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It might be over...


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It might be over...
« on: October 21, 2008, 02:27:07 PM »
But I don't think it's as over/over as the media would have you believe.  I just did a state-by-state tabulation of where I think the voting will end up (a CNN interactive map, here: http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/calculator/index.html)  and based on how I think things could easily fall, McCain actually wins 272-266. 

I did it a different way and came up with a 269-all tie.

What is critical from studying this map is that McCain HAS to turn one of two leaning states -- either Virginia or Pennsylvania -- retain the ones leaning to him and then pick up Florida, Ohio, NC and Missouri.  In that scenario he would still need to capture Colorado, which I think would happen.  But if he can flip BOTH PA and VA, then it's a whole new ball game. 

All of those states are well within the margin of error UNLESS you rely on CNN which gives Obama double-digit leads in several of those states.  They would have you believe it is over. 

I hope McCain can make politcal hay with Biden's idiotic comments and with the latest Ayers revelations.  He HAS to get Palin out there more.  She will energize the voters. 

This election is no longer really about politics. It's a bunch of moronic American Idol watchers pushing the button to vote somebody off the stage. 
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Re: It might be over...
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2008, 07:25:01 PM »
GREAT TOOL!!  Thanks for posting that Kaos!  A new political toy to play with... :pb:

I think that your scenario has some merit but it does vex me that a centrist like McCain has not been able to carry the fight for electoral votes into more blue states like New Hampshire where he's very popular.  PA ought to be in his column too but there's just too much opposition in Philadelphia I think.  CO really surprises me too but the demographics are changing in Denver and some liberal leakage from NM is probably occurring.  IA really should be in his column too as should every Southern state.

We'll see...although I'm past enthusiasm and approaching apathy I have not completely given up hope yet.
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Re: It might be over...
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2008, 03:17:48 PM »
We'll see...although I'm past enthusiasm and approaching apathy I have not completely given up hope yet.

Oh shit...things are worse than I thought...
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