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Voodoofest 2019


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  • My Fighting Pearls
Voodoofest 2019
« on: October 28, 2019, 12:12:09 PM »
Got back late last night from New Orleans after chaperoning my son and his friend to the weekend long concert called Voodoofest.  Yes, he's 19 but I ain't ready to let him loose in NOLA and the 5+ hour drive that goes along with it.  Plus, I hadn't been to that area in about 20 years. 

First, 90% of this event is for people a hell of a lot younger than myself.  Meaning, just about everyone.  Even though there were plenty of "old" peeps there, it was dominated by teens up to about 30 year olds.  There were about 60 bands and I had actually heard of maybe 6 or 7 of them.  The headliners for Friday, Saturday and Sunday were Guns-n-Roses, Beck and Post Malone respectively.  The event is held at City Park and it's a massive set up with about 6 stages spread throughout the park.  Well run.  Lots of food/liquor and assorted vendors available with port-o-shitters a-plenty. 

Being that it's called Voodoofest and right at Halloween, the theme is for everyone to dress up...or down....or not wear very much at all.  Truth be told, there was a veritable cornucopia of exposed tits and bootay.  I went as a 59 year old lawyer dressed casually with an Auburn cap.  I was kind of a hit.  But after seeing thousands of people garbed in just about anything and everything you can imagine, I came to a conclusion.  I could go next year wearing a pink thong, cowboy boots, a bandana and a pair of Randy Macho Man Sunglasses and no one would bat an eye, which is hurtful because I have a really nice ass.

 Musically, it was a bit of an eye opener.  I like to think that I'm open to a lot of styles and genres, but I do tend to stay in my comfort zone.  I saw a lot of bands I had never even heard of, but it was pretty enjoyable to be exposed to new music and artists.  Of course Guns-n-Roses was well....Guns-n-Roses. Axl was a portly little sucker and certainly doesn't have the same pipes as he used to.  His signature serpentine move is now more likened to a pregnant iguana having a seizure.  But overall, he was solid.  Slash?  Another planet.  He's just pure awesomeness.  They played all the standards but the best song they played was Slither, a Velvet Revolver "cover", if you can call it that.  I went full on Metallica head bang on Slither.

Like I said, it was fun hearing some artists I'd never heard, or had only heard bits and pieces of like Grandson, Hippo Campus, Brandi Carlisle (Not Belinda) Moon Taxi, The Ghost of Paul Revere (Recommend a listen for many of you on here) etc.  However, I guess this was the get the hell off my lawn aspect of my personality.  One thing I just didn't get was the DJ form of music.  They had a massive stage set up for nothing but these famous DJ's. We walked over there and saw a few thousand people dancing their asses off to a girl in her DJ booth, about 20 feet up on a huge stage.  She wasn't doing ANYTHING.  It was just the same beat for 2 hours.

BOOMP BOOMP BOOMP WIPPA WIPPA BOOMP.  She would whip her arms around and gesture like she was "spinning" something.  She wasn't doing shit.  It was all a recording.  No lyrics.  No real song.  Just BOOMP BOOMP BOOMP WIPPA WIPPA BOOMP over and over.  She'd stand up on the booth and talk to the crowd.  Same BOOMP BOOMP BOOMP WIPPA WIPPA BOOMP going on.  People going crazy.  I asked my son and his friend, "Is this really a thing?"  They said it wasn't theirs, but yes, it's a thing.  I said I'm getting the hell off their lawn. 

All in all, I had a great weekend and definitely some new experiences.  I'll go back now that I kind of know the lay of the land.  I'll probably take one of my tailgating chairs and set up camp in front of a stage or four.  But it won't be at the DJ venue.       
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: Voodoofest 2019
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2019, 02:23:09 PM »
Got back late last night from New Orleans after chaperoning my son and his friend to the weekend long concert called Voodoofest.  Yes, he's 19 but I ain't ready to let him loose in NOLA and the 5+ hour drive that goes along with it.  Plus, I hadn't been to that area in about 20 years.

First, 90% of this event is for people a hell of a lot younger than myself.  Meaning, just about everyone.  Even though there were plenty of "old" peeps there, it was dominated by teens up to about 30 year olds.  There were about 60 bands and I had actually heard of maybe 6 or 7 of them.  The headliners for Friday, Saturday and Sunday were Guns-n-Roses, Beck and Post Malone respectively.  The event is held at City Park and it's a massive set up with about 6 stages spread throughout the park.  Well run.  Lots of food/liquor and assorted vendors available with port-o-shitters a-plenty.

Being that it's called Voodoofest and right at Halloween, the theme is for everyone to dress up...or down....or not wear very much at all.  Truth be told, there was a veritable cornucopia of exposed tits and bootay.  I went as a 59 year old lawyer dressed casually with an Auburn cap.  I was kind of a hit.  But after seeing thousands of people garbed in just about anything and everything you can imagine, I came to a conclusion.  I could go next year wearing a pink thong, cowboy boots, a bandana and a pair of Randy Macho Man Sunglasses and no one would bat an eye, which is hurtful because I have a really nice ass.

 Musically, it was a bit of an eye opener.  I like to think that I'm open to a lot of styles and genres, but I do tend to stay in my comfort zone.  I saw a lot of bands I had never even heard of, but it was pretty enjoyable to be exposed to new music and artists.  Of course Guns-n-Roses was well....Guns-n-Roses. Axl was a portly little sucker and certainly doesn't have the same pipes as he used to.  His signature serpentine move is now more likened to a pregnant iguana having a seizure.  But overall, he was solid.  Slash?  Another planet.  He's just pure awesomeness.  They played all the standards but the best song they played was Slither, a Velvet Revolver "cover", if you can call it that.  I went full on Metallica head bang on Slither.

Like I said, it was fun hearing some artists I'd never heard, or had only heard bits and pieces of like Grandson, Hippo Campus, Brandi Carlisle (Not Belinda) Moon Taxi, The Ghost of Paul Revere (Recommend a listen for many of you on here) etc.  However, I guess this was the get the hell off my lawn aspect of my personality.  One thing I just didn't get was the DJ form of music.  They had a massive stage set up for nothing but these famous DJ's. We walked over there and saw a few thousand people dancing their asses off to a girl in her DJ booth, about 20 feet up on a huge stage.  She wasn't doing ANYTHING.  It was just the same beat for 2 hours.

BOOMP BOOMP BOOMP WIPPA WIPPA BOOMP.  She would whip her arms around and gesture like she was "spinning" something.  She wasn't doing shit.  It was all a recording.  No lyrics.  No real song.  Just BOOMP BOOMP BOOMP WIPPA WIPPA BOOMP over and over.  She'd stand up on the booth and talk to the crowd.  Same BOOMP BOOMP BOOMP WIPPA WIPPA BOOMP going on.  People going crazy.  I asked my son and his friend, "Is this really a thing?"  They said it wasn't theirs, but yes, it's a thing.  I said I'm getting the hell off their lawn.

All in all, I had a great weekend and definitely some new experiences.  I'll go back now that I kind of know the lay of the land.  I'll probably take one of my tailgating chairs and set up camp in front of a stage or four.  But it won't be at the DJ venue.     
Yeah.  I don't get how DJ'ing is a thing.  
Funny you mentioned Voodoo fest, though.  We went to see Dennis DeYoung Friday night in Biloxi and when the concert was done about 9:15ish we seriously considered driving into that mess just to see GnR.  Probably would have been a mistake.  

DeYoung wasn't a mistake, per se, but it's readily apparent why he and Tommy Shaw could not co-exist.  
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  • My Fighting Pearls
Re: Voodoofest 2019
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2019, 02:47:50 PM »
Yeah.  I don't get how DJ'ing is a thing. 
Funny you mentioned Voodoo fest, though.  We went to see Dennis DeYoung Friday night in Biloxi and when the concert was done about 9:15ish we seriously considered driving into that mess just to see GnR.  Probably would have been a mistake. 

DeYoung wasn't a mistake, per se, but it's readily apparent why he and Tommy Shaw could not co-exist. 
You made the right call on not heading there.  GNR started about the time you got out of your show.

Funny thing on the DJ'ing.  We got there when the gates opened yesterday at 12:00. Nobody had cranked up yet except we could hear that incessant BOOMP BOOMP BOOMP WIPPA WIPPA BOOMP still going on at that venue.  I walked around there to see if there was still a mob dancing and freaking out like epileptics on crank.  Different DJ.  Same WOOMPA BOOMP.  No exaggeration when I say there were a total of 12 people standing in front of this massive stage.  Among the 12 was one fat guy dancing his ass off.

How was your gig at Voodoofest?

I rocked the faces off 11 mannequins and one fat guy.  It was epic! 
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: Voodoofest 2019
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2019, 03:45:38 PM »

...no one would bat an eye, which is hurtful because I have a really nice ass.
At this point, you owe me a keyboard, monitor, laptop,....and a printer...
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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  • My Fighting Pearls
Re: Voodoofest 2019
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2019, 04:11:37 PM »
At this point, you owe me a keyboard, monitor, laptop,....and a printer...
Damn it, I've been working out.  I never neglect intense glute training.

Buns of steel.  With a hint of cellulite.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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  • My Fighting Pearls
Re: Voodoofest 2019
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2019, 04:28:11 PM »
I did have one huge problem with the setup.

On Friday afternoon, we're standing there waiting for a band to start when this young guy comes busting through the crowd.  He runs into me pretty good from behind and is going through the crowd like he's looking for someone.  We were looking at each other like what the hell is that all about.  He winds our way again and sure enough, runs into my son's friend and keeps going.  He stops and talks with someone then here he comes again.  Obvious he's about to plow into me again so I threw a shoulder into him and knocked him back.  He looks at me and I said, "Hey asshole, that's 3 times you've run into us".  I could tell his eyes were glazed over. He wobbled a little and held up 3 fingers and said, "Three.......faggot!" and quickly walked off.

My son and his friend were laughing their asses off.  I told them that the use of the term was highly inappropriate, offensive and very insensitive.  I knew then that I needed a safe space to collect my thoughts, so I went in search but was quickly told none were provided.  The rest of the night was a struggle with many tears, but I had a good support group and made it through. 
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: Voodoofest 2019
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2019, 08:59:28 PM »
I did have one huge problem with the setup.

On Friday afternoon, we're standing there waiting for a band to start when this young guy comes busting through the crowd.  He runs into me pretty good from behind and is going through the crowd like he's looking for someone.  We were looking at each other like what the hell is that all about.  He winds our way again and sure enough, runs into my son's friend and keeps going.  He stops and talks with someone then here he comes again.  Obvious he's about to plow into me again so I threw a shoulder into him and knocked him back.  He looks at me and I said, "Hey asshole, that's 3 times you've run into us".  I could tell his eyes were glazed over. He wobbled a little and held up 3 fingers and said, "Three.......faggot!" and quickly walked off.

My son and his friend were laughing their asses off.  I told them that the use of the term was highly inappropriate, offensive and very insensitive.  I knew then that I needed a safe space to collect my thoughts, so I went in search but was quickly told none were provided.  The rest of the night was a struggle with many tears, but I had a good support group and made it through.
That cracked out moron punked you. 
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  • 44725
  • My Fighting Pearls
Re: Voodoofest 2019
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2019, 09:50:01 AM »
That cracked out moron punked you.
Stop triggering me.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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  • 44725
  • My Fighting Pearls
Re: Voodoofest 2019
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2019, 10:05:21 AM »
Driving through NOLA last weekend and flipping radio channels. I came across this station playing what sounded like some guy with a badly tuned electric guitar in the studio singing a very shitty song.  I was intrigue.

He finished and the DJ came on and said, WHIV....your human rights and social justice station.  Then a Bob Dylan song started.

Intrigue no longer was I.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."