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Slive, as in wa"s live"


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Slive, as in wa"s live"
« on: May 17, 2018, 10:29:56 AM »
Mike Slive died.  

I'm sure the Finebaum show will be a funeral dirge today.  He worshiped the guy. 

I'm not of the same opinion.  Slive is, to me, the single biggest reason we must endure this Alabama bullshit today.  He decided there would be no more NCAA cooperation essentially and set the stage for the unrestrained cheating that they now enjoy.  The days when Phil Fulmer could say "enough of this" and expose them for what they are were eliminated under Slive.  

I lost respect for him when he did nothing to help Auburn in 2004.  He stood by silently and did not lobby for us when he should have.  He maintained no such silence when it came time to help the Turds get berths they did not deserve.  

Am I glad he's dead?  No.  But I don't really care, either.  
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