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Ok, I'm just going to go ahead and lay it out there


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Ok, I'm just going to go ahead and lay it out there
« on: October 05, 2008, 07:04:55 AM »
I want Tuberville fired.  Gone. 

Sure, I love what he's done for Auburn.  I love that he recruits character and I love that he always has a great defense.  But 10 years into a coaching tenure, and I feel like we are moving backwards.  Our program is stale.  The Franklin hire was supposed to bring a fresh look to Auburn's offense, but it may end up being the worst hire since Barfield.  One SEC Championship in 10 years.  Two SEC Championship Game appearances in 10 years.  That's not the level I want Auburn playing at.  I am tired of settling for mediocrity and saying "wait until next year." 

It's time to move forward.  The only reservation I have about making a change at the top is that our fucktard of an AD will be hiring his replacement - and that scares me to death.

I doubt that many will agree with me, and that's fine.  I'll be driving the bandwagon when you decide to jump on.
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Re: Ok, I'm just going to go ahead and lay it out there
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2008, 07:47:36 AM »
I want Tuberville fired.  Gone. 

Sure, I love what he's done for Auburn.  I love that he recruits character and I love that he always has a great defense.  But 10 years into a coaching tenure, and I feel like we are moving backwards.  Our program is stale.  The Franklin hire was supposed to bring a fresh look to Auburn's offense, but it may end up being the worst hire since Barfield.  One SEC Championship in 10 years.  Two SEC Championship Game appearances in 10 years.  That's not the level I want Auburn playing at.  I am tired of settling for mediocrity and saying "wait until next year." 

It's time to move forward.  The only reservation I have about making a change at the top is that our fucktard of an AD will be hiring his replacement - and that scares me to death.

I doubt that many will agree with me, and that's fine.  I'll be driving the bandwagon when you decide to jump on.


What I want out of an Auburn head coach is threefold:

1) Make sure the coaches and players represent Auburn well.  No drug headlines, no pit bull breeding. Despite Alabama's football success, I would not trade places with those assclowns. There are things far more important than football success and building men of respect and character is one of them. Tuberville -- up to this season -- has done that well.

2) Run a clean program.  I don't want to hear rumors of cash, cars, kitchen upgrades and all manner of shenanigans. Again, I would not trade places with those slimy assclowns in Tuscaloosa for anything right now. They cheat in order to win. You know it. I know it. They know it. It's not worth it. I'd rather lose the right way than win like those douchebags do.

3) Be competitive. Maybe you don't remember the pre-Tuberville days, days when you looked at the calendar and saw three or four games you knew the team had virtually no chance of winning. That hasn't happened until this year.  All I expect out of a head coach is to keep the team competitive and in the hunt. Be in a position to win the SEC every two or three years, be competitive in the rest.

Until this season Tuberville has done all three well.  And if AU didn't have an abortion of an offense, if the Franklin hire had produced an offense that put up 25 points per game, this discussion would be moot. Did you know that Tuberville's Auburn teams have just a couple of losses when scoring 30 points or more?  I think it might be just one or two.

I don't fault him for wanting to boost the offense. He sees the same things we do and realized that if he could find a system that would put 30+ on the board week-in and week-out, AU has the defense to become an elite team.  I just think he chose the wrong route.  The offensive philosophy is fine. But the boob he selected to implement it is the problem.  Tony Franklin needs to go.  I said that after the first game because I saw glaring fundamental flaws in execution and preparation. Nothing since has changed my thinking one iota. Saturday's debacle of debacles clearly proved that Franklin is incapable of a) calling plays at the SEC level, b) recognizing what works and capitalizing on it rather than stubbornly selecting plays and formations that children know are resigned to failure, c) inspiring confidence in his fellow coaches or players, d) selecting the right personnel for the plays that are called and e) understanding the urgency in getting it right. Franklin's "aw shucks, fellers, I'm a dumbass but we still won" act was tired and tiresome weeks ago. Tuberville went to this offense in order to assist recruiting, but the abortion that is currently displayed on the field will surely give quality recruits great reservations. If you were a top-flight receiver would you want to come to Auburn where your talents would be squandered by the most ineffective offensive system in the nation?

Franklin is the biggest problem. He continues to cling to Chris Todd despite the fact that Todd clearly is unable to get the job done. When he's forced to put Burns in, he seems to sabotage his efforts by calling plays that negate Burns' strengths. Either that or he is so stupid he can't figure out what to do with him -- although he certainly seemed to know what to do in the Peach Bowl last season.  Frankly, if you only have a single finger to point, it should really point at Chris Todd.  If Franklin only had Burns and didn't feel the need to suck up to Todd, I personally think you'd see a vastly superior product. But for whatever reason, Franklin has hitched his career to a flop-armed, slow-footed dud.  And between the two of them they're taking Auburn down in flames.  Please don't hand me the "Kodi can't run the plays" garbage.  We've seen what Todd can do and quite honestly, its abysmal. It's time to see if Burns can do any better if given the long leash. But Franklin will never do that.

Throughout his career, Tuberville has shown a propensity for battling back just when it seemed all was lost. I expect he will do the same now. But I doubt he can do it (or at least do it well) while shackled to the biggest idiot in college football. I hope that Tony Franklin is gone by this weekend. Something has to give before this entire program and all the positives its developed over the last decade cracks under the strain.

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Re: Ok, I'm just going to go ahead and lay it out there
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2008, 08:24:03 AM »

What I want out of an Auburn head coach is threefold:

1) Make sure the coaches and players represent Auburn well.  No drug headlines, no pit bull breeding. Despite Alabama's football success, I would not trade places with those assclowns. There are things far more important than football success and building men of respect and character is one of them. Tuberville -- up to this season -- has done that well.

2) Run a clean program.  I don't want to hear rumors of cash, cars, kitchen upgrades and all manner of shenanigans. Again, I would not trade places with those slimy assclowns in Tuscaloosa for anything right now. They cheat in order to win. You know it. I know it. They know it. It's not worth it. I'd rather lose the right way than win like those douchebags do.

3) Be competitive. Maybe you don't remember the pre-Tuberville days, days when you looked at the calendar and saw three or four games you knew the team had virtually no chance of winning. That hasn't happened until this year.  All I expect out of a head coach is to keep the team competitive and in the hunt. Be in a position to win the SEC every two or three years, be competitive in the rest.

I don't disagree at all with this, and I can also agree that Tubs has done all three well. 

I don't fault him for wanting to boost the offense. He sees the same things we do and realized that if he could find a system that would put 30+ on the board week-in and week-out, AU has the defense to become an elite team.  I just think he chose the wrong route.  The offensive philosophy is fine. But the boob he selected to implement it is the problem.  Tony Franklin needs to go.  I said that after the first game because I saw glaring fundamental flaws in execution and preparation. Nothing since has changed my thinking one iota. Saturday's debacle of debacles clearly proved that Franklin is incapable of a) calling plays at the SEC level, b) recognizing what works and capitalizing on it rather than stubbornly selecting plays and formations that children know are resigned to failure, c) inspiring confidence in his fellow coaches or players, d) selecting the right personnel for the plays that are called and e) understanding the urgency in getting it right. Franklin's "aw shucks, fellers, I'm a dumbass but we still won" act was tired and tiresome weeks ago. Tuberville went to this offense in order to assist recruiting, but the abortion that is currently displayed on the field will surely give quality recruits great reservations. If you were a top-flight receiver would you want to come to Auburn where your talents would be squandered by the most ineffective offensive system in the nation? 

The problem is, Tuberville hires a new OC and then meddles with the offensive playcalling.  He won't let them bring in any of their own assistant coaches and forces them to work with his clique.  Look at Troy's offense this year.  They haven't missed a step, and Blakeney didn't go out and hire a new OC, he just promoted from within and kept using Franklin's system with Franklin's old position coaches.  I believe that if Franklin was allowed to bring in some of those guys who he worked with at Troy, our offense would be in a lot better position right now.  Unfortunately, that would force Tubs to release a few of his buddies, and he won't stand for that.  He's loyal to a fault, and sometimes you have to cut your dead weight <cough....Greg Knox....cough> to continue improving. 

Don't get me wrong, I think Franklin is a bumbling idiot.  It's just that I hesitate to put all the blame squarely on his shoulders. 

Franklin is the biggest problem. He continues to cling to Chris Todd despite the fact that Todd clearly is unable to get the job done. When he's forced to put Burns in, he seems to sabotage his efforts by calling plays that negate Burns' strengths. Either that or he is so stupid he can't figure out what to do with him -- although he certainly seemed to know what to do in the Peach Bowl last season.  Frankly, if you only have a single finger to point, it should really point at Chris Todd.  If Franklin only had Burns and didn't feel the need to suck up to Todd, I personally think you'd see a vastly superior product. But for whatever reason, Franklin has hitched his career to a flop-armed, slow-footed dud.  And between the two of them they're taking Auburn down in flames.  Please don't hand me the "Kodi can't run the plays" garbage.  We've seen what Todd can do and quite honestly, its abysmal. It's time to see if Burns can do any better if given the long leash. But Franklin will never do that.

Again, I agree 100% with you here regarding the QB situation.  I think the Franklin-Todd relationship is a fast-spreading cancer on our team.

My point is, eventually the buck has to stop with the man at the top.  How many times can a CEO fire his CFO and get away with it?  Since Tubs has been here, Offensive Coordinators have come and gone, yet our fundamental offensive problems stay the same. 

I am thankful for what Tuberville has done and where he has led us, but I just don't see him ever taking us over the hump to the level I want Auburn to be. 
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Re: Ok, I'm just going to go ahead and lay it out there
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2008, 09:37:53 AM »
What if I told you that Kodi Burns instigated a what could be called a revolt against Tony Franklin? 

What if I told you that Burns marched into Franklin's office and said, "You're going to play me this week or I'm gone."

What if I told you that other football players marched into Tuberville's office and said, "If Kodi doesn't play this week, we're not showing up."

What if I told you that Tuberville told those players that shit like that doesn't fly at Auburn.  They don't have to be on the team.

What if I told you that Tuberville assured Franklin that Kodi had no right to do what he did, and he would definitely not be playing against Tennessee.

What if I told you that a couple of minutes before halftime against Tennessee, Tuberville told Franklin to put Burns in despite what Tuberville had said to Franklin. 

How would any of you feel if all that was true?

That's what Tony Franklin reported to a couple of coaches at Pelham High School.  As I'm sure I've told a couple of you before, I work with Brett Burnett (former head coach of Chris Todd) and Jep Irwin.  Both of them help Tony Franklin with his conferences in Nashville and have known Franklin since they all worked in the state of Kentucky. 

I'm not sure if all of it is true, but if it is, I sincerely apologize to Franklin and the players for all this bullshit. 

Honestly, the Franklin hire just didn't fit.  Tony Franklin has been successful everywhere he's coached except Auburn.  Whether it's Tubs, the players or assistant coaches, I don't know.  But SOMETHING at Auburn has inhibited Franklin from being able to do what he did at Kentucky and at Troy. 

According to some Rod Smith quotes on rivals, we need to anticipate "drastic changes" to the offense.  Sounds like this clown parade is coming quickly to a close. 
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The Guy That Knows Nothing of Hyperbole


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Re: Ok, I'm just going to go ahead and lay it out there
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2008, 09:40:05 AM »
I want Tuberville fired.  Gone. 

Sure, I love what he's done for Auburn.  I love that he recruits character and I love that he always has a great defense.  But 10 years into a coaching tenure, and I feel like we are moving backwards.  Our program is stale.  The Franklin hire was supposed to bring a fresh look to Auburn's offense, but it may end up being the worst hire since Barfield.  One SEC Championship in 10 years.  Two SEC Championship Game appearances in 10 years.  That's not the level I want Auburn playing at.  I am tired of settling for mediocrity and saying "wait until next year." 

It's time to move forward.  The only reservation I have about making a change at the top is that our fucktard of an AD will be hiring his replacement - and that scares me to death.

I doubt that many will agree with me, and that's fine.  I'll be driving the bandwagon when you decide to jump on.
Been there , done that.
I would gladly trade our mediocrity of the last ten years for yours.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2008, 09:41:36 AM by boartitz »
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Re: Ok, I'm just going to go ahead and lay it out there
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2008, 09:47:06 AM »
What if I told you that Kodi Burns instigated a what could be called a revolt against Tony Franklin? 

What if I told you that Burns marched into Franklin's office and said, "You're going to play me this week or I'm gone."

What if I told you that other football players marched into Tuberville's office and said, "If Kodi doesn't play this week, we're not showing up."

What if I told you that Tuberville told those players that shit like that doesn't fly at Auburn.  They don't have to be on the team.

What if I told you that Tuberville assured Franklin that Kodi had no right to do what he did, and he would definitely not be playing against Tennessee.

What if I told you that a couple of minutes before halftime against Tennessee, Tuberville told Franklin to put Burns in despite what Tuberville had said to Franklin. 

How would any of you feel if all that was true?

That's what Tony Franklin reported to a couple of coaches at Pelham High School.  As I'm sure I've told a couple of you before, I work with Brett Burnett (former head coach of Chris Todd) and Jep Irwin.  Both of them help Tony Franklin with his conferences in Nashville and have known Franklin since they all worked in the state of Kentucky. 

I'm not sure if all of it is true, but if it is, I sincerely apologize to Franklin and the players for all this bullshit. 

Honestly, the Franklin hire just didn't fit.  Tony Franklin has been successful everywhere he's coached except Auburn.  Whether it's Tubs, the players or assistant coaches, I don't know.  But SOMETHING at Auburn has inhibited Franklin from being able to do what he did at Kentucky and at Troy. 

According to some Rod Smith quotes on rivals, we need to anticipate "drastic changes" to the offense.  Sounds like this clown parade is coming quickly to a close. 
Theres a feller from Arkansas who has SEC OC experience that might be interested in getting back to the SEC. Look for the leaders in offense the last couple of years and you'll find him.
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Re: Ok, I'm just going to go ahead and lay it out there
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2008, 09:50:07 AM »
What if I told you that Kodi Burns instigated a what could be called a revolt against Tony Franklin? 

What if I told you that Burns marched into Franklin's office and said, "You're going to play me this week or I'm gone."

What if I told you that other football players marched into Tuberville's office and said, "If Kodi doesn't play this week, we're not showing up."

What if I told you that Tuberville told those players that shit like that doesn't fly at Auburn.  They don't have to be on the team.

What if I told you that Tuberville assured Franklin that Kodi had no right to do what he did, and he would definitely not be playing against Tennessee.

What if I told you that a couple of minutes before halftime against Tennessee, Tuberville told Franklin to put Burns in despite what Tuberville had said to Franklin. 

How would any of you feel if all that was true?

That's what Tony Franklin reported to a couple of coaches at Pelham High School.  As I'm sure I've told a couple of you before, I work with Brett Burnett (former head coach of Chris Todd) and Jep Irwin.  Both of them help Tony Franklin with his conferences in Nashville and have known Franklin since they all worked in the state of Kentucky. 

I'm not sure if all of it is true, but if it is, I sincerely apologize to Franklin and the players for all this bullshit. 

Honestly, the Franklin hire just didn't fit.  Tony Franklin has been successful everywhere he's coached except Auburn.  Whether it's Tubs, the players or assistant coaches, I don't know.  But SOMETHING at Auburn has inhibited Franklin from being able to do what he did at Kentucky and at Troy. 

According to some Rod Smith quotes on rivals, we need to anticipate "drastic changes" to the offense.  Sounds like this clown parade is coming quickly to a close. 
Jesus Christ on ice skates.....and i thought we were the most fucked up program in this state.
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Re: Ok, I'm just going to go ahead and lay it out there
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2008, 09:53:33 AM »
The problem is, Tuberville hires a new OC and then meddles with the offensive playcalling.  He won't let them bring in any of their own assistant coaches and forces them to work with his clique.  Look at Troy's offense this year.  They haven't missed a step, and Blakeney didn't go out and hire a new OC, he just promoted from within and kept using Franklin's system with Franklin's old position coaches.  I believe that if Franklin was allowed to bring in some of those guys who he worked with at Troy, our offense would be in a lot better position right now.  Unfortunately, that would force Tubs to release a few of his buddies, and he won't stand for that.  He's loyal to a fault, and sometimes you have to cut your dead weight <cough....Greg Knox....cough> to continue improving.

Don't get me wrong, I think Franklin is a bumbling idiot.  It's just that I hesitate to put all the blame squarely on his shoulders.

Amen! If Franklin goes; then Knox, Nall, Ensminger, and Gran should be right behind him. The blame for this catastrophe should not be hitched to Tony Franklin's wagon alone. This a collective, group cluster-fuck and I say fire one - fire them all.
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Re: Ok, I'm just going to go ahead and lay it out there
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2008, 10:08:53 AM »
Jesus Christ on ice skates.....and i thought we were the most fucked up program in this state.

Well, we might have taken over that role in one season. 

I don't think it's as bad as it seems.  We suck.  We can accept that. 

The only positive reason behind Tuberville doing something like that (again, if Franklin was truthful), is he already decided that the Franklin experiment was a bust, and Kodi Burns was our future.  And that's not very positive. 
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Re: Ok, I'm just going to go ahead and lay it out there
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2008, 10:31:37 AM »
Well, here's one reason Tony Franklin should be fired immediately.  There's some guy on a message board quoting the things he said about his boss and the players he coaches.  Quotes that paint the head coach and those players and the entire program as totally dysfunctional.

Hey, maybe he'll write a book.   
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."

Re: Ok, I'm just going to go ahead and lay it out there
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2008, 11:52:37 AM »
Disagree. He has set up a solid program. We are not an elite 5 program and may never be without risking some serious recruiting violations.

There is a long list of good programs who fired pretty damn good coaches because they weren't winning national championships and floundered. miami and nebraska come to mind.

Fla did it with meyer but you are kidding yourself if you think the recruiiting power of uf didnt have tons to do with that.

AU is not exactly somewhere that a great coach would be itching to go. We would have to take a gambnle on a hit or miss up and coming guy or try to bankroll a coach like bama did. I don't really want to see either and there really isnt a proven coach out there on the market like saban was at the moment. And hell, saban wasnt even on the market.
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Re: Ok, I'm just going to go ahead and lay it out there
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2008, 12:08:49 PM »
Disagree. He has set up a solid program. We are not an elite 5 program and may never be without risking some serious recruiting violations.

There is a long list of good programs who fired pretty damn good coaches because they weren't winning national championships and floundered. miami and nebraska come to mind.

Fla did it with meyer but you are kidding yourself if you think the recruiiting power of uf didnt have tons to do with that.

AU is not exactly somewhere that a great coach would be itching to go. We would have to take a gambnle on a hit or miss up and coming guy or try to bankroll a coach like bama did. I don't really want to see either and there really isnt a proven coach out there on the market like saban was at the moment. And hell, saban wasnt even on the market.

The only way I'd be good with keeping Tubs is if he was forced to let go of his entire offensive staff and let the OC pick his own position coaches.  I will be pissed if we send Franklin off to the guillotine and just bring in another OC.  If we do that, we are going to be in the same boat we are in now. 

Ask yourself this question:  What self-respecting OC would want to come coach at Auburn right now?  Since Petrino, it's become the place that OC's go to die.
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Re: Ok, I'm just going to go ahead and lay it out there
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2008, 12:17:06 PM »
I am so far in your corner on the whole offensive staff needing to go thing.
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Re: Ok, I'm just going to go ahead and lay it out there
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2008, 12:26:16 PM »
We need a midseason replacement who is good enough to make the most out of what we have now and will be promised that at seasons end and anytime after that he will be able to hire and fire his own staff.
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Re: Ok, I'm just going to go ahead and lay it out there
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2008, 12:26:16 PM »
there was an article posted on AUN that i thought was fairly insightful. being a Bama fan, the opinion may be unwelcome coming from me. but as somebody that is not an AU fan, i'm not biased towards one coach over another. not really intending to flame either, just a neutral opinion.


while it is just a measley blog, alot of what is said in there makes sense. CTF is no genius and i never thought he was a brilliant hire for yall, but damn. he didn't just forget how to run the damn thing overnight. Troy is still running his offense and is 21st in the nation in total offense averaging like 440 ypg and 32 points per game and they have 16 TDs. they didn't go hire an outside OC, they promoted from within. CTT can say AU doesn't have the talent to run it yet, but you can't tell me that Troy has outrecruited AU all these years. there is no way in hell Troy has better talent than AU. if it goes on its usual cycle and CTF is still at AU after this season, the cycle should put him out the door in his second or third season. then you are going to have an entire team full of guys with the skill to run that particular type of offense. make no mistake, AU has totally owned us on the field the past 6 years. no ifs, ands, or buts. o w n e d us. and i think for that, alot of people just follow whatever CTT says and has this blind faith in him, and you miss the little things that give stuff away.

also, after the quotes i saw from Kodi Burns after the game, you guys better hope like hell they don't let him play against Arkansas. he does not have his head screwed on straight right now and is very confused.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2008, 12:29:30 PM by runswithscissors »
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"You're too stupid to realize that I'm one of the levelheaded Auburn fans around here" - The Prowler

Re: Ok, I'm just going to go ahead and lay it out there
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2008, 12:31:21 PM »
Hey, I have noticed the talent quotes as well and wondered how in the fuck troy has ammassed so much greater talent than AU.

Tubs needs to keep his fucking nose out of the offense. He is completely clueless there but occassionally finds a nut when hiring oc's. I'm thinking he uses his bestus buddies on the  offensive staff to keep an eye on things. Every coach on the O staff needs to fear the oc and his ability to control their fate as coaches. I don't think AU has that and I think that his buds there know they can get away with murder and keep their jobs.

Tubs needs to meddle with the d, which he knows, and admit that he needs to treat the offense as though he is a vampire and it is garlic.

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Re: Ok, I'm just going to go ahead and lay it out there
« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2008, 12:37:55 PM »
Afa kodi not playing, I disagree. Several offensive players have admitted the offense is beyond confusing at the moment and in disarray.

Todd is performing horribly! and simply not a sec caliber qb. Burns can be.

Franklin needs to go and burns given a shot. Or maybe caudle. His stats were better than todds anyways during practice.

Todd is simply not the answer in my book. He is slow and has no arm strength and has shown a willingness to throw the ball up for grabs in crucial situations.
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Re: Ok, I'm just going to go ahead and lay it out there
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2008, 12:42:46 PM »
Tommy has to realize that the immediate offensive change is not working.
He has to come up with a hybrid offense in the meantime.
Do some things that yall were doing last year that worked and add in some aspects of Franklin's plan.
The sudden switch has yall fucked. You do not have the personnel this year.
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Re: Ok, I'm just going to go ahead and lay it out there
« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2008, 12:53:08 PM »
Afa kodi not playing, I disagree. Several offensive players have admitted the offense is beyond confusing at the moment and in disarray.

Todd is performing horribly! and simply not a sec caliber qb. Burns can be.

Franklin needs to go and burns given a shot. Or maybe caudle. His stats were better than todds anyways during practice.

Todd is simply not the answer in my book. He is slow and has no arm strength and has shown a willingness to throw the ball up for grabs in crucial situations.
yes, several players have said the whole thing is in disarray. well no shit, its pretty obvious to everybody that its fucked up as a football bat.

"This isn't the Auburn I saw when I was recruited."

how much do you want to bet his ass is gone to another school at the end of this season? maybe i am just reading too much into that, but it just reeks of "this ain't what i signed up for, fuck it." i don't think he is in it for the team right now. but thats just my opinion.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2008, 12:54:26 PM by runswithscissors »
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"You're too stupid to realize that I'm one of the levelheaded Auburn fans around here" - The Prowler

Re: Ok, I'm just going to go ahead and lay it out there
« Reply #19 on: October 05, 2008, 01:09:30 PM »
How much do you want to bet he stays? The kid is upset like everyone else and he also said it wasnt the AU he saw last year.

CTF is the problem and once he is gone the ship will be righted.
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