Okay, here's a bit of marketing that just flat out bugs the shipth out of me. Every single ad for a prescription medication. First off, no matter what the drug is, the ad is 10 seconds telling you how wonderful life will be if you take it, and the remaining 50 seconds telling you all the possible wicked side effects. Now, I get that part, which is so lawyers like me can't claim my client didn't know that Boobitrol could cause sickle cell anemia.
But it's like, "Do you have trouble sleeping? Then ask your doctor about Snoozalax. Side effects could include nausea, vomiting, deep red ass rash, lymphoma, the hives, gout, pancreatitis, shingles, hypothermia and even death." But by damn, you'll sleep better.
And why is it that the only time you can take any medication is when the affliction is "moderate to severe"? If you have moderate to severe congestive heart failure, ask your doctor about aortagon. Here's my favorite that they've been adding to all the side effects. "Don't use aortagon if you are allergic to aortagon." What the.....?