Today Bama Joe is floating the idea that Trump -- by asking for an investigation into spies that were inserted into his campaign -- is "just like Nixon."
How stupid can these clowns be? Nixon (who was otherwise a pretty good president) tried to spy on the democrats out of paranoia. This is the EXACT opposite.
These fools celebrate Woodward and Bernstein as heroes for their role in uncovering what went on with the Nixon campaign and Watergate. If they were honest, they'd be hammering at the Obama administration for its role in illegally attempting to sabotage the Trump campaign. Because THAT'S what's Nixonish.
But nope. They are so blinded by their fear and hatred of Trump that they refuse to see the real scandal that's exploding in front of their faces. Instead of reporting fairly, they're doing their best to Nixon the entire thing (cover it up, explain it away, belittle it). In that, I suggest that Blowhard Joe is way more Nixon than Trump.