agreed. i'm not happy with the situation. but i'm conservative about the market and economy. A free-market, in theory will correct itself or balance itself out, it'll just take some time and it'll be painful to some. but that's part of the market and people/companies reap what they sow. give out bad loans with no collateral down, well ya'll know the rest.
If government regulation caused the problem, why would we want government to solve it? Government says, "everyone is entitled to a house, start loaning to those people who you probably wouldn't loan to...etc"
I see it like this: an arsonist starts a fire in the woods. This wildfire is spreading and growing and burning up the forrest. The firefighters need help, a strategist, to guide them to fight the fire. Would you hire the arsonist to help you? of course not.
Why ask the government (at the tax payers expense) who caused the problem to come and fix it. "i'm from the federal government and i'm here to help." famous last words