My daughters were right in the middle of the Disney animated renaissance. My oldest grew up on Ariel, Belle, Pocahontas and Jasmine. My youngest was surrounded by Stitch, Nemo, Simba, Buzz, Gronk and Mulan.
Some of those Disney movies are among the best movies ever (overall) in my book. Lion King was a freaking masterpiece. There are scenes in those movies that still hit me in my heart today.
Over the last few years we've seen an idea-barren Disney stoop to "live action" remakes of those fantastic movies. The results are lackluster in my opinion.
The Jungle Book was way better when Phil Harris' Baloo danced to Louis Prima. "Live action" Beauty and the Beast failed to match the beauty of the animated version. It made $$ but was a mess. I'm not looking forward to Lion King at all.
And then there's Aladdin. When I saw the trailer I was stunned. And not in a good way. Every bit of the casting looks wrong. Aladdin isn't a 30-year old guy. And then there's the genie -- probably the best part of the animated version (thanks Robin Williams).
What in the fresh hell was that I saw in the trailer? Blue Willie? Fresh Prince of Blue Air? Put a little Blue Bonnet on It?
Holy blue meanies that blue Will Smith genie abomination is so freaking bad. It's horrendous and is drawing deserved derision across the www.

That's atrocious.
Can we just stop now? Can we please put away forever the planned "live action" versions of Lilo and Stitch, The Little Mermaid, Snow White, Mulan, Pinnochio, Sword in the Stone, Peter Pan and Lady/Tramp?
Please stop unleashing these unholy, recycled, revamped to be politically correct, hackneyed re-imaginings of stories that my girls and I loved?
If this hideous apparition isn't enough to stop the suddenly lazy Disney machine in its tracks... well... God help us all.