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Leave Home Alone


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Leave Home Alone
« on: August 10, 2019, 10:56:45 AM »

Disney recently announced plans to "re-imagine" the 1990 Christmas film Home Alone.  

Fuck Disney.  Haven't they done enough damage already with the Nurrahmaid?  Fuck them in the raw red ass.  

Who wants to watch a movie about the daughter of an illegal immigrant who was separated from her family by evil ICE agents and has to enlist the help of Cory Booker to sneak her parents back across the border in time for Cinco de Mayo?  

Fuck. Disney.  

There are very few movies that I consider to be perfect.  Home Alone is almost there (as are many other John Hughes movies).  It's a great mix of humor and sentiment.  Yeah, it's a broad slapstick comedy with heavy focus on the torture of a couple of bumbling bandits but it shows its true heart in the poignant scenes between Kevin and his lonely old neighbor.  Very few directors could have blended the extreme physical comedy (and without stooping to crude dick/nut/profanity jokes) of that film with the tear-evoking emotion of watching the families (including the neighbor) come back together to realize what's truly important in life.  Hughes did that.  I get that some people hate the movie because the family dynamic is a little harsh, it's loaded with cartoonish violence and Kevin can be bratty, but it's still a really sweet movie at its core.  

Why fuck with that?  Why can't Disney just leave things alone?  We don't need the Lil Nurrahmaid. We didn't need gay Lefou. We don't need live action remakes.  We don't need a re-imagining of any more movies.  

Leave Home Alone, ALONE.  Let it be.  
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