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A candidate with vision


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A candidate with vision
« on: October 13, 2008, 11:22:11 AM »
Finally a candidate for President who makes sense.

Among the platform planks:

1) Opposes same-sex marriage and co-habitation. It's just wrong.

2) Opposes gun control. But people should be careful with guns and if they can't they should be taken away

3) Environment-first. Doesn't know if global warming exists or not, doesn't care. But we do need to do something about pollution because it stinks and is ugly. So if that helps global warming, good. Protect the forests. It doesn't make sense to build new houses and destroy farms and forests when there are plenty of nice houses already for sale.

3) Opposes death penalty. Killing somebody doesn't make it right. Just put the offenders in jail. Forever.  You only get two chances to screw up.  If you can't behave then you can just stay in jail. But people in jail should have to do work that nobody else likes to do.

4) Welfare: If you get something you should have to work for it. There's lots of litter. Maybe people who need money could pick up litter.  Or maybe they should go to school to get better jobs.  Instead of giving them money, spend that on job training programs.

5) Try diplomacy, but if that doesn't work, blow their butt up. If China threatens to send planes and bombs, then they wake up the next morning and there are none to send because they've been blown up. Don't wait. Pre-emptive strikes are good.

6) School should have a purpose. People should be taught how to do things that help them get jobs.

7) Taxes are bad. Everybody should only pay a little and everybody should pay the same (percentage).

8) Patriotism is a duty. It's your duty as an American to love America, defend America and work to make it better. If you don't like America there are lots of other places to live. Like Russia.

9) Illegal immigration should be stopped. Those that are already here should have to learn English and become citizens. But anybody else that wants to come should ask. If they try to sneak in, zap them with electric fences.

10) People should have access to medicine they can afford. It doesn't make sense for people not to get better just because they don't have money.

These are the ideas my nine-year old daughter came up with on her own as part of her "party platform" in an exercise she's doing for school.

I would vote for her. Hell, I'd vote for her NOW. How come real politicians are such idiots?
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Re: A candidate with vision
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2008, 02:59:44 PM »
Finally a candidate for President who makes sense.

Among the platform planks:

1) Opposes same-sex marriage and co-habitation. It's just wrong.

2) Opposes gun control. But people should be careful with guns and if they can't they should be taken away

3) Environment-first. Doesn't know if global warming exists or not, doesn't care. But we do need to do something about pollution because it stinks and is ugly. So if that helps global warming, good. Protect the forests. It doesn't make sense to build new houses and destroy farms and forests when there are plenty of nice houses already for sale.

3) Opposes death penalty. Killing somebody doesn't make it right. Just put the offenders in jail. Forever.  You only get two chances to screw up.  If you can't behave then you can just stay in jail. But people in jail should have to do work that nobody else likes to do.

4) Welfare: If you get something you should have to work for it. There's lots of litter. Maybe people who need money could pick up litter.  Or maybe they should go to school to get better jobs.  Instead of giving them money, spend that on job training programs.

5) Try diplomacy, but if that doesn't work, blow their butt up. If China threatens to send planes and bombs, then they wake up the next morning and there are none to send because they've been blown up. Don't wait. Pre-emptive strikes are good.

6) School should have a purpose. People should be taught how to do things that help them get jobs.

7) Taxes are bad. Everybody should only pay a little and everybody should pay the same (percentage).

8) Patriotism is a duty. It's your duty as an American to love America, defend America and work to make it better. If you don't like America there are lots of other places to live. Like Russia.

9) Illegal immigration should be stopped. Those that are already here should have to learn English and become citizens. But anybody else that wants to come should ask. If they try to sneak in, zap them with electric fences.

10) People should have access to medicine they can afford. It doesn't make sense for people not to get better just because they don't have money.

These are the ideas my nine-year old daughter came up with on her own as part of her "party platform" in an exercise she's doing for school.

I would vote for her. Hell, I'd vote for her NOW. How come real politicians are such idiots?

while i do agree with most of these (i'm pro death penalty & we should deport the illegals) your 9 year old is exactly right.  But we have to remember 50% of our country in below average and are dumb.  Victim mentality is running rapant among people, especially our youth.  Your post shows an exception to the rule.  And since everyone is now a victim of "insert any excuse", it is the Fed's responsibility to take care of everyone. 

Since we've lost the Greatest Generation, merit and hard work have little meaning in our modern society.  it is now "what can gov't do for me since i'm a victim of..."  While some of us have kept our grandparents' teachings of work hard and don't be a puss, and don't make excuses, the vast majority has not.   

And whose campaign has the undercurrent of victim mentality?  i'll give you a hint, his initials are Barrack Obama
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