Trump is currently back tracking on his comments saying he meant to say "Why WOULDN'T they meddle in the election" as opposed to, "Why would they meddle..."
Look, not that it matters in the long run. This is just the latest topic to throw their faux rage at. They'll move on to him clubbing baby seals within the week. However, I still think he looked and sounded awkward and unprepared at a point when his critics were the most poised to spring into action. He knew damn well he was going to get asked about Russian hacking, especially coming right on the heels of the well-timed indictments. The correct response was anything but "We're both to blame and I whipped Hillary's ass by 1,000 Electoral votes. Where is her server?" That's not the time to wing it and handle the question like you're twatting back at Rosie O'Donnell.
He knew he was going to meet with Putin. He knew that Russian interference was the #1 issue on everyone's mind. He also knew he'd be asked about it in an awkward setting with his counterpart standing at his side. Just follow your adviser's recommendations for once and issue a prepared statement. "I told Vlad very bigly that we will not tolerate Russian interference". Still yet, he'd take shit no matter what he said.
He's not at his best when he riffs off the top of his head.
I really don't think he actually expected that conference to be about nothing but Russian meddling.
And honestly? I don't much care that they tried. I expect them to try. I'd be disappointed if they didn't. I find it utterly hilarious that they snaked into Hillary, Podesta and the whole democrat machine and uncovered absolute and incontrovertible evidence of election meddling on our own soil by Hillary, Donna Whateverhernamewas, Huma Adabesi (whatever) -- but none of the howler monkeys in the media gives one fart in a tornado about THAT. We aren't having special counsels convened to review the election rigging that took place there.
i get the man's frustration. I get his directness. What he said was the truth. Who cares? Why are you asking me about that when there's actual, credible, actionable evidence against Hillary for election tampering, for racketeering, for collusion, for accepting bribes? Why are you humiliating this country by attacking me in front of one of maybe two or three people in the world with the power and possible inclination to wage a war (actual or virtual) that could truly threaten us?
I really wish he'd take questions like that and go "eat a turd" Next? Russian meddling? "Your momma." Next? Did Putin order the code red? "stick a fish in it and spin." Next? Did we discuss the annexation of Crimea? Yes, we did. We have a difference of opinion there. I'd like to see us work toward something we can all agree on and President Putin is open to further discussions on this topic. He might like an opportunity to respond from his perspective. Mr. Putin? Da. Voporos? (translator) Did you interfere in the US election? "Sosat' Kozu" Sleduyuschiy?
You want a list of treasonous people? Let's start with McCain, work through to Schumer, get to Acosta, grab a handful of Rosie, Meyers, Colbert, Kimmel, Mahr, and most of the state of california.