I've heard for years how The Wire holds up against The Sopranos as one of the best shows in TV history. i finally decided to give it a try.
I've done two entire seasons. It's not in the same ballpark as The Sopranos. It's not in the same league. It's not playing the same sport. It's not even in the same country.
I'm not saying it's a bad show. It's pretty good. It just doesn't have the depth of The Sopranos. It doesn't have the power.
The cast is good. No, it's stellar. Idris Elba, Apollo Creed's baby boy, Petyr Littlefinger, Chalky White, Method, PornStache, Holly Flax... Could go on for a while.
It's a far too-realistic portrayal of the lack of opportunity that faces the inner city, the cluster hump that can be the law enforcement community, the greed and passions that drive both the good guys and the bad. In that, it's pretty compelling. But it's not The Sopranos. And frankly, I related more to Breaking Bad than I am this (cue racist comments).
It's also interesting to see how much technology has advanced in the years since this show started. The beepers and payphones, the typewriters, the briefcase size GPS that magnet mounts to the car. It's incredible and a bit insane just how much the world has changed technologically in such a short time.
Two of my biggest problems? I don't like McNulty at all. Like none. Can't stand the character. And as season three starts, I'm not buying Avon Barksdale as the top dog in a criminal enterprise.
I'm going to slowly finish it off, but it's not driving me. I'll never go back and watch it again like I have and will Tony, Christopha, Paulie, Carm, Puss, Adriana, Meadow, Johnny Sack, Carmine and the rest.