+= ignorantly hypocritical.
Oh, well then, I stand corrected. As long as you say it's not racist, then bigotry is totally cool... 
Yes, I saw the discussion where it was used by the LA Times. And I don't care. You and others clinging to it after being asked nicely not to use it are using it in a racist connotation over and over and over and over again. We gave you an inch and some of you took a mile. We have three rules, and while it's sad that we even have to have that one, obviously we do.
Bottom line: Any time I see it, it will be deleted. I strongly advised not to push board rules on a regular basis.
I read the threads where it was deleted once and then determined to be an "OK" phrase. Maybe you supermods need to get together and decide which one of you will allow some things and which one of you wont. It gets very confusing for us "racist" bastards on here. (may just be me)
Look, I'm not ussualy this big of an ass, but I'm not gonna be e-penis slapped by a bunch of overly sensitive ninnies when the phrase used was not one that had been definitely banned. The discussion was had earlier and the phrase was allowed. Then when I use it, it's no more allowed? You can kiss my ass.
I see now that it's not allowed and will refrain, but make no mistake, your interweb powers do not in the least bit scare me. But please be a little more consistent on the moderating.
As for AUredwing, sorry you were offended. It was not directed AT you, therefore you did not need to be offended.