have thought?  It figures.
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Now I may be an idiot, but there is one thing I am not, sir, and that, sir, is an idiot.


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Re: The Virus, Cyrus
« Reply #176 on: April 17, 2020, 04:52:29 PM »
You finally earn a like from me and the damn button is broken.  It's like a free ride when you already paid.  Who would have thought?  It figures.
It’s the thought that counts. I have been waiting for that for years. My work here is done.

Edit: ok, I missed it but it’s like rain, on your wedding day.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 05:08:14 PM by WiregrassTiger »
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Re: The Virus, Cyrus
« Reply #177 on: April 19, 2020, 11:16:21 PM »
Serious question. Have you ever been wrong?
He’s not wrong on this.  I’ve been saying the same thing since this whole fiasco began.   
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Re: The Virus, Cyrus
« Reply #178 on: April 20, 2020, 08:04:25 AM »
The elites now know they can scare people into their homes and control life for weeks at a time. This is no small thing. This was the test run to create the OWG they've been angling to implement for decades. What will be interesting is if more places like Florida and Michigan continue their own revolt. If Governors decide "we're open for business" what can the Fed Gov't do but intervene with the military?

Moreover, the elites are now shifting the narrative to "SECOND WAVE FEAR" in order to eliminate anything fun, social, or normal until 2022. That date gives them enough time to take over both houses of Congress and the White House which will flip the SCOTUS after a couple dusty ones up there "retire" and are replaced by more Saul Alinsky disciples.
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"I'm sick of following my dreams...I'm just going to ask them where they are going and hook up with 'em later." - Mitch Hedberg


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Re: The Virus, Cyrus
« Reply #179 on: April 21, 2020, 05:05:25 PM »
He’s not wrong on this.  I’ve been saying the same thing since this whole fiasco began. 
1. If I tell you that a piss ant can eat a bale of hay, hand him a fork.

2. who are you?
« Last Edit: April 21, 2020, 05:52:17 PM by WiregrassTiger »
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