I meant to put that statement in quotes. That was from Trump back in 2013. See? Trump sure is a dumbass...like I've been saying for years now.
1. Trump has support of the GOP on this.
2. Trump met directly with Schumer to try and prevent this.
But facts man...whatever. It amazes me how people can see something and think two polar opposite things. How this is in anyway anything BUT a power play by the dems to get the dreamers citizenship is beyond me. It has NOTHING to do with anything else. Period.
And it is using the talking points of:
- First President to have control of the House, Senate, and the White House but still have a government shutdown.
- First President to have a government shutdown on his 1 year inauguration anniversary.
- First President to have a government shutdown this early in his presidency.
To try and force the issue and/or make Trump look stupid to their voting base.
You know what the 800,000 dreamers are to the dems? Votes.