I may be the only person who remembers this, but there was a movie in the 70s or 80s called Invasion of the Body Snatchers. In that movie, there were these Pod People who were cloning and replacing everybody in the world (one at a time, basically). Donald Sutherland was in it. Brooke Adams (who I used to think was cute), Goldblum. Don't remember who all else.
As the pod people took over more and more they'd screech and point out those who weren't of the pod.
That's what today's political/cultural climate reminds me of. Take Tom Brokaw for instance. He's never been what you'd consider a right-leaning media personality. He's bashed Trump often and supported leftist positions regularly.
Yesterday he says what should be a most rational and obvious thing: That hispanics should work to assimilate into American culture and begin by learning English. Cue the pod people.

He's having to apologize amid screeching, bashing and pointing from the pods.
Why? Why should he apologize? If your language, your customs, your practices, your way of life is so freaking awesome, then stay where the hell you were. Don't come here waving your flags, babbling your languages, forcing your customs and traditions on us. Come here to be American, not set up Mexico or Iran or Syria or Senegal here. Those places are crappy for a reason and that reason is apparently YOU.
Learn the language. Become part of American culture. Or go home.