Trump sucks! Didn't work.
Trump said grab 'em! Didn't work.
Trump is racist! Didn't work.
Trump watched Xena! Didn't work.
Trump missed his gyn! Didn't work.
Trump hates women! Didn't work.
Trump colluded! Didn't work.
Elect him and the economy will crash! Didn't work.
Trump paid a hooker! Didn't work.
The current tack seems to be "everything's so much better, but Trump still SUCKS!" We're supposed to ignore the signs of a flourishing economy, ignore the general feeling of confidence and whine and cry because Trump isn't a regular politician and he's a big orange meanie.
I saw an article recently bashing Trump over how many people felt the country was headed in the wrong direction. What the stupid article didn't mention is that the numbers aren't that much different than during Obama's term.