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Auburn's Offense

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Re: Auburn's Offense
« Reply #20 on: September 29, 2008, 10:01:52 AM »
If you had the pleasure I watching the game on  CBS here are some of the comments you were treated to:

"Todd said his arm was back to 100%. God I hope not. "

"you can't run that read option if there is no threat of the quarterback running."

"todd is going to throw. YECHHH!"

" Todd delivers a knuckleball. "

"if you are going to play Burns let him run the offense. "

"Todd just doesn't have any arm strength. "

I do feel somewhat vindicated in that the running game had pop only when the QB was under center.  We HAVE to junk the spread before this season disentegtates.

You forgot my favorite...

"Tony Franklin sells this offense for $3000? If it keeps going like this, we will be lucky to sell if for $1"
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Re: Auburn's Offense
« Reply #21 on: September 29, 2008, 10:47:08 AM »
There's now way to post something civil, the local prick, yea you know who you are ''lil'' chopper, won't have it so this is the only way say this.

How many people tried to tell you guys this experiment ''Franklin the guru’’ was bullshit?
Nope, not one of you would have it. ''He's the greatest thing to ever grace the football field’’ How many of you called Bama fans delusional for seeing a change in the program after last year, laughed at the '' process '' of rebuilding? I bet your asses wish you had a little bit of that ''process''.
I said '' go ahead, point your fingers and laugh, It 's what most barners do. I'm having lots of fun watching you guy’s meltdown. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch. Now you can get all worked up and piss and moan and hurl insults. This shit serves some of you right.

I haven't said one damn word about Bama being back either so before you start that shit I'm not on that bandwagon.
I predicted here before the season at 8-4 or if the ball bounces and Bama can stay healthy we could be 9-3.
I still stand by that. We've got work to do but we are getting closer to were we need to be.
Still a couple years out.

By the way, still think there isn't more shit going on in your program than what's on the surface?

To some of the more reasonable posters, I do appologise for some comments. Like I said though, I've tried to be more civil but it don't work here.
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Re: Auburn's Offense
« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2008, 10:59:43 AM »
There's now way to post something civil, the local prick, yea you know who you are ''lil'' chopper, won't have it so this is the only way say this.

How many people tried to tell you guys this experiment ''Franklin the guru’’ was bullshit?
Nope, not one of you would have it. ''He's the greatest thing to ever grace the football field’’ How many of you called Bama fans delusional for seeing a change in the program after last year, laughed at the '' process '' of rebuilding? I bet your asses wish you had a little bit of that ''process''.
I said '' go ahead, point your fingers and laugh, It 's what most barners do. I'm having lots of fun watching you guy’s meltdown. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch. Now you can get all worked up and piss and moan and hurl insults. This shit serves some of you right.

I haven't said one damn word about Bama being back either so before you start that shit I'm not on that bandwagon.
I predicted here before the season at 8-4 or if the ball bounces and Bama can stay healthy we could be 9-3.
I still stand by that. We've got work to do but we are getting closer to were we need to be.
Still a couple years out.

By the way, still think there isn't more shit going on in your program than what's on the surface?

To some of the more reasonable posters, I do appologise for some comments. Like I said though, I've tried to be more civil but it don't work here.

First of all, even I told you that if you weren't a cock in the mouth all the time, you could post here and not get harassed.  Let there be no mistake here Gridiron, you are who you are, and you EARNED every fucking insult, kick in the nuts and poke in the eye you've received.  Don't come in here now in some patronizing fashion expecting to not be called out on that.

If you want to come in here and talk football, then drop the fucking schizo routine.    ESPN, and the national media want Bama up there so bad in lieu of their other names going down, that you will benefit from it greatly until something terrible happens.

It is not trash talk, and it is NOT based on some fantasy world assumption, that something bad could happen.  It's based on fact, very recent, if not almost present information, and will continue to be talked about until you complete the season in whatever fashion it happens.

You are not the fucking voice of reason for Alabama or it's fan base, so please....talk football, talk about your team, and be a fan, but anything else about teaching us some sort of "lesson" about how you've been treated, by me, or others.... Go fuck yourself.

Good luck the rest of the season.  It's not even half over yet.
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Re: Auburn's Offense
« Reply #23 on: September 29, 2008, 10:59:51 AM »
To some of the more reasonable posters, I do appologise for some comments. Like I said though, I've tried to be more civil but it don't work here.

Civility works just fine.  Don't take out your shit-fit with Chopper on the rest of us.

That said, continued posting like this one will result in Chopper gaining some extra support.
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Re: Auburn's Offense
« Reply #24 on: September 29, 2008, 11:36:35 AM »
Hahaaa, yea you have nothing to do with my attitude on this board. Should I go back and dig up post after post of you baiting me and slamming even the more tone down, level headed posts I've tried to make.

I didn't have a problem on this site and actually enjoyed it until you decided to pull you’re your childish damn game of post baiting and seeing how long I'd take your shit before I would get tired of it. Nobody is going to refrain from defending themselves at some of the bullshit you've thrown my way.
For example the ridiculous your momma insult you hurled about a week ago. Yup, instead of ignoring it I was wrong to respond. A motherfucker can only take so much bullshit before they drag themselves down to your level. I've done it and you have contributed heavily toward it. In fact I can look back and find the start of this whole pissing fest.
You found out I came here and that's when the shit started. You went on a mission to antagonize me until I had had enough of your shit. Dude YOU started this crap. You did it so you could say ''see I told ya he wouldn't change''.  Yea no shit. when you couldn't resist pulling me in by the constant insults. What the hell did you or any one here expect?
I even posted that I'd like to start over here and be respectful and contribute to the site. It's all there archived I'm sure.
Regardless, it apparently won't ever get resolved. Hell I even tried to ignore you and you still won't quit.
So what the hell else do you expect? I told you a couple weeks back; it's out there to dig up too, that if you would stop it and act civil I'd do the same. Did you not read it?

So,don't try and patronize me  and act as if  I deserve everything you throw. Again, you started it and you keep it festered. I said it weeks ago. You want respect and rational posting?  How about giving some.
Care to answer that?
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Re: Auburn's Offense
« Reply #25 on: September 29, 2008, 11:52:33 AM »
Hahaaa, yea you have nothing to do with my attitude on this board.

It figures the first sentence of both of your past two posts, renders your entire argument worthless.  Suck it Trebek!

Should I go back and dig up post after post of you baiting me and slamming even the more tone down, level headed posts I've tried to make.

I could use a good laugh, so go ahead if you'd like.  :thumbsup:

I didn't have a problem on this site and actually enjoyed it until you decided to pull you’re your childish damn game of post baiting and seeing how long I'd take your shit before I would get tired of it. Nobody is going to refrain from defending themselves at some of the bullshit you've thrown my way.
   But I thought I didn't matter?

For example the ridiculous your momma insult you hurled about a week ago. Yup, instead of ignoring it I was wrong to respond. A motherfucker can only take so much bullshit before they drag themselves down to your level. I've done it and you have contributed heavily toward it. In fact I can look back and find the start of this whole pissing fest.

You might as well, because I no longer have access to AUN, which is actually where this all started Gridiron....

You found out I came here and that's when the shit started. You went on a mission to antagonize me until I had had enough of your shit. Dude YOU started this crap. You did it so you could say ''see I told ya he wouldn't change''.  Yea no shit. when you couldn't resist pulling me in by the constant insults. What the hell did you or any one here expect?

It's what I dooooo.  I think my exposure and your following actions haven't done much but show where I was right.  I am pretty good at this shit.

I even posted that I'd like to start over here and be respectful and contribute to the site. It's all there archived I'm sure.
Regardless, it apparently won't ever get resolved. Hell I even tried to ignore you and you still won't quit.

Sorry Francis, your first post back this week, addressed me with "local prick" and "lil Chopper"....    That's pretty clearly asking for it, and kind of makes you a hypocrite, but please continue....
So what the hell else do you expect? I told you a couple weeks back; it's out there to dig up too, that if you would stop it and act civil I'd do the same. Did you not read it?

I already know what to expect, and you never disappoint.   

So,don't try and patronize me  and act as if  I deserve everything you throw. Again, you started it and you keep it festered. I said it weeks ago.

One only needs to read the first lines of your first post here... no digging necessary to see why this keeps happening.  I hear ya though Capt. Hippie Hypocrite.
You want respect and rational posting?  How about giving some.
Care to answer that?

I already get respect and have many rational posts.  Thanks for asking though.
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Re: Auburn's Offense
« Reply #26 on: September 29, 2008, 11:54:34 AM »
Civility works just fine.  Don't take out your shit-fit with Chopper on the rest of us.

That said, continued posting like this one will result in Chopper gaining some extra support.

Extra support?

It's a bit difficult not to keep an attitude when your every comment get some smart assed remark regardless of what I post.
Like I said, I've tried to ignore and stay away from his baiting but damn it's impossible. I haven't pm anyone ,cried or asked anyone to ask him to give me a friggin' break. Nope, I've put up with it and almost never come here because of it. I'm sure it's a running joke on how long it will take till he runs me off.
That's too bad.
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Re: Auburn's Offense
« Reply #27 on: September 29, 2008, 12:00:49 PM »
Your FIRST line today....

There's now way to post something civil, the local prick, yea you know who you are ''lil'' chopper, won't have it so this is the only way say this.

plus this....

Hahaaa, yea you have nothing to do with my attitude on this board.

= Hyporcrite.


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Re: Auburn's Offense
« Reply #28 on: September 29, 2008, 12:05:25 PM »
So you’re dragging some bullshit from AUN over here. WOW   :jaw:
I didn't know I hurt you so. Let it go man geezzze. You of all people shouln't get so worked up about some bickering on another site that happened almost a year ago.

I address you in the same type manner in which you have been addressing me so don't act as if your innocent.  You have no room to throw around the hypocrite label.  None what so ever.   :pwnd:

I didn't think you would be able to answer in any other manner than what you did/ do.
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Re: Auburn's Offense
« Reply #29 on: September 29, 2008, 12:08:31 PM »
Please.  Explain to all of us how I'm:


This ought to be good.  Please number each line item.   :popcorn:
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Re: Auburn's Offense
« Reply #30 on: September 29, 2008, 12:10:59 PM »
So, what'd ya'll think about those throwback Titans unforms the Jets wore yesterday?  I thought it was the Steelers at first.

Favre threw 6 TDs so they might want to keep wearing them.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."

War Eagle!!!

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Re: Auburn's Offense
« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2008, 12:12:57 PM »
There's now way to post something civil, the local prick, yea you know who you are ''lil'' chopper, won't have it so this is the only way say this.

How many people tried to tell you guys this experiment ''Franklin the guru’’ was bullshit?
Nope, not one of you would have it. ''He's the greatest thing to ever grace the football field’’ How many of you called Bama fans delusional for seeing a change in the program after last year, laughed at the '' process '' of rebuilding? I bet your asses wish you had a little bit of that ''process''.
I said '' go ahead, point your fingers and laugh, It 's what most barners do. I'm having lots of fun watching you guy’s meltdown. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch. Now you can get all worked up and piss and moan and hurl insults. This shit serves some of you right.

I haven't said one damn word about Bama being back either so before you start that shit I'm not on that bandwagon.
I predicted here before the season at 8-4 or if the ball bounces and Bama can stay healthy we could be 9-3.
I still stand by that. We've got work to do but we are getting closer to were we need to be.
Still a couple years out.

By the way, still think there isn't more shit going on in your program than what's on the surface?

To some of the more reasonable posters, I do appologise for some comments. Like I said though, I've tried to be more civil but it don't work here.

Fuck you! I don't need some shit stirring Alabama fan to come in here saying "I told you so". Fuck you dude. You want respect, try saying something without sounding like an arrogant fucker.
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Re: Auburn's Offense
« Reply #32 on: September 29, 2008, 12:15:16 PM »
So, what'd ya'll think about those throwback Titans unforms the Jets wore yesterday?  I thought it was the Steelers at first.

Favre threw 6 TDs so they might want to keep wearing them.

That kid Farvre is going to be something one day.  :thumbsup:
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Re: Auburn's Offense
« Reply #33 on: September 29, 2008, 12:16:53 PM »
"appologise" - Italian for "I suck myself off".
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Re: Auburn's Offense
« Reply #34 on: September 29, 2008, 03:36:14 PM »
Extra support?

It's a bit difficult not to keep an attitude when your every comment get some smart assed remark regardless of what I post.
Like I said, I've tried to ignore and stay away from his baiting but damn it's impossible. I haven't pm anyone ,cried or asked anyone to ask him to give me a friggin' break. Nope, I've put up with it and almost never come here because of it. I'm sure it's a running joke on how long it will take till he runs me off.
That's too bad.

Seems to me that you're crying about it right now.  If you let one person run you off, then you're a pussy who should have been run anyway.
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And Imma keep a bottle of that funk
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Re: Auburn's Offense
« Reply #35 on: September 29, 2008, 03:45:05 PM »
Fucking horrible! I give up! I now feel like Kaos has felt. I didn't feel like this until the 2nd half. I am not sure what happened between the first and second half, but this is really really hard to watch! I feel like someone just kicked me in the balls...Pathetic...

I felt your pain.  This was the first game that the wife and I had a chance to go to this year and it sucked to be honest.  We are usually two of the loudest people in our section and we just sat in silence for much of the second half wondering what we were watching.   We canceled our plans to head to Nashvegas this weekend, and if it weren't for my brother going with me, I would sell our Arkansas tickets.  I can tell you right now that I don't look forward to this weekend. I can't believe for the first time in my life that I am worried about Vandy. Homecoming, forget it, I am staying home that weekend. 
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Courage is only fear holding on a minute longer.--George S. Patton

There are gonna be days when you lay your guts on the line and you come away empty handed, there ain't a damn thing you can do about it but go back out there and lay em on the line again...and again, and again! -- Coach Pat Dye

It isn't that liberals are ignorant. It's just they know so much that isn't so. --Ronald Reagan


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Re: Auburn's Offense
« Reply #36 on: September 29, 2008, 04:13:09 PM »
Like I said 3 to 4 weeks ago and was shewed off, if this situation isn't taken under control it will be more than just Franklin who gets the can.
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Re: Auburn's Offense
« Reply #37 on: September 29, 2008, 04:14:04 PM »
Like I said 3 to 4 weeks ago and was shewed off, if this situation isn't taken under control it will be more than just Franklin who gets the can.

I was told to quit my baby bitching.  Hmmm. 
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Re: Auburn's Offense
« Reply #38 on: September 29, 2008, 04:18:09 PM »
I was told to quit my baby bitching.  Hmmm. 

Obviously you knew some secret squirrel shit or something, so props to you,  Now, do you have anymore room on that bandwagon you're driving?  I'm looking for a seat.
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Re: Auburn's Offense
« Reply #39 on: September 29, 2008, 04:25:13 PM »
I was told to quit my baby bitching.  Hmmm. 

You need to hang up the phone and get back on the press.
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"Hey my friends are the ones that wanted to eat at that shitty hole in the wall that only served bread and wine.  What kind of brick and mud business model is that.  Stick to the cart if that's all you're going to serve.  Then that dude came in with like 12 other people, and some of them weren't even wearing shoes, and the restaurant sat them right across from us. It was gross, and they were all stinky and dirty.  Then dude starts talking about eating his body and drinking his blood...I almost lost it.  That's the last supper I'll ever have there, and I hope he dies a horrible death."