Some of our...ahem...more senior members might remember this all playing out in real-time, but this was all news to me.
Feel-good cult guy, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, skips out of India just ahead of some heavy criminal charges and lands in nowheresville, Oregon. Out in the north-central part of the state, the closest town is Antelope, Oregon, population 40. Forty. Four-Zero.
Rural white folk are predictably skeeved out by their new neighbors and put up procedural roadblocks to the establishment of their new town, Rajneeshpuram. In retaliation, the cult takes over Antelope, buys up all the available property (there's a lot of it for sale) and makes themselves a thorn in the side of the Antelopians. Then things escalate.
Six one-hour episodes tell the story and it's a pretty wild ride. I was left wondering two things: 1) Why didn't we get any backstory on Bhagwan? When we meet him his cult is already established in India; and 2) What happened to all those people that just went back to their old lives? Did they ever tell their kids about the 4 years they spent on a commune? I guess the Duplass brothers left some material on the table for a potential sequel/spinoff.