I'm almost to the point that we need to eliminate some people.
The fools who disrupted the Senate bellowing and showing their ass should be gotten rid of by whatever means necessary. I'd be fine with making it permanent. Drag them out in front of the chamber and tase their ass. Run them the hell off.
And they can take 3/4 of Hollywood, that despicable Feinstein shrew, the entire Schumer family tree and all of its branches, Cory "I touched a girl and I liked it" Booker, Maxine Loonybin Walters, and as many more as want to go. P
This is not how Americans act. I loathed Obama as did millions more. I despised Hillary as did millions more. But when those fools were elected or appointed we didn't behave like this. Sometimes our guys win, sometimes theirs do. If you know anything about politics, you understand that this is cyclical. They'll have their turn eventually (I hope not, but I know it to be true).
I'm disgusted by the behavior of the entire democratic party and sickened by the antics of the brain-dead morons who follow them.
Yell all you want you cheese-gobbling cum holes. Fuck you. Say hello to:
Justice Kavanaugh

Now if we can just get rid of Yoda and replace her with somebody who makes sense, that'd be great.