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The Joker


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The Joker
« on: September 29, 2018, 11:40:04 AM »
Given DC's perpetual butchery of characters from Superman to Batman to Aquaman to Flash to Suicide Squad, etc, I wasn't really encouraged to hear that a Joker origin film was in the works.  

Hearing that ham-handed Todd Phillips who makes sloppy fatuous films as a general rule was tapped to direct further discouraged me.  

Having now seen the early shots of Joaquin Phoenix 'in character' I now feel certain this will be another gaping sphincter of a film that will defecate on the character and perhaps ruin it for a decade.  

I will admit that I was greatly concerned when I learned of Heath Ledger being picked for Dark Knight.  I was wrong then.  He gave a life and dimension to the character that was both unexpected and brilliant. 

Nothing of the sort will happen here.  Everything is wrong about this from the name "Arthur" to the very decided clown makeup with Raggedy Andy triangles of blue.  
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