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Prowler's people are crying...

War Eagle!!!

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Re: Prowler's people are crying...
« Reply #100 on: June 21, 2018, 08:41:19 AM »
This is amazing to watch.   
All being done with a mob mentality ignited by the media. It really is crazy. The democratic party and the MSM has blatantly shifted into being an open border, socialist country. They have "views" now that are completely different than they were 4 to 5 years ago for simply more votes. Common sense has gone out the window. I used to understand how and why democrats think the way they think...but holy hell, this is idiocracy...
« Last Edit: June 21, 2018, 09:49:06 AM by War Eagle!!! »
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Re: Prowler's people are crying...
« Reply #101 on: June 21, 2018, 11:44:09 AM »
I am sick and tired of all of you talking like you know something about this. And yes, Prowler is a very dumb man but you don’t have to call so much attention to it.

And for a lawyer, Snags I s certainly very right wing. You do realize that we conservatives hate lawyers, right?

Does this mean that you hate yourself?

BTW, the European Union has nothing to do with this. Dumbass.

And to Prowler’s weak ass attempt about Kaos’ trophy room; he actually posted the pictures. We saw the evidence. Do more research. Smh

I think Wes may be changing his mind about trump since we are uncaging the brown babies. But he probably demands that we also pay for a sex change.
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Re: Prowler's people are crying...
« Reply #102 on: June 21, 2018, 12:15:01 PM »

No...You're wrong.

Do you have any imaginary trophies like Kaos had? If so, they're mine now.

i'm not even sure you understand what you are trying to prove.  whatever you did was a failed attempt and only showed an enforcement in previous administration polices as well as  the current administration.  

enjoy your participation trophies.  
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Re: Prowler's people are crying...
« Reply #103 on: June 21, 2018, 12:20:58 PM »
The left is about to pull their version of putting one second back on the clock.

When they go after the EO and the EO is determined to be unconstitutional, Trump will still win.
He wants congress to do their job. There are several bills already written up, but the dims won't cooperate.
When the EO is struck down, Trump can throw his hands up and say, "I tried"!

Its funny, the left thinks Trump wants to be a dictator. And when he gives the power back to the people(congress), the left prefers he write a EO to defy the law; Essentiall pushing him to be a dictator!

I wonder if dims truly are this stupid(as in the case of Prowler). Or if Trump is THAT far ahead of them?
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Prowler's people are crying...
« Reply #104 on: June 21, 2018, 03:11:52 PM »
The left is about to pull their version of putting one second back on the clock.

When they go after the EO and the EO is determined to be unconstitutional, Trump will still win.
He wants congress to do their job. There are several bills already written up, but the dims won't cooperate.
When the EO is struck down, Trump can throw his hands up and say, "I tried"!

Its funny, the left thinks Trump wants to be a dictator. And when he gives the power back to the people(congress), the left prefers he write a EO to defy the law; Essentiall pushing him to be a dictator!

I wonder if dims truly are this stupid(as in the case of Prowler). Or if Trump is THAT far ahead of them?
I have been called tater dick before.   I didn’t appreciate it. 

I think it has more to do with the circumference than the big knot on the end. I hope. But not sure.
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Re: Prowler's people are crying...
« Reply #105 on: June 21, 2018, 03:41:41 PM »
How can you not see the fraudulent nature of the entire democratic party as exposed in this entire saga? 

Oh, the poor kids being treated essentially the same way they have for the last 10 years by this awful Trump policy (that he must have created when he was still a USFL owner). It's not the duty of Congress to change an awful law, this president MUST use a pen, any pen, here's Chuck Bitch Schumer's pen to right this wrong!  Why does he hate the little children?  God says suffer the children, not make the children suffer!!  Tears are streaming down my face! SCREW this unfeeling person, we must rid ourselves of him. 

Oh, that evil president. He's just doing stuff on a whim. Illegal stuff like using a pen to write orders like a despot!  Why isn't he asking for Congressional approval?  Why does he rape children?  God says this country is supposed to be a democracy, not a dictatorship! I am so angry at the loss of the democratic freedoms our forefathers fought to create and preserve. Screw this lawless tyrant, we must rid ourselves of him.  

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Re: Prowler's people are crying...
« Reply #106 on: June 21, 2018, 03:55:10 PM »
WOW!!!  Just wow!!!!  Is Brooke about to strike a deal with FOX? This is akin to the beauty pageant answer about Iraq and maps and some such as.  sandrarose.com  

As tensions continue to escalate on the left over immigrant family separations at the border, one lone CNN anchor exposed the hypocrisy of the left by calling out a U.S. Senator for not protesting when the Obama administration kept children in cages and shipped children to New York and other states.

CNN Anchor Brooke Baldwin interviewed Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis., no relation) about the turmoil at the border.
After listening to Senator Baldwin criticize the Trump administration for “something that I think violated all American values,” Brooke Baldwin turned the tables on the senator.
Brooke mentioned photos of immigrant children sleeping in cages with foil blankets — images that were taken in 2014 while Obama was in office.
“And so as so many people in this country are certainly outraged by the cages, and the thermal blankets, and the facilities housing these kids, you know, they were all there in 2014 under President Obama. And my question to you, Senator Baldwin, is did you speak up against them then?“
Caught off guard, the senator stuttered and avoided answering the question.
“You know, on the, on this issue that we get into a moment where we’re making progress and then when it, uh, when it stalls, we turn around. I think we all need to continue to be focused on it and press it through. The American people need confidence that we can solve problems. Nobody believes that we have an immigration system that works. It is broken. It needs fixing. And we’ve just got to resolve to do that.”
But Brooke didn’t let the senator off the hook. She pressed her to answer the original question.
“But were you worried about it then? Did you raise your voice under the Obama Administration?”
The senator replied that she emailed Obama privately about one particular child, but she didn’t raise her voice in the media like she’s doing now.
“You know, in numbers of cases, usually, I remember a constituent who was in detention at the border, arguably very inappropriately,” Sen. Baldwin replied. “And, we, you know, we raised our voice in that instance and many others. But that’s, we’ve got to do this now in unison. It’s not enough to do it case by case for a Senator or a House member by House member. We’ve got to resolve to fix this issue.”

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Re: Prowler's people are crying...
« Reply #107 on: June 21, 2018, 04:18:31 PM »
WOW!!!  Just wow!!!!  Is Brooke about to strike a deal with FOX? This is akin to the beauty pageant answer about Iraq and maps and some such as.  sandrarose.com 

As tensions continue to escalate on the left over immigrant family separations at the border, one lone CNN anchor exposed the hypocrisy of the left by calling out a U.S. Senator for not protesting when the Obama administration kept children in cages and shipped children to New York and other states.

CNN Anchor Brooke Baldwin interviewed Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis., no relation) about the turmoil at the border.
After listening to Senator Baldwin criticize the Trump administration for “something that I think violated all American values,” Brooke Baldwin turned the tables on the senator.
Brooke mentioned photos of immigrant children sleeping in cages with foil blankets — images that were taken in 2014 while Obama was in office.Caught off guard, the senator stuttered and avoided answering the question.But Brooke didn’t let the senator off the hook. She pressed her to answer the original question.
“But were you worried about it then? Did you raise your voice under the Obama Administration?”
The senator replied that she emailed Obama privately about one particular child, but she didn’t raise her voice in the media like she’s doing now.

Brooke still hates boobs and the 1st amendment. And clay travis. 

But she is rather pleasant to look at. 
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Re: Prowler's people are crying...
« Reply #108 on: June 21, 2018, 04:19:43 PM »
How can you not see the fraudulent nature of the entire democratic party as exposed in this entire saga?

Oh, the poor kids being treated essentially the same way they have for the last 10 years by this awful Trump policy (that he must have created when he was still a USFL owner). It's not the duty of Congress to change an awful law, this president MUST use a pen, any pen, here's Chuck Bitch Schumer's pen to right this wrong!  Why does he hate the little children?  God says suffer the children, not make the children suffer!!  Tears are streaming down my face! SCREW this unfeeling person, we must rid ourselves of him.

Oh, that evil president. He's just doing stuff on a whim. Illegal stuff like using a pen to write orders like a despot!  Why isn't he asking for Congressional approval?  Why does he rape children?  God says this country is supposed to be a democracy, not a dictatorship! I am so angry at the loss of the democratic freedoms our forefathers fought to create and preserve. Screw this lawless tyrant, we must rid ourselves of him. 

Pretty much. That's the sad part - you aren't far off at all. 
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Re: Prowler's people are crying...
« Reply #109 on: June 21, 2018, 04:28:16 PM »

No...You're wrong.

Do you have any imaginary trophies like Kaos had? If so, they're mine now.
How could anyone watch the video that YOU posted, supposedly in retort to nook, and deduce that it proves that it is Trump’s law? How anyone could watch that video and not like what is going on right now is beyond me. We are enforcing the law. Law that was already in place.

I was kind of joking about Prowler being dumb but this is ridiculous.
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The Prowler

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Re: Prowler's people are crying...
« Reply #110 on: June 21, 2018, 06:35:45 PM »
How could anyone watch the video that YOU posted, supposedly in retort to nook, and deduce that it proves that it is Trump’s law? How anyone could watch that video and not like what is going on right now is beyond me. We are enforcing the law. Law that was already in place.

I was kind of joking about Prowler being dumb but this is ridiculous.
The fact that y'all still don't understand that this is the Trump Policy (notice I never said "Trump's Law", you did WT), is absolutely beyond comprehension.

All of this after Jeff Sessions' own church and other high ranking members of his denomination spoke out against the new policy (again, Trump's policy). I figured all of the bible thumpers here would've taken a step back and thought that Trump's policy might not be a good thing...but nope, I was wrong, the Trump cult is real.
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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

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Re: Prowler's people are crying...
« Reply #111 on: June 21, 2018, 06:52:54 PM »
The fact that y'all still don't understand that this is the Trump Policy (notice I never said "Trump's Law", you did WT), is absolutely beyond comprehension.

All of this after Jeff Sessions' own church and other high ranking members of his denomination spoke out against the new policy (again, Trump's policy). I figured all of the bible thumpers here would've taken a step back and thought that Trump's policy might not be a good thing...but nope, I was wrong, the Trump cult is real.

So you are saying the church he actually attends, his own church had [600+] members speak out against him?  
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The Prowler

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Re: Prowler's people are crying...
« Reply #112 on: June 21, 2018, 07:05:44 PM »

So you are saying the church he actually attends, his own church had [600+] members speak out against him? 
I guess reading comprehension isn't a requirement in the Trump Cult...shocking.

All of this after Jeff Sessions' own church and other high ranking members of his denomination spoke out against the new policy (again, Trump's policy).

« Last Edit: June 21, 2018, 07:12:51 PM by The Prowler »
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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

"Alabama's Special Teams unit is made up of Special Ed students." - Daniel Tosh

"The HUNH does cause significant Health and Safety issues, Health issues for the opposing fans and Safety issues for the opposing coaches." - AU AD Jay Jacobs


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Re: Prowler's people are crying...
« Reply #113 on: June 21, 2018, 07:14:18 PM »
The fact that y'all still don't understand that this is the Trump Policy (notice I never said "Trump's Law", you did WT), is absolutely beyond comprehension.

All of this after Jeff Sessions' own church and other high ranking members of his denomination spoke out against the new policy (again, Trump's policy). I figured all of the bible thumpers here would've taken a step back and thought that Trump's policy might not be a good thing...but nope, I was wrong, the Trump cult is real.
My bad. So, it’s Trump’s “policy” to actually enforce the law. The immigration law that was in place before he was elected.

Got it. That’s terrible.

Where do we sign up for the free shit?
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Re: Prowler's people are crying...
« Reply #114 on: June 21, 2018, 10:15:27 PM »
I guess reading comprehension isn't a requirement in the Trump Cult...shocking.

Nope.  Making his point for him.  There were only a little over 600 signatures from around the country and the world on this petition, or whatever it was.  So, I'm guessing the janitor and the 2 dudes from his home church who only attend on Easter and Christmas signed it?

Oh, and what you posted is from ABC News.  How's that whole Manafort manslaughter thing working out for em'? 
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War Eagle!!!

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Re: Prowler's people are crying...
« Reply #115 on: June 21, 2018, 11:14:34 PM »
Nope.  Making his point for him.  There were only a little over 600 signatures from around the country and the world on this petition, or whatever it was.  So, I'm guessing the janitor and the 2 dudes from his home church who only attend on Easter and Christmas signed it?

Oh, and what you posted is from ABC News.  How's that whole Manafort manslaughter thing working out for em'?
It's pretty nice to see someone who was so adamantly against Trump in the beginning to actually see exactly why he is the best thing to happen politically in a long time.
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Re: Prowler's people are crying...
« Reply #116 on: June 21, 2018, 11:56:49 PM »
It's pretty nice to see someone who was so adamantly against Trump in the beginning to actually see exactly why he is the best thing to happen politically in a long time.
I wasn't adamantly opposed to Trump.  When he started gaining support, I thought he was the antithesis of the left and political correctness.  I still thought he was a Ross Perot on steroids, with no chance to win.  Didn't want him to win because, while I agreed with every one of his positions, I thought he was too controversial to get any support to get anything done.

Now, the intolerant, vile, obnoxious, non-inclusive, militant LEFT, has put me firmly in his camp.  I so hate these people that I want to cheer everything he does and watch their collective heads explode. The left has become everything they've ever preached against.  It's sad, actually.  
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Re: Prowler's people are crying...
« Reply #117 on: June 22, 2018, 09:22:25 AM »
Now, the intolerant, vile, obnoxious, non-inclusive, militant LEFT, has put me firmly in his camp.  I so hate these people that I want to cheer everything he does and watch their collective heads explode. The left has become everything they've ever preached against.  It's sad, actually. 
But 600 people signed a petition!

The prowlers of this world are making the same mistake they made before. They think the yellers speak for all of us. I have yet to talk to anyone of my friends that have an issue with Trump upholding the law. When you try to label a non-policy as a policy, you have stretched the limits of intelligence.
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.

Re: Prowler's people are crying...
« Reply #118 on: June 22, 2018, 04:13:16 PM »
Since when make policy put in jail for crime? Since Putin say. 

If we say Trump will president again, then he will.

No matter sissy Prowler and Wes and who else titty baby tear. We own USA.
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Re: Prowler's people are crying...
« Reply #119 on: June 22, 2018, 04:30:22 PM »
I guess reading comprehension isn't a requirement in the Trump Cult...shocking.


again you fail.  failed hard.  the little mouse spinning in your head is exhausted.  take him to mouseville. 
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