This world has gone insane.
The CEO of Twitter is forced to APOLOGIZE because he enjoyed a Chick Fil A sandwich and had the audacity to post that.
"How DARE he!!" the triggly puff social justice warriors vapored in outrage.
At what point did "tolerance" come to mean the acceptance of a single myopic viewpoint and the public flogging of anyone who dares to hold a differing view?
This comes on the heels of a CrossFit executive being fired because he had the unbelievable nerve to say that he considered homosexuality a sin.
Again, how can you preach tolerance when the only viewpoint you tolerate is your own? Must all businesses be owned, managed and run by people who think buggery is just a-ok?
And then last night, Robert DeNiro (the asshole is going to make me disavow Godfather II) bellows "Fuck Trump" from his platform at one of the myriad "pat ourselves on the back" celebrity events.
What has Trump done to trigger Robbie's rage? He can't explain it, all he does is shriek in frustration that the narrow world-view he and Hillary share was derailed by this awesome, productive, focused president.
It's shocking to me to watch the depths to which we've sunk. At what point would any celebrity have been allowed to scream "Fuck Obama!" from the stage? At what point would other pinhead weirdos have stood and applauded that?
The more Trump succeeds -- and look around you, the man is absolutely crushing it in ways even I never anticipated -- the more outrageous, shrill and divisive the rhetoric becomes from that other minority side.