Cable/Dish/Direct/Hulu/ScrewYou.... I need recommendations on switching providers. Something that makes more sense and doesn't cost so damn much. Yep, we're still attached to teh cables. We have our TV, Interwebz and phone bundled through WOW. It's suited our needs up until now, but they've changed and so have we. Slowly but Shirley, we've weeded out the land line, so we don't need that expense. Our interwebbings are fine. Fast enough. No complaints. But here's where WOW lost me. Started noticing last month that there were several channels we weren't getting. We have 4 total TV's in the house and 3 were not getting signals for about 8-10 channels. I figured the problem had to be the one TV we were getting all the channels was the one with the digital box, which is on our main TV and gets 8,000,000 channels, which we watch about .0056% or 125/296,511ths of the time.

So, when I call WOW, I hear exactly what I thought I would. Gotta' have a box for each TV. That's completely unnecessary and that also ain't happenin'. Plus, my wonderful bundle is now popping me for just north of $240.00/month. Okay, so what to do?
Two things. We are pretty basic in our TV watching. What comes with basic cable just about covers my needs. I want the local TV station for news etc. I need my sports channels, some Discovery, Travel, HGTV for Chip and Joanna Gaines and so on. 40 selections or less satisfies the Snags. Snagette needs about 1/3 of that. The other thing is, and this is where I need some real input (After the old man/how do you download videos to facebook jokes) Just about all the TV's in the house are 8-10 years old. I keep hearing that everything now is a "Smart TV". I'm going to assume that plays into my options some how on what I can switch to? Am I going to have to cuss Alexa every time I want to change the channel?
Alexa, find me some Fixer Upper. And make me a sandwich and bring me a beer.
I knew eventually I was going to have to drag my sorry ass into the 20th Century. And yes, I'm kicking and screaming. So, laugh away and tell me what I need. Go!