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What’s the problem, really?


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Re: What’s the problem, really?
« Reply #20 on: May 29, 2018, 02:58:44 PM »
Nothing to do with the president.  He's "do better" finger pointing.  

Only in the sense that a forum such as this should, in my mind, be fertile ground for give-and-take discussion.  It once was.  It no longer is.

Dislikes the fact that his "higher thoughts" are in the minority.

Yes, begrudges the fact that drooling bammerish display is heralded as new patriotism and any nuance or fact can just be shouted over with "WRONG" or "FAKE NEWS."

 Blames me, essentially.  I've already accepted that burden. There were times I should have let it go (but I was right, so I didn't).

You're a part, but not the total problem.  Your "debate" style, such as it is, doesn't brook much counter-debate.  We saw it in the football forums, too, so it's not just a political issue.  When forced to play within debate norms, your arguments frequently fall apart.  Shit, Chopper was serving you pretty hard at one point down in the football forum.

I have no problem with different opinions and always appreciated the fact that his seemed well-reasoned and thoughtfully considered. 

That second part may be true, but that first clause is a steaming pile. 

I do, however, honestly believe wes fell prey to Trump Derangement Syndrome.  He's become unwilling to even entertain the idea that Trump might actually be a good president and ignores all the positives in a quest to demean or demonize.  In that, he joined an alliance with the resident shrieking loon and got pushed to the fringe.  When you're rushing to the defense of indefensible positions merely because "Trump bad" is ricocheting around in your brain?  It changes everything.

That's just wrong.  I'm willing to give credit...when something credit-worthy happens.  The "achievements" that get trumpeted in here don't ring as such in my head.  That speaks to a fundamental difference in some of us that, prior to the full Trump claxon-horn sounding in here, provided fodder for some really great discussion.

The "echo chamber" he refers to is the fact that most of us (like most of the country) share a relatively similar viewpoint, based on similar experiences. 

Your numbers re: rest of the country are a bit off.  The "echo chamber" is the lining up of a few of the posters here to simply backslap the newest bit of thinly veiled racism parading as a facebook meme or some idiotic appeal to those sentiments dressed up as "plain speakin" to counteract all that awful PC culture.

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Re: What’s the problem, really?
« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2018, 03:01:57 PM »
Only in the sense that a forum such as this should, in my mind, be fertile ground for give-and-take discussion.  It once was.  It no longer is.

Yes, begrudges the fact that drooling bammerish display is heralded as new patriotism and any nuance or fact can just be shouted over with "WRONG" or "FAKE NEWS."

You're a part, but not the total problem.  Your "debate" style, such as it is, doesn't brook much counter-debate.  We saw it in the football forums, too, so it's not just a political issue.  When forced to play within debate norms, your arguments frequently fall apart.  Shit, Chopper was serving you pretty hard at one point down in the football forum.

That second part may be true, but that first clause is a steaming pile.  

That's just wrong.  I'm willing to give credit...when something credit-worthy happens.  The "achievements" that get trumpeted in here don't ring as such in my head.  That speaks to a fundamental difference in some of us that, prior to the full Trump claxon-horn sounding in here, provided fodder for some really great discussion.

Your numbers re: rest of the country are a bit off.  The "echo chamber" is the lining up of a few of the posters here to simply backslap the newest bit of thinly veiled racism parading as a facebook meme or some idiotic appeal to those sentiments dressed up as "plain speakin" to counteract all that awful PC culture.
Not going to get into a point/counterpoint.  
Suffice it to say:
You know nothing, wes snow.  All of your notions and suppositions are off base.  

Edited to add: 
You really don't get me at all.  I push buttons in order to get reactions.  Part of my "debate style" as you put it, is to see how far I can push you. I like to work in absolutes (even though I know there aren't usually such things).  Good, bad, black white, up, down.  There are times I KNOW I'm wrong, but I want you (or whoever) to prove it.  Part of that "style" is to drive the conversation to the middle.  It drove you further left. 

You think I don't brook debate?  Damn, son.  Nothing worthwhile in this country was ever achieved without a healthy dose of give and take.  I enjoy the debate.  Even when I'm being my most kaotic, I hear what you say and am definitely willing to change an opinion (eventually).  

Some of the stuff that you said:  "drooling bammerish display" and "Trump claxon horn" really smacks of the kind of elitism that fueled the whole Trump phenomenon.  

Taking pride in things we deem to be patriotic or beneficial to this county, its economy or its safety is hardly a "drooling display."   

If you took half the things that have happened since Trump was elected and flipped the script to pretend they'd all occurred under Hillary's presidential watch?  You'd be insufferable in your gloating.  

I started this topic for a serious reason.  I wanted YOU specifically to explain to me what I'm missing.  

The economy is surging (the opposite of what the media predicted). 

Our position on the world stage is stronger than it has been in decades (the opposite of what the media warned).
The dominant stance taken by Trump in relation to North Korea has done more to create a climate where peace is possible than anyone or anything has done since the Korean War ended. (The opposite of what the media said would happen). 

Moving the embassy to Jerusalem is the right thing to do. He promised it.  He did it.  

ISIS is an afterthought. We stopped trying to be nice and put the hammer down.  (Media predicted the opposite)

Maybe you disagree on his hardline immigration stance, I don't know.  I DO know from the time when I was teaching is that if you START soft you can never go hard (that's what she said).  Start the year as the nice guy teacher? You're a doormat by Christmas.  You've got to establish your lines.  That's what Trump is doing.  You can't back down when you give it all away at first.  

If nothing else, Trump gets that.  I told you from the very beginning the man was smarter than you (and others) thought he was.  That's been proven.  I also told you from the beginning he was the only candidate who could take down Hillary (whom I still consider one of the worst and most corrupt human beings ever).  Right again.  

I'm telling you now that the man is running the office like no other before him.  He's demanding results and if you're not getting them -- if you're doing the usual political thing where you TALK incessantly about achievements but never actually do anything?  You're out.  He took his election as a mandate to actually do the things he said he was going to do.  

I'm asking you in all seriousness -- at what point will you put away your personal disdain for the man and consider what he's managed to achieve?  
« Last Edit: May 29, 2018, 04:50:11 PM by Kaos »
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Re: What’s the problem, really?
« Reply #22 on: May 29, 2018, 03:16:05 PM »
So, if it's not Prowler or Kaos, who are you blaming for the downfall of the x?

I think I get your drift, Mister. I'm no moran.

Honestly, pal, I don't care how you feel about me. Just because I know more about politics and football than you is no reason to hate me. But whatever.

And, I'm sure that you also dislike me because I'm much funnier and better looking than you. And have a huge Johnson.

Get over yourself and get on with life. You are who you are. I can't help being who I am either. What am I supposed to do? Try to be less sexually attractive? Does this intimidate or simply interfere with your concentration?

No sense in denying. You're not the only one, I'm sure.

And another thing, buddy. I hope you got a free bowl of soup with that hat.
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Re: What’s the problem, really?
« Reply #23 on: May 29, 2018, 04:30:56 PM »
Your numbers re: rest of the country are a bit off.  The "echo chamber" is the lining up of a few of the posters here to simply backslap the newest bit of thinly veiled racism parading as a facebook meme or some idiotic appeal to those sentiments dressed up as "plain speakin" to counteract all that awful PC culture.
My biggest problem with the PC culture is that intent has no place in the equation.  All anyone has to do is claim to be offended.  I claim it, therefore I am.  Prime example recently was the Phoenix Suns' play by play guy saying that Russell Westbrook was "Out of his cotton-picking mind" after he'd just dished his 9th assist barely into the 2nd quarter.  In no way, shape or form was there any intent to be even remotely racist with that comment.  In fact, he was singing Westbrook's praises. 
The announcer was publically humiliated.  He had to meet with the team and apologize. He issued a public apology and was suspended.  The correct response by the Suns should have been, "Dude, don't say cotton-picking on the air.  Mmmk?" But that's where we are today.  Everyone walking timidly, trying not to step on a PC landmine.  You can have the purest of intentions, but if someone claims to have been offended by what you say or do, there will be consequences.  That was more my reference to Trump.  He doesn't care.  He's been called a racist more times than I can even begin to count.  He just throws a big PFFFFFFFFT at the notion and charges forward. 
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Re: What’s the problem, really?
« Reply #24 on: May 29, 2018, 04:38:24 PM »
What Barr said may have been racist but I’m blacker than that Stidham lady.
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Re: What’s the problem, really?
« Reply #25 on: May 29, 2018, 04:51:15 PM »
He just throws a big PFFFFFFFFT at the notion and charges forward.
For the record?  He stole that from me.  
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Re: What’s the problem, really?
« Reply #26 on: May 29, 2018, 04:55:12 PM »
For the record?  He stole that from me.  
He used all CAPS!
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Re: What’s the problem, really?
« Reply #27 on: May 29, 2018, 04:56:22 PM »
He used all CAPS!
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Re: What’s the problem, really?
« Reply #28 on: May 29, 2018, 05:01:41 PM »
My biggest problem with the PC culture is that intent has no place in the equation.  All anyone has to do is claim to be offended.  I claim it, therefore I am.  Prime example recently was the Phoenix Suns' play by play guy saying that Russell Westbrook was "Out of his cotton-picking mind" after he'd just dished his 9th assist barely into the 2nd quarter.  In no way, shape or form was there any intent to be even remotely racist with that comment.  In fact, he was singing Westbrook's praises.
The announcer was publically humiliated.  He had to meet with the team and apologize. He issued a public apology and was suspended.  The correct response by the Suns should have been, "Dude, don't say cotton-picking on the air.  Mmmk?" But that's where we are today.  Everyone walking timidly, trying not to step on a PC landmine.  You can have the purest of intentions, but if someone claims to have been offended by what you say or do, there will be consequences.  That was more my reference to Trump.  He doesn't care.  He's been called a racist more times than I can even begin to count.  He just throws a big PFFFFFFFFT at the notion and charges forward.
Just think if you got all bent out of shape every time someone made fun of your enormous forehead. Or, lack of testicles.
You’d stay pissed off.
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Re: What’s the problem, really?
« Reply #29 on: May 29, 2018, 05:17:10 PM »
Just think if you got all bent out of shape every time someone made fun of your enormous forehead. Or, lack of testicles.
You’d stay pissed off.
I can feel it down in my plums.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."


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Re: What’s the problem, really?
« Reply #30 on: May 29, 2018, 05:24:08 PM »
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Re: What’s the problem, really?
« Reply #31 on: May 29, 2018, 05:42:46 PM »
With a nice, blueish hue.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."

The Prowler

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Re: What’s the problem, really?
« Reply #32 on: May 29, 2018, 06:00:02 PM »
You've debased yourself and ruined numerous threads.  I've been a party to that by trying to either engage you or mock the appalling ignorance displayed.  

I always thought you were just acting on some level.  Thought you couldn't possibly be serious.  If you are just clowning, stop.  It ceased being funny a long time ago and has had a detrimental impact on this forum.  If you ARE serious in these outlandish ideas you espouse?  Please get help.  
I post the facts, I can't help you understand them, that's all on you and others here.

Facts from my previous post:
I didn't see this amount of crying and complaining when Fox News, Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, etc were calling Obama the fucking Anti-Christ and people were displaying a hung effigy of Obama.

Also, Trump had political aspirations back in '99-'00. The affairs between he & Stormy happened afterwards and the affair between he & Melania happened after.

The National Enquirer is one of Trump's favorite papers as he and it's CEO are longtime friends. The tabloid has been accused of buying up stories about Trump and covering them up and operating on his personal behalf.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2018, 06:06:05 PM by The Prowler »
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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

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Re: What’s the problem, really?
« Reply #33 on: May 29, 2018, 06:29:44 PM »
I post the facts, I can't help you understand them, that's all on you and others here.

Facts from my previous post:
I didn't see this amount of crying and complaining when Fox News, Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, etc were calling Obama the fucking Anti-Christ and people were displaying a hung effigy of Obama.

Also, Trump had political aspirations back in '99-'00. The affairs between he & Stormy happened afterwards and the affair between he & Melania happened after.

The National Enquirer is one of Trump's favorite papers as he and it's CEO are longtime friends. The tabloid has been accused of buying up stories about Trump and covering them up and operating on his personal behalf.
I'm going to stoop this one last time.  
You didn't see any of that in regard to Obama and certainly not on the scale you're seeing it in regard to Trump.  The coverage of Obama's win in 2008 was almost messianic in its tone.    

Trump may have considered it, may have toyed with the Reform Party but he didn't make a serious political run until 2016.  Whatever he did -- even if he did have an affair -- doesn't matter.  People have affairs every day.  

The tabloid has "been accused."  By whom?  Oh, the media?  Pffffttttttttttfffftttttftftftftftftftffffftttffftttppp. Same fools who tout "scoops" about Trump and Russia?  Sad state of affairs when the Enquirer is more honest and honorable than CNN.  

You have no facts.  You have lunatic conspiracy theories that swirl around the fringes of rationality.  
There's no point in continuing this dialogue.  You're wrong, you've been proven wrong and you keep bellowing.  Move on.  
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Re: What’s the problem, really?
« Reply #34 on: May 29, 2018, 06:56:06 PM »
I post the facts, I can't help you understand them, that's all on you and others here.

Facts from my previous post:
I didn't see this amount of crying and complaining when Fox News, Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, etc were calling Obama the fucking Anti-Christ and people were displaying a hung effigy of Obama.

Also, Trump had political aspirations back in '99-'00. The affairs between he & Stormy happened afterwards and the affair between he & Melania happened after.

The National Enquirer is one of Trump's favorite papers as he and it's CEO are longtime friends. The tabloid has been accused of buying up stories about Trump and covering them up and operating on his personal behalf.
Got any naked pictures of your wife?
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The Prowler

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Re: What’s the problem, really?
« Reply #35 on: May 29, 2018, 07:31:23 PM »
I'm going to stoop this one last time.  
You didn't see any of that in regard to Obama and certainly not on the scale you're seeing it in regard to Trump.  The coverage of Obama's win in 2008 was almost messianic in its tone.    

Trump may have considered it, may have toyed with the Reform Party but he didn't make a serious political run until 2016.  Whatever he did -- even if he did have an affair -- doesn't matter.  People have affairs every day.  

The tabloid has "been accused."  By whom?  Oh, the media?  Pffffttttttttttfffftttttftftftftftftftffffftttffftttppp. Same fools who tout "scoops" about Trump and Russia?  Sad state of affairs when the Enquirer is more honest and honorable than CNN.  

You have no facts.  You have lunatic conspiracy theories that swirl around the fringes of rationality.  
There's no point in continuing this dialogue.  You're wrong, you've been proven wrong and you keep bellowing.  Move on.  
That fact that you continue to move the goal post proves that not only am I correct, but you've failed to prove otherwise. Keep moving the goal posts around Kaos, it's what you're good at. The facts remain, just as I've posted them. Again, I can't help you understand them.
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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

"Alabama's Special Teams unit is made up of Special Ed students." - Daniel Tosh

"The HUNH does cause significant Health and Safety issues, Health issues for the opposing fans and Safety issues for the opposing coaches." - AU AD Jay Jacobs

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Re: What’s the problem, really?
« Reply #36 on: May 29, 2018, 08:09:24 PM »
It amazes me every day how two people can see a set of circumstances so differently.
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Re: What’s the problem, really?
« Reply #37 on: May 29, 2018, 09:16:46 PM »
It amazes me every day how two people can see a set of circumstances so differently.
Which is why I was hoping to draw wes back into legitimate discussion.  Prowler? Just don’t give a flip anymore.  For the longest I honestly thought he was just clowning.  That’s one of the reasons I kept it up with him.  I assumed he had to be joking so I threw bombs just to watch them explode. He just never came off the act.  So I give up there. 
I was legitimately curious as to how wes in particular could still view this (to me remarkable) presidency as a failure. He said the accomplishements don’t ring in his head.  I’d like to know why.  
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Re: What’s the problem, really?
« Reply #38 on: May 29, 2018, 09:19:33 PM »
It amazes me every day how two people can see a set of circumstances so differently.
I certainly see my dong as huge. Yuuuuuuuge, I say. 
Wes seems to think it’s not so much.
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Re: What’s the problem, really?
« Reply #39 on: May 29, 2018, 10:38:15 PM »
It amazes me every day how two people can see a set of circumstances so differently.
He spews off the same talking points over and over and over....and pollutes the whole board purposely.

Investigation ongoing

Moving goal posts


He just posts facts he can't make you read them.

Various lines/info stolen from wacko sites

And on and on.....it's the robotic ideological method that has been the turn off here. There is no thought. There is only stirring up shit just to do it. A polluting of the board.

With K or wes or chad or even going back to chopper - there was some reasoning. Some thought.

That's the difference to me.
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