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Game of Thrones

Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #80 on: May 21, 2019, 04:44:49 PM »
So my issues with the final season...

1) John's parents...  served no purposed in the grand scheme of things.  He could have just stayed as a bastard, and it wouldn't have changed anything.  Why even make him Dani's nephew?  Last week, Varys sends the crows out with Jon's true legacy.  And no one gives a shit?

2) Giving the land to the unsullied.  Aren't they incapable of having kids, and thus, passing along their lands from generation to generation?  So, Greyworm's cool with that?  Bran's sitting there thinking, yeah, I just need to wait you out 30 years, and we get the land back, no biggie.

3) Sansa declaring the north to be free, and the rest of the kingdoms are ok with that?  Even the ones who sided with Cersi?

4) I saw Chad say this on Twitter, but if Cersi and Jamie stood about 15 feet to their left or right, they are alive.

5) So John goes back to the nightwatch...  what exactly are they nightwatching?  The wildlings that the north thought were savages that ended up allying with them?
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The Six

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Re: Game of Thrones
« Reply #81 on: May 22, 2019, 07:51:43 AM »
So my issues with the final season...

5) So John goes back to the nightwatch...  what exactly are they nightwatching?  The wildlings that the north thought were savages that ended up allying with them?
Tyrion does say there will always be a place for broken men and bastards to go to. It's a ceremonial "punishment" if anything. He leaves with Tormund and the other Free Folk to live north of the Wall because there's nothing left to watch for. Especially knowing what they know now. Should the White Walkers ever come back, they know exactly how to handle that. No need to get into a fuss.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2019, 07:53:50 AM by The Six »
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