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Tony Franklin on Finebaum


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Re: Tony Franklin on Finebaum
« Reply #20 on: October 23, 2008, 08:15:31 AM »
As I stated before, he and Rush Probst are good buddies, so take what Franklin says with a grain of salt.

He is not the first OC to be given a better job offer, so he is not the first to not be able to bring in his own staff. Others have did it and succeeded (see Al Borges' first year), so why would Franklin get a pass? His job was to make his system to work with what we had. Is CTT at fault aslo? Sure he is because he hired the guy. However, I am hearing way too much about Franklin and the issues he had as far as getting along with other staff members and the total lack of faith the players had in him to believe he was thrown under the bus.

Had the chance to converse with some HS football assistant coaches and officials from Clay County and Dallas County the past week; they all very negative comments on Probst. They basically all called him a POS.

How many assistants did Bobby Petrino or Will Muschamp bring to Auburn.........ZERO.
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Re: Tony Franklin on Finebaum
« Reply #21 on: October 23, 2008, 08:35:19 AM »
How many assistants did Bobby Petrino or Will Muschamp bring to Auburn.........ZERO.

This is where I am.  Coordinators very rarely bring "their staff".
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Re: Tony Franklin on Finebaum
« Reply #22 on: October 23, 2008, 08:47:10 AM »
WORD!!!  If Franklin was even telling half the truth about what went on, Tommy Tuberville needs to step back and look at how he's handling this entire program and the people in it. 

I disagree.  Tuberville is the CEO.  That's his job.  He hires people to handle various aspects while he focuses on the big picture. 

I run a software company.  There was a time I could code and do DB development, etc. but that time is past.  Right now my focus is on keeping the business running.  I have a director of development.  I have a QA manager. When I want to know how things are going, I ask them.  But we're in the same building and other than to say hey in the hall, I haven't sat down and talked to the director of development in probably three months.  I trust her (yes, her) to handle whatever needs to be handled.  But if I start to hear that things are bungled, I'm going to talk to her and will probably start giving advice.  That's how things are done.
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Re: Tony Franklin on Finebaum
« Reply #23 on: October 23, 2008, 09:36:16 AM »
I disagree.  Tuberville is the CEO.  That's his job.  He hires people to handle various aspects while he focuses on the big picture. 

I run a software company.  There was a time I could code and do DB development, etc. but that time is past.  Right now my focus is on keeping the business running.  I have a director of development.  I have a QA manager. When I want to know how things are going, I ask them.  But we're in the same building and other than to say hey in the hall, I haven't sat down and talked to the director of development in probably three months.  I trust her (yes, her) to handle whatever needs to be handled.  But if I start to hear that things are bungled,

And that's how things bite you in the ass, as in the epic failure that is Auburn football right now.  Wonder how Borges felt about the communication that went on while he was there?  Problem is, according to Franklin, (And I know you don't want to hear anything he says) that Tuberville did virtually zero communicating with him in the 10 months he was there.  CTT's good ole boy network refused to cooperate with Franklin and the results were painfully obvious on the field.  Tuberville never got involved until game day.  If that's the case, it's beyond ridiculous. 

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Re: Tony Franklin on Finebaum
« Reply #24 on: October 23, 2008, 09:45:26 AM »
I have issues with teh quote function this morning.
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Re: Tony Franklin on Finebaum
« Reply #25 on: October 23, 2008, 09:55:57 AM »
I disagree.  Tuberville is the CEO.  That's his job.  He hires people to handle various aspects while he focuses on the big picture. 

I run a software company.  There was a time I could code and do DB development, etc. but that time is past.  Right now my focus is on keeping the business running.  I have a director of development.  I have a QA manager. When I want to know how things are going, I ask them.  But we're in the same building and other than to say hey in the hall, I haven't sat down and talked to the director of development in probably three months.  I trust her (yes, her) to handle whatever needs to be handled.  But if I start to hear that things are bungled,

And that's how things bite you in the ass, as in the epic failure that is Auburn football right now.  Wonder how Borges felt about the communication that went on while he was there?  Problem is, according to Franklin, (And I know you don't want to hear anything he says) that Tuberville did virtually zero communicating with him in the 10 months he was there.  CTT's good ole boy network refused to cooperate with Franklin and the results were painfully obvious on the field.  Tuberville never got involved until game day.  If that's the case, it's beyond ridiculous. 

So are you saying my people are going to bite me in the ass?  

All I know is that my function here has to be above the day-to-day grindage.  If I get immersed in the details and the million little decisions that have to be made, I become ineffective.  I trust my people to get it done.  When it comes time to go do a presentation or to handle a situation, I still run point.  And when I see things being done in a way with which I disagree, I make changes.  Same thing as Tuberville.  Also the same as Tuberville, I am going to trust the people who have been with me longest -- right or wrong -- before I trust somebody new.  I've done what he did before. I've hired guys/girls with good resumes and lots of ideas, but when they clashed so badly with the people I had in place that I spent more time mediating arguments than I did anything else I made a cut.  

I've also been on the other side of the fence.  I've been Franklin.  Way back in the day I owned a furniture store.  After I sold it, a  guy I knew who had a relatively well-established store and he wanted me to come in and take over the sales floor.  He had a different way of doing things than I did and he had an assistant manager who'd been with him since day one. Most of the rest of his crew had been there six years or more. Well I came in and tried to shake things up.  I changed the displays, I changed the way the rest of the people on the floor dressed and the way they greeted the customers. I changed where things were arranged. And there were complaints.  Customers who'd been coming there for years liked things "the old way."  The sales crew didn't like being knocked out of their comfort zones. More problematic was that the assistant manager and I fought almost constantly.  I came in one morning and he accused me of stealing his keys (which I didn't). That escalated into a shouting match, which escalated into him throwing a styrofoam cup of coffee at me, which by miracle I was able to dodge and swat back into his face -- dousing his clothes. That escalated into an invitation to step outside, which morphed into the assistant manager taking a table leg over the head -- and Kaos getting bludgeoned by a bed rail.  When the owner was told about the fracas, he called me in and let me go.  Didn't matter that the guy found his keys where he'd left them, didn't matter that he threw the coffee or that he threw the first punch.  The store had been successful before I got there and it was "in turmoil" since I arrived.  I had to leave. I didn't care, I had plenty of money and was just doing them a favor anyway.  So I left.  The store kept some of the changes I made, reversed some of the others and long story short, it developed into a multi-million dollar enterprise.  The assistant manager was eventually hired by another chain to run its stores and he failed miserably which made me glad.   And over time, the guy who owned the store and I got over the deal and became friends again.  Over the years I've done some consulting work for him on management and also done some buying for him at furniture shows while his wife was sick.  My ideas were good. They worked well for me. But in that situation, I just didn't fit.  Neither did Franklin.  
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Re: Tony Franklin on Finebaum
« Reply #26 on: October 23, 2008, 10:15:09 AM »
if you are coaching at Troy and AU comes and offers you alot more cash, plus the chance to put your offense on a national stage, are you going to turn it down just because you can't bring your assistants? hell no.

That's true.....buuuuuut....if you go into the situation with your eyes wide open vis a vis the lack of "your assistants" coming along, then you never, ever get to bitch and whine about not having those guys once things go sour.
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Re: Tony Franklin on Finebaum
« Reply #27 on: October 23, 2008, 10:58:01 AM »
I think Franklin said as much. He went into it, knowing the deck was stacked against him and took a chance at the brass ring.  Look, Franklin may be a scum bag for all I know.  I'm not trying to justify his actions or have a pity party for him.  But, his interview didn't come off as whining to me and despite how bad Finebaum tried, he didn't blast everyone and make you fear some tell-all book a year from now. 

What concerns me is the dysfunctional picture he painted of how everything went down since he got there.  It's funny how that's been the speculation for weeks, how Tommy's long standing buddies may not be buying into this offense or better yet, still doing their own thing.  Now Franklin comes out and confirms that very thing.  Then goes so far as to admit that Tuberville doesn't do shit til' he sticks his nose into things on game day.

Again, Franklin may be a douche.  Probably is.  But, what i got from his interview...and by the way, he's the only one talking about it...is the following:

He had concerns from the start about wholesale changes and not having his assistants.  But admittedly, he decided to take the chance. (Why not, triple your freakin' salary at a top 10 program?)

He knew after one week that there were problems, namely he and some of the assistants weren't going to mesh.

Tommy Tuberville had next to no communication with him over a 10 month period....but damn sure stuck his nose in when he didn't like something.

Tuberville FAILED to step in and force his long time buds to make this thing work.

Franklin took more than his share of the blame for the breakdown.

Look, I love Auburn and Auburn football as much as anyone.  I hope that CTT and his boys turn it around and win some of these final games.  But history with our fearless leader has proven that we'll be going through this same shit again in 1 maybe 2 years.

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Re: Tony Franklin on Finebaum
« Reply #28 on: October 23, 2008, 11:39:21 AM »
Then goes so far as to admit that Tuberville doesn't do shit til' he sticks his nose into things on game day.

He had concerns from the start about wholesale changes and not having his assistants.  But admittedly, he decided to take the chance. (Why not, triple your freakin' salary at a top 10 program?)

He knew after one week that there were problems, namely he and some of the assistants weren't going to mesh.

Tommy Tuberville had next to no communication with him over a 10 month period....but damn sure stuck his nose in when he didn't like something.

Tuberville FAILED to step in and force his long time buds to make this thing work.

Franklin took more than his share of the blame for the breakdown.

Allow me to retort:

The idea that "Tuberville didn't do shit" is erroneous.  He didn't micromanage Franklin, which is to be expected of people in a CEO position.  You hire who you hope are the right people and then you get out of their way and let them do their jobs.  I worked for a big company for four years. I had a "high profile" job. You know how often I saw the CEO (in the same building)?  Other than staff meetings, I saw him maybe five times. MAYBE.  But if I did something that he disagreed with or was in opposition to his view of how the company should go? I heard from him either by email, in person or through his people.  Tuberville's job is not to micro manage his staff. His job is to run the entire program -- a job that in this day and time entails fewer Xs and Os.  That's how BIG programs are run.  The fact that Franklin is whining about not having "his" assistants and complaining that Tommy didn't spend enough time with him clearly indicates to me that he was not prepared for a Fortune 500 company and is a better fit for a Mom and Pop shop. 

If there was a possible failure on Tuberville's part it would appear that it was in not insisting that his long-time staffers capitulate to Franklin's wishes, but none of us know how Franklin went about his job or whether HE caused the friction with his approach.  Those kind of things are always a two-way street.  Do you honestly think Knox, Nall, Ensminger and Dunn sat around going -- "damn that Tony Franklin, I hope we lose a bunch of games so we can all be fired."   Maybe they looked at what he was trying to do, looked at his approach, looked at how he handled things and RIGHTLY decided that the guy was a cluster fuck.  Maybe they watched him kneel at the Chris Todd altar to the detriment of the entire team and realized that Franklin was more about HIMSELF than he was about the TEAM and repudiated him.  You can't deny that he stubbornly stuck with Todd when it was apparent to even dead blind people that Todd couldn't cut it.

I'm REALLY tired of hearing about how he's "been successful" at coaching this.  Fact is Franklin really HAS NOT been successful at it.  He didn't coach this at Kentucky, he was a freaking RB coach and they were running Mumme's system.  Yeah Troy racked up some points -- garbage points against teams in some cases -- but that's still Troy.  Defenses in the SEC are different than the Sunbelt.  Yeah he sold it to a bunch of high schools who do okay with it.  But a lot of high schools have great success with he Wing-T.  I don't see any up and coming Wing-T coordinators. 

Franklin "designed" an offensive system and he sold it to a bunch of people.  I designed a program that manages electronic classroom instruction and I sell that.  That doesn't mean I'm qualified to take over as head of a school.  And it didn't mean Franklin was qualified to take over as OC.

He FAILED.  Move on.

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Re: Tony Franklin on Finebaum
« Reply #29 on: October 23, 2008, 12:00:12 PM »
Tommy Tuberville had next to no communication with him over a 10 month period....but damn sure stuck his nose in when he didn't like something.

So the only line of communication would be from CTT down to Franklin?  It wasn't allowed to be initiated from the bottom up?  Did CTT shut the door in Franklin's face if he asked for some face time? 

I do not talk to my CEO on a regular basis either, but if I have a major contracts issue that might cause us grief and heartburn, you bet your ass I am going to be knocking on his door.  I don't wait until the shit hits the fan and make him come to me asking "WTF??" That is a career limiting strategy.
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Re: Tony Franklin on Finebaum
« Reply #30 on: October 23, 2008, 12:19:16 PM »
Folks, stop with the CEO analogies.  This is not Microsoft and Tubby has what, 10 coaches under him?  HELL YES, Tommy Tuberville should be communicating with the very person he hired to run the fucking offense.  There were OBVIOUS problems and he did NOTHING except micromanage on game day.  Decision to put Kodi in?  We all wanted it but that wasn't Franklin, was it?  Nice press conference afterwards, huh?

Should Tommy Tuberville have his finger on the pulse of everything going on with his program and that HUGE staff undeneath him.  Ummm...I'm thinking all the speculation about whether or not he might lose a 3 million per year job says he'd better.  Or is he in just too cushy a position to give a shit?
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Re: Tony Franklin on Finebaum
« Reply #31 on: October 23, 2008, 12:20:16 PM »
So the only line of communication would be from CTT down to Franklin?  It wasn't allowed to be initiated from the bottom up?  Did CTT shut the door in Franklin's face if he asked for some face time? 

I do not talk to my CEO on a regular basis either, but if I have a major contracts issue that might cause us grief and heartburn, you bet your ass I am going to be knocking on his door.  I don't wait until the shit hits the fan and make him come to me asking "WTF??" That is a career limiting strategy.

Agreed.  And as I said before it shows that Franklin was not prepared for a Fortune 500 environment, but was better suited for a Mom and Pop operation.  That's not a condemnation, its just a fact.  Sometimes you hire people and they don't fit.  A Fortune 500 type guy like Tuberville would be adrift at a school like Samford.
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Re: Tony Franklin on Finebaum
« Reply #32 on: October 23, 2008, 12:25:32 PM »
Folks, stop with the CEO analogies.  This is not Microsoft and Tubby has what, 10 coaches under him?  HELL YES, Tommy Tuberville should be communicating with the very person he hired to run the fucking offense.  There were OBVIOUS problems and he did NOTHING except micromanage on game day.  Decision to put Kodi in?  We all wanted it but that wasn't Franklin, was it?  Nice press conference afterwards, huh?

Should Tommy Tuberville have his finger on the pulse of everything going on with his program and that HUGE staff undeneath him.  Ummm...I'm thinking all the speculation about whether or not he might lose a 3 million per year job says he'd better.  Or is he in just too cushy a position to give a shit?

Ten coaches. 

Eleventy billion grad assistants, trainers, water boys, runners etc.  Another eleventy billion support staff people from media reps on. Responsible for a $400 katrillion budget.  Full schedule of speaking engagements, recruiting trips, media ops, press conferences, etc. Then there's marketing, endorsements and meetings with supporters.

I commend his handling of the Burns thing in the press conference.  He didn't throw Franklin under the bus and said the decision was his -- even though it wasn't.  He could have usurped his authority but he didn't.  I thought he handled that well.  Franklin was the one who bungled that.  He was thinking ONLY about himself and not the team.

Every decision that is made regarding football runs through Tuberville.  When you're in that position you HAVE to have symmetry. You have to know that everybody is pulling in the same direction.  When you've got one brand new mule kicking the others in the pack, you have to shoot it.  He did.  Kudos.

You want Tuberville to "let his coaches coach" and then condemn him for the same? 
« Last Edit: October 23, 2008, 12:28:55 PM by Kaos »
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Re: Tony Franklin on Finebaum
« Reply #33 on: October 23, 2008, 12:52:54 PM »
Tuberville didn't let the coaches coach.  He never has.  Period.  Isn't that the whole point of this?  He hires Tony Franklin to implement his system and then steps back while his long time assistants undermind everything he's hired to do?  Tommy Tuberville should have DEMANDED that everyone get on the same page and run the offense the way it's supposed to be run.

Did he fuck with Borges?  Oh yeah, he did.  He said as much on two different occasions I recall.  Franklin says he stayed completely out of it...until game day....which is exactly what Borges indicated.

Look, I'm not going to debate how Tuberville Captain's his ship anymore.  I'm just basing my argument on the fact that Franklin just affirmed everything I've been thinking and perceived about how it's run.  Is he lying?  Who knows...but again, he's the only one talking about it and it matches up perfectly with what's happened on the field.  Bottom line for me is, I'm tired of mediocrity.  I'm tired of going through this crap every year or so.  I'm tired of 1 SEC championship in 10 freakin' years. 

As I said earlier, I hope Auburn wins tonight and next week and the week after....I hope the ship is righted in 2008.  But again, a new OC will be hired and history under Tuberville says, we'll be on this board hashing out this same shit again in a year or two and wondering when we're going to get over the hump.   
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Re: Tony Franklin on Finebaum
« Reply #34 on: October 23, 2008, 02:23:30 PM »
Perhaps he should have communicated with him on some level, but I think most offensive coordinators would consider it ideal to not have a defensive head coach meddling in their business.
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Re: Tony Franklin on Finebaum
« Reply #35 on: October 23, 2008, 02:30:58 PM »
From all that I've read and have been told, you guys are completely missing the problem.  The problem wasn't between Franklin an Tuberville...The problem was between Franklin and the assistant coaches...and Tuberville's stubbornness in regard to them.  As long as Knox, Nall, etc... are there, we are going to have a shitty offense.
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Re: Tony Franklin on Finebaum
« Reply #36 on: October 23, 2008, 03:23:19 PM »
From all that I've read and have been told, you guys are completely missing the problem.  The problem wasn't between Franklin an Tuberville...The problem was between Franklin and the assistant coaches...and Tuberville's stubbornness in regard to them.  As long as Knox, Nall, etc... are there, we are going to have a shitty offense.

You just argued much of my position.  My problem with regard to CTT is why he didn't make sure his long time assistants and the guy he brought in were on the same page?  Firing Knox because he's a shitty coach....well, you've got a point there.
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Re: Tony Franklin on Finebaum
« Reply #37 on: October 23, 2008, 03:32:01 PM »
Tuberville didn't let the coaches coach.  He never has.  Period.  Isn't that the whole point of this?  He hires Tony Franklin to implement his system and then steps back while his long time assistants undermind everything he's hired to do?  Tommy Tuberville should have DEMANDED that everyone get on the same page and run the offense the way it's supposed to be run.

Did he fuck with Borges?  Oh yeah, he did.  He said as much on two different occasions I recall.  Franklin says he stayed completely out of it...until game day....which is exactly what Borges indicated.

Look, I'm not going to debate how Tuberville Captain's his ship anymore.  I'm just basing my argument on the fact that Franklin just affirmed everything I've been thinking and perceived about how it's run.  Is he lying?  Who knows...but again, he's the only one talking about it and it matches up perfectly with what's happened on the field.  Bottom line for me is, I'm tired of mediocrity.  I'm tired of going through this crap every year or so.  I'm tired of 1 SEC championship in 10 freakin' years. 

As I said earlier, I hope Auburn wins tonight and next week and the week after....I hope the ship is righted in 2008.  But again, a new OC will be hired and history under Tuberville says, we'll be on this board hashing out this same shit again in a year or two and wondering when we're going to get over the hump.   

Okay.  I feel the pain.  

In 2003 I wrote a scathing column that chronicled his major failures.  I pointed out critical "get over the hump" games where AU had been blindsided. Arkansas debacles with Fred Tally gaining 492 yards and 11 TDs.  The 31-7 Andrew Zow meltdown.  My contention then was that in opportunities to push Auburn into the national discussion, he'd dropped the ball. And often bumbled it dramatically.  But you know what?  I went back and looked at Dye's record.  Same damn thing.  

1983:  Texas 20, Auburn 7.  Cost AU a national title.
1984:  Miami 20, Auburn 18. Confirmed that the pollsters had been right to deny AU in 83. Four loss debacle.
1985:  Four loss season, debacle
1986:  Florida 18, Auburn 17. Cost AU a shot at a national title
1987:  Two ties, one to Tennessee. Won mythical SEC title, but lost to FSU 34-6
1988:  LSU 7, Auburn 6.  Cost AU a shot at the national title and would have DESTROYED Notre Dame.
1989:  Lost two games by a total of 15 points to inferior teams
1990:  Tied Tennessee, got annihilated by Florida. Lost the following week to Southern Miss. At the time of the Florida drubbing, AU was 1 or 2 in the polls.

I do think Franklin is a self-serving person and that his comments may be colored by his own skewed perception of how things actually were. It happens. I think his perception might be just a little off and that he probably let "new guy syndrome" get to him.  They had cookouts. Maybe he wasn't invited. Maybe he didn't go. He felt ostracized. His wife wasn't in the sewing circle with other wives. I think he handled that poorly, and also was in completely over his head.  Anybody watching could tell that. He had no concept whatsoever of how to manage a game. "If we call a play that doesn't work, we'll just call another one."  Except he didn't call another one. He kept calling the same ones with the same result.  "I'm a dumbass."  Yes, yes you are.

I know you hate the CEO analogy, but it fits.  When does Tuberville fuck with his assistants?  When he looks out on the field and things are going badly.  Just like any other CEO.  When it isn't working, he gets involved. Makes suggestions. Overrides decisions. Whatever he can do to make it work. Because when it doesn't, who gets the blame?  Have you ever heard Tuberville take credit for a win?  No. He credits the assistants, the players, cheerleaders, fans.  Even when he might have been the one making the call.

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Re: Tony Franklin on Finebaum
« Reply #38 on: October 23, 2008, 03:39:46 PM »

1983:  Texas 20, Auburn 7.  Cost AU a national title.
1984:  Miami 20, Auburn 18. Confirmed that the pollsters had been right to deny AU in 83. Four loss debacle.
1985:  Four loss season, debacle
1986:  Florida 18, Auburn 17. Cost AU a shot at a national title
1987:  Two ties, one to Tennessee. Won mythical SEC title, but lost to FSU 34-6
1988:  LSU 7, Auburn 6.  Cost AU a shot at the national title and would have DESTROYED Notre Dame.
1989:  Lost two games by a total of 15 points to inferior teams
1990:  Tied Tennessee, got annihilated by Florida. Lost the following week to Southern Miss. At the time of the Florida drubbing, AU was 1 or 2 in the polls.

Thank you.  Same thing that I point out to the Warden when he bitches about CTT having letdown ballgames.  We all seem to forget over time the shitty losses that Dye or anyone else have had.  CTT has his issues as we all do but I would say he is being graded on a different scale than any other past coach because those past losses no longer sting as much.
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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."


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Re: Tony Franklin on Finebaum
« Reply #39 on: October 23, 2008, 05:12:41 PM »

I'm REALLY tired of hearing about how he's "been successful" at coaching this.  Fact is Franklin really HAS NOT been successful at it.  He didn't coach this at Kentucky, he was a freaking RB coach and they were running Mumme's system.  Yeah Troy racked up some points -- garbage points against teams in some cases -- but that's still Troy.  Defenses in the SEC are different than the Sunbelt.  Yeah he sold it to a bunch of high schools who do okay with it.  But a lot of high schools have great success with he Wing-T.  I don't see any up and coming Wing-T coordinators. 

Franklin "designed" an offensive system and he sold it to a bunch of people.  I designed a program that manages electronic classroom instruction and I sell that.  That doesn't mean I'm qualified to take over as head of a school.  And it didn't mean Franklin was qualified to take over as OC.

He FAILED.  Move on.

I've been mulling this point for a while.  There is a saying that is appropriate:  Those who can, do.  Those who can't, teach.

There's a reason Tiger Woods' swing coach isn't on the tour.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2008, 05:40:26 PM by wesfau2 »
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You can keep a wooden stake in your trunk
On the off-chance that the fairy tales ain't bunk
And Imma keep a bottle of that funk
To get motel parking lot, balcony crunk.