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« on: April 17, 2018, 02:13:58 AM »
Saw the last night of the Don Felder/Styx/REO Speedwagon tour in Orange Beach Monday.  Was supposed to be Saturday but got rained out.  

Enjoyed Felder's performance a lot.  I saw him with The Eagles during the Hell Freezes Over Tour and in retrospect those guys seemed miserable. Sat on stools and played the songs. Felder alone seemed to be having much more fun. I've read all the stuff about his feud with Frey, the lawsuits or whatever but he seems genuinely happy to be there. I ran into him backstage before his set and he was personable, funny and pleasant. If he wasn't enjoying himself he was faking it really well. To be 70-something he did a really good job of bringing energy to the stage and played really well.  The best part was when he brought out Tommy Shaw from Styx and REO guitarist Dave Amato for Hotel California.  He mowed through a ten-song set, nine of which were Eagles songs.  

Styx has two shows.  A scaled down version which they usually use when they're hitting the casino circuit and a bigger one with enhanced video, smoke, lights, fire that they use when they're touring with, say, Def Leppard.  This was the smaller version.  Still good but almost rote.  They played well, sounded good and had decent energy -- when you consider these are guys in their mid to late 60s.   Shaw is 65.  That's unreal.  They played a steady diet of songs to which you know all the words, but then added in a new one from a CD they released last year.  Did anybody know Styx released an album in 2017?  I didn't and that's something I would typically be aware of. 

REO was a little weak.  They're older and can still crank out a wall of noise but they've reached that point to where the signature move is to plod a couple of steps and grimace.  All of them are late 60s at least.  The lead singer is 67.  I hope I'm that energetic when I'm his age, but he's gotten where he looks like Bea Arthur and Todd Chrisley  had a baby and then microwaved it.  He looked like an old lady at times.  His voice is still okay but he's starting to lose it.  It's not as strong as Shaw's or Felder's.  They played mostly old standards, but added a new song they are planning to record on an upcoming release.  Is there a market for new REO? 

I like going to these shows because the truth is I really don't know how many more times they can get out there.  Like KISS.  I've seen them at least 50 times and I've seen every lineup that toured (never saw Mark St. John, but I don't think he ever played on stage).  I saw them in Atlanta with Def Leppard in July 2014 and decided that was the end for me.  The show was really good and my entire extended family painted up for the show.  It was the best.  BUT...if by some miracle they decide to do one last final for real this is the end tour with Ace and Peter?  I'll go.  I've seen Styx five or six times. Maybe more.  This was going to be the last.  But I've seen rumors of a reunion with Dennis DeYoung.  If that happens?  I'll make one more trek.  

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Re: Felder/Styx/REO
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2018, 09:37:03 AM »
Saw Reo a couple of years ago. 

Decent show. Good songs. 

Kevin Cronin (singer of Reo) and Tommy Shaw could have an "annunciation tour". 
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Re: Felder/Styx/REO
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2018, 10:01:11 AM »
Kaos still rocks!

It’s mostly in a chair, but still.

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Re: Felder/Styx/REO
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2018, 01:45:26 PM »
Beg the differ on "Hell freezes Over". Saw them in the ATL at the OMNI. They sounded great and put on a great show. 

Felder and Walsh played the Hotel guitar solo as a duo. Never walked on one note!

It might have been the best musical performance I had seen. Was bummed there was no 7 bridges. But they had not been back together long enough at the time.
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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Re: Felder/Styx/REO
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2018, 02:17:58 PM »
Beg the differ on "Hell freezes Over". Saw them in the ATL at the OMNI. They sounded great and put on a great show.

Felder and Walsh played the Hotel guitar solo as a duo. Never walked on one note!

It might have been the best musical performance I had seen. Was bummed there was no 7 bridges. But they had not been back together long enough at the time.
They sounded great, I give you that. It was pretty amazing to see the whole crew on stage together even if it wasn't meant to last.  
But honestly, they came out and sat on stools the entire time.  It was technically really good, but it didn't have much energy.  One of my biggest gripes was they knocked out Hotel California before people had even settled in.  They played great, they played for a long time (nearly 30 songs if I remember) but they pretty much just sat there and ran through the setlist as I recall. 
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Re: Felder/Styx/REO
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2018, 02:27:19 PM »
Other than Frey jumping around a little at one point, and Walsh making goofy faces, they pretty much just stood there and played their set when I saw them about 5 years ago.  Wasn't really expecting anything more.  Just love a concert where you know every word and note to every song.
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Re: Felder/Styx/REO
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2018, 02:55:11 PM »
Beg the differ on "Hell freezes Over". Saw them in the ATL at the OMNI. They sounded great and put on a great show.

Felder and Walsh played the Hotel guitar solo as a duo. Never walked on one note!

It might have been the best musical performance I had seen. Was bummed there was no 7 bridges. But they had not been back together long enough at the time.
Went down that road a while back south of Montgomery. It really is 7. 
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