Well yeah. But if we would hire a capable proven hard ass coach there would no meddling. There would also be a stop sign put up via an asshole ala saban.
There really aren't that many of those. Most coaches have to suck up to the board and are beholden to their whims. I can't really think of hardly any even historically that have "fuck you" leverage.
Saban is one of the few. He was such a dick to everybody in the program initially that if things hadn't turned around quickly in 2008 that would have been one of the most spectacular implosions in the history of college football. The people behind the people at that place were fondling their pitchforks because of the abrupt way he'd handled their access to the program, his fuck-off demeanor toward people who had been given deference before, the murky "handle internally" discipline, the suspended/not suspended response to off-field issues and more. If he'd come out of the gate slowly in 2008? It could have been glorious.
But... he didn't. He sold them in the offseason on setting up the "process" which we all know includes buying the best available talent and pumping them full of PEDs.
Meanwhile, thinking we had time, we allowed Jay's ego and Tommy's stubbornness to drive our program off the rails and provide a bigger opening.