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Kaos - You had the wrong guy.

Kaos - You had the wrong guy.
« on: October 11, 2008, 07:49:09 PM »
We all need to write Tony Franklin apology letters.

Tuberville - I'm sorry, bud.  It's time to go. 
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Re: Kaos - You had the wrong guy.
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2008, 07:52:19 PM »
tuberville, I fear, really has grown complacent. I don't want to believe it though.
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Re: Kaos - You had the wrong guy.
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2008, 08:08:56 PM »

Thanks for the memories now get the fuck out! :fu:
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Re: Kaos - You had the wrong guy.
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2008, 08:57:29 PM »
We all need to write Tony Franklin apology letters.

Tuberville - I'm sorry, bud.  It's time to go. 

We have reached levels of absurdity unmatched in my lifetime.

I have no answers. I am out of questions. My spirit flags. How did a decade of momentum unravel this quickly? I am forced to wonder if AU might have been better off had the plane ride not been discovered.

What's sad is that I'm not mad. I'm not really anything. Just disgusted. Why fire Franklin if you're just going to do the same dumb shit as before? 

This is as inept as anything I can remember and that includes Bowden and Barfield.

Imam watching Florida right now. It occurs to me that AU does not have a single offensive player that would crack the UF lineup. What happened?
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Re: Kaos - You had the wrong guy.
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2008, 09:04:01 PM »
I'm not sure what happened.  However, I do know that 2004 was a fluke.

Honestly, I don't think Tuberville has lost the ability to inspire his team.  The problem this entire year has been our offensive gameplans.  We can't fake anyone out.  We're just running plays out of the playbook without any rhyme or reason.  How hard is it to run (in the I-formation) up the middle just to set up a play action pass?  Where's the roll out to the fullback?  The spread ruined our team because our coaching staff didn't buy into it.  Franklin didn't sell it well enough.  The players didn't like it.  Whatever the excuse, our offense has taken down the program.  Our defense still plays like our defense, but the offense has hit an all time low. 
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Re: Kaos - You had the wrong guy.
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2008, 09:32:54 PM »
No worries, I've still got room on the bandwagon. 

I'm with you, Kaos.  The first drive when I saw our offense pop up and look to the sideline, I knew this was not going to be a good day.  I'm not mad, sad, or anything right now.  I'm just kind of 'blah'.  At the rate we're playing, we'll win one more game this year - and it will be a close one.

Methinks Tuberville may have sealed his fate tonight. 
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Re: Kaos - You had the wrong guy.
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2008, 09:54:19 PM »
You're right, though.  Chris Todd isn't entirely the problem.  Chris Todd and his daddy Tony are the alpha and omega of the issues, though.   Begins with Todd, ends with Franklin.  Period.  Get rid of both of them and you'd see a miracle resurrection. 

Firing Tony Franklin while keeping the same offensive assistants would be the worst move Auburn could make this offseason.  What self-respecting OC would want to come to Auburn and coach in this environment? 

What if they do it during the season, Brad?

I feel another point-counterpoint coming on. This one will be pretty easily quantifiable in about a month and a half. For the love of God, I'm pulling for Kevin this time.

And the winner is...Brad. I knew it in my heart, but tried so hard to be optimistic.

Gas up the jet, boys. Tuberville put his nuts on the chopping block when he fired Franklin, and he shit the bed BIG TIME.

How does it feel to be a fan of far and away the WORST FUCKING TEAM IN THE SEC after being the favorite to win the west?

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Re: Kaos - You had the wrong guy.
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2008, 10:08:21 PM »

How does it feel to be a fan of far and away the WORST FUCKING TEAM IN THE SEC after being the favorite to win the west?


About like it felt in 2003...

Except this time I don't see a miracle win over the Turds buying Tubs any extra time. 
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Re: Kaos - You had the wrong guy.
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2008, 11:09:24 PM »
My question is, how the fuck did Tubs let the program get to this point?  This is fucking disgusting.  I've been a long time fan of Tuberville, but I have to agree with an earlier post, and say thanks for the memories, now "just get lost".   :mad:
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Re: Kaos - You had the wrong guy.
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2008, 12:07:29 AM »
No worries, I've still got room on the bandwagon. 

I'm with you, Kaos.  The first drive when I saw our offense pop up and look to the sideline, I knew this was not going to be a good day.  I'm not mad, sad, or anything right now.  I'm just kind of 'blah'.  At the rate we're playing, we'll win one more game this year - and it will be a close one.

Methinks Tuberville may have sealed his fate tonight. 

I knew when the offense was going thru their pre-game drills that things were going to be bad.  Nobody had a single fucking clue what was going on.  Im really at a lost of words right now.  Its time for CTT to go.
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Re: Kaos - You had the wrong guy.
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2008, 12:50:42 PM »
For the first time since 2003, I am questioning CTT's ability to coach and passion to win. Both Todd and Burns are not getting the job done and the coaching staff is just compounding the problem. CTT needs to get his head out of his ass or he needs to be gone. I am also starting to believe tha incredible talent overcame mediocre coaching in 2004.

I am trying to figure out how CTT has put the team in this position. I am also trying to figure out why Caudle is not getting a chance. He could not do much worse. I understand the fact that our WRs are going to drop passes no matter who the QB is, but maybe Caudle is make better decisions and be more accurate in his throwing the Todd and Burns. What could it hurt?
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Re: Kaos - You had the wrong guy.
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2008, 12:54:43 PM »
Even my bammer wife commented that she wished Tuberville would show more emotion, or 'fire' as she put it.  She doesn't give two shits about Auburn football, but even she commented that Tuberville just doesn't seem 'in to it' anymore.

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Re: Kaos - You had the wrong guy.
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2008, 01:39:22 PM »
For the first time since 2003, I am questioning CTT's ability to coach and passion to win. Both Todd and Burns are not getting the job done and the coaching staff is just compounding the problem. CTT needs to get his head out of his ass or he needs to be gone. I am also starting to believe tha incredible talent overcame mediocre coaching in 2004.

I am trying to figure out how CTT has put the team in this position. I am also trying to figure out why Caudle is not getting a chance. He could not do much worse. I understand the fact that our WRs are going to drop passes no matter who the QB is, but maybe Caudle is make better decisions and be more accurate in his throwing the Todd and Burns. What could it hurt?
What's the consensus of this shit over at Davidnation?

I think I'm going to go pop in a DVD. Been wanting to watch Ol Yeller for quite a while. I'm feeling a lot like Travis today, but lack the heart to go out and shoot a dog.
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Re: Kaos - You had the wrong guy.
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2008, 02:00:03 PM »
The consensus is that ctt is on a sizzling hot seat and he and his offensive coaches suck tremendously.

This is no less than the 2nd team loaded with offensive talent that CTT has sacriced to his offensive ignaorance.   

I disagree that we don't have any UF level talent.  Hell, this same team with brandon fucking cox beat their ass at home last year. Give me a fucking break on that one. Beat them because our d shut their asses down when it counted.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 02:00:53 PM by tiger88 »
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Re: Kaos - You had the wrong guy.
« Reply #14 on: October 12, 2008, 05:08:43 PM »

I disagree that we don't have any UF level talent.  Hell, this same team with brandon fucking cox beat their ass at home last year. Give me a fucking break on that one. Beat them because our d shut their asses down when it counted.

I said OFFENSIVE talent. And I stand by it.
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Re: Kaos - You had the wrong guy.
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2008, 06:34:12 PM »
I disagree. But with all thats going on I don't feel like arguing this point. Switch offense staffs between the two teams and you'd probably be saying the inverse were true. This staff could kill that which is tebow.
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Re: Kaos - You had the wrong guy.
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2008, 02:19:20 AM »
I disagree. But with all thats going on I don't feel like arguing this point. Switch offense staffs between the two teams and you'd probably be saying the inverse were true. This staff could kill that which is tebow.

Perhaps.  But AU's had some offensive beasts in Tuberville's tenure that made significant impacts in the pros:  Jason, Ronnie, Carnell, Brandon Jacobs (can we claim him?), Rudi and a number of offensive linemen. 

Right now, when I look at the AU offense, I don't see anyone near that caliber.  Which starter on the AU offense would be able to crack the starting lineup for Florida?  Seriously. 

I've been thinking about this godawful mess more than I should have.  I've even been amused by the penile flexings in the "he who bums Newports" debate.  Here's what I've come up with:

1) I've heard a lot of people bashing Hugh Nall.  Stop it. Stop it now. Look at the linemen who have come through Auburn who played pro ball.  Up until this season, there was no better place in the country for a lineman to come if he wanted to make it to the next level.  So what happened there? Hugh Nall doesn't know how to coach this meerkat shit.  That's what.  He knows how to coach offensive line, but what AU is doing now reminds me so freaking much of the debacle garbage Bowden was trying to run that it makes me want to vomit.  Want to know if AU is going to run or pass?  FUCK, just look at the linemen.  Down stance, run.  Up with hands on knees, pass.  An EARTHWORM is smart enough to see it. 

2) Tuberville screwed up. He screwed up royally.  He wanted to change things, but didn't trust himself enough to just do it.  And then when Franklin's erratic, ignorant, disheveled ass showed up he didn't trust that snake oil salesman enough to turn it over to him.  It was obvious that Franklin had no clue how to call plays or how to gameplan in the SEC.  So they tried to morph some of the old with some of the new and ended up with a rotten, stinking fetid pile of nothing.  Add to the fact that Franklin was attached to Chris Todd's scrotum like a hungry leech and the recipe for disaster was complete.

3) This season is lost.  It's completely lost.  AU could have lined up in a two back set and never gotten into the shotgun or attempted the ridiculous meerkat dance and mashed the holy fuck out of both Vandy and Arkansas.  Neither team had the capacity to withstand the physical assault  the AU offense is capable of delivering. But the coaches were too smart to do that.  Don't take a redshirt of Barrett Trotter to salvage something that can't be salvaged.  Suffer through this awful mess and take DRASTIC steps to fix it. 

4) My life would be so much better if I never heard the words Tony Franklin or Chris Todd ever again.  In fact, I'd like to go to sleep and turn back the clock to July.  Pretend that Franklin decided to stay at Troy and Todd opted to take that job at Chic-Fil-A in the fry area. 

Finally, I don't think I want Tuberville fired.  I think he is just as confused and mortified by this debacle as we are.  I also think he is cutthroat enough to unfuck it over time.  But somebody at a level higher than his is going to have to convice him that he needs to get completely out of offense.  Be a CEO.  Let the coaches coach and find some new offensive life.   What chaps my ass is thinking of all the fantastic defenses we've wasted over the last five years because we didn't have an offense capable of scoring against air.  AU's had the defense to win multiple SEC titles and maybe more than that  But we can't turn out an offense that's much more than pedestrian.  That HAS to change.  And if it means Tub's butt-buddy Greg Knox and his pal Steve Fuckfinger have to go, so be it.
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Re: Kaos - You had the wrong guy.
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2008, 09:19:51 AM »
5) The spread offense won't work against the defenses of the SEC.  Cut out all this namby pamby finesse bullshit the west coast the spread and lets just run a Pro-Style offense.  Put the guy under center to throw some passes and run some balls, put him in the shotgun occasionally and put 4 or 5 receivers out there and sling it around a few times.  For gods sakes someone put in an NCAA 09 disk in a 360 or PS3 and let the coaches use that playbook. 

6) I don't know what that abortion was on Saturday. I thought it couldn't get any worse after Vandy.  I was wayyy wayyyyyyyy wrong.
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Re: Kaos - You had the wrong guy.
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2008, 09:35:34 AM »
6) I don't know what that abortion was on Saturday. I thought it couldn't get any worse after Vandy.  I was wayyy wayyyyyyyy wrong.

What we saw was exactly what would have happened to KFC had they fired Colonel Sanders after getting the first 3 ingredients from his secret recipe...and decided they could throw together the rest with some Burger King guys.
Run the Fucking ball out of the Ace set and throw in a little play-action passing for the balance of the season, then do some soul searching about what offense you really want to run in the future.
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Re: Kaos - You had the wrong guy.
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2008, 10:50:36 AM »
Perhaps.  But AU's had some offensive beasts in Tuberville's tenure that made significant impacts in the pros:  Jason, Ronnie, Carnell, Brandon Jacobs (can we claim him?), Rudi and a number of offensive linemen. 

Right now, when I look at the AU offense, I don't see anyone near that caliber.  Which starter on the AU offense would be able to crack the starting lineup for Florida?  Seriously. 

I've been thinking about this godawful mess more than I should have.  I've even been amused by the penile flexings in the "he who bums Newports" debate.  Here's what I've come up with:

1) I've heard a lot of people bashing Hugh Nall.  Stop it. Stop it now. Look at the linemen who have come through Auburn who played pro ball.  Up until this season, there was no better place in the country for a lineman to come if he wanted to make it to the next level.  So what happened there? Hugh Nall doesn't know how to coach this meerkat shit.  That's what.  He knows how to coach offensive line, but what AU is doing now reminds me so freaking much of the debacle garbage Bowden was trying to run that it makes me want to vomit.  Want to know if AU is going to run or pass?  FUCK, just look at the linemen.  Down stance, run.  Up with hands on knees, pass.  An EARTHWORM is smart enough to see it. 

2) Tuberville screwed up. He screwed up royally.  He wanted to change things, but didn't trust himself enough to just do it.  And then when Franklin's erratic, ignorant, disheveled ass showed up he didn't trust that snake oil salesman enough to turn it over to him.  It was obvious that Franklin had no clue how to call plays or how to gameplan in the SEC.  So they tried to morph some of the old with some of the new and ended up with a rotten, stinking fetid pile of nothing.  Add to the fact that Franklin was attached to Chris Todd's scrotum like a hungry leech and the recipe for disaster was complete.

3) This season is lost.  It's completely lost.  AU could have lined up in a two back set and never gotten into the shotgun or attempted the ridiculous meerkat dance and mashed the holy fuck out of both Vandy and Arkansas.  Neither team had the capacity to withstand the physical assault  the AU offense is capable of delivering. But the coaches were too smart to do that.  Don't take a redshirt of Barrett Trotter to salvage something that can't be salvaged.  Suffer through this awful mess and take DRASTIC steps to fix it. 

4) My life would be so much better if I never heard the words Tony Franklin or Chris Todd ever again.  In fact, I'd like to go to sleep and turn back the clock to July.  Pretend that Franklin decided to stay at Troy and Todd opted to take that job at Chic-Fil-A in the fry area. 

Finally, I don't think I want Tuberville fired.  I think he is just as confused and mortified by this debacle as we are.  I also think he is cutthroat enough to unfuck it over time.  But somebody at a level higher than his is going to have to convice him that he needs to get completely out of offense.  Be a CEO.  Let the coaches coach and find some new offensive life.   What chaps my ass is thinking of all the fantastic defenses we've wasted over the last five years because we didn't have an offense capable of scoring against air.  AU's had the defense to win multiple SEC titles and maybe more than that  But we can't turn out an offense that's much more than pedestrian.  That HAS to change.  And if it means Tub's butt-buddy Greg Knox and his pal Steve Fuckfinger have to go, so be it.

Well said. 
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