Evel Knievel was a huge part of my childhood. Watching him try (and sometimes fail) to clear buses, cars, fountains and ravines was captivating. The dude was super human, 100% American and an IDGAF legend.
I bought his toys. I revved them up and ran them over everything in the house. Had two motorcycles and the snake river rocket.
I built ramps and jumped all kinds of crap on my bike. I jumped my dad's car, the hedges in my grandmother's yard. I painted my ramps with the Evel #1 logo. I did my own version of Snake River when I tried to jump a creek. It was probably 15-20 feet across and narrowed 10 feet down to the water. Had a decent crowd from the neighborhood watching. Didn't make it. It was spectacular.
All that to get to this: Travis Pastrana is no Evel. He's a hipster douche fraud. I resent him putting on Evel's gear. I'm not impressed with him "recreating" Evel's stunts unless he does so under the same conditions. Evel rode a custom Harley that weighed over 300 pounds. X-Game goober Pastrana is riding a customized bike that weighs half what Evel's did, has more hp and more power. The bike he's using retails for $50k even before being tricked up for his use.
So basically? Travis can't hold Evel's nut sling. Screw the stupid X-Games.
Travis Fraud Pastrami will never have one of these: