Well, LeBron is at least smarter than that parade of gasbags that staggered on the debate stage last night.
Elizabeth Warren is the best that crew has? She couldn't get a job running a library. She's a dummy.
She's worse than Obama because that oily piece of shit KNEW what he was. He knew he was a race-baiting, socialist-leaning, fully immersed radical pushing a hateful, globalist, anti-American ideology.
This skeevy clown? She is dumber than a bucket of crumpled dixie cups. She has no idea how anything in the private sector works. This is why Trump is so successful at domestic policy, BTW. He's not a politician and completely understands basic economic principles. That's the basis from which he operates. Warren, on the other hand, has never had to "live on what she kills." Money to her is no different than Monopoly bills. She's never WORKED for anything in her damned miserable life except for academic degrees (which are utterly useless in the working world).
I didn't see a single person on that stage who wouldn't set this country on a path to ruin. Fools, all of them.
Two decades ago, morons like this would have been laughed off the stage.