No, it's not what you think. It actually has to do with you losing money. If you are thinking of something else you can call me on an individual phone taps.
Do any of you guys participate in a NCAA Bowl bracket or something similar where bets are placed on the outcome of each bowl game? I know bowl games are announced on December 2nd and I would like to wager money towards the winners of each game that's scheduled. I also know there are some already established systems for this, although I've never participated in one. My preference would be to place my bets through a more
trustworthy well-known venture such as this one as opposed to betting through a friend of a friend, if you know what I mean. Let me know if any of you fools organize something like this or would like to and we can get the first annual TigersX-smoke-a-bowl-a-thon underway---we basically need someone to collect the money to payout at the end and someone who knows a website or something similar that we can bet through.
Here's to spending money during the holiday season