Scattershooting while wondering whatever happened to Biff Pocoroba:
* Ike wrecked shop...y'all know this.
* It was deja vu all over again for me...EXACTLY 29 years earlier, almost to the hour, I sat through Hurricane Frederic in south Baldwin County.
* Still no power at the Rancid Milk residence...staying with a co-worker (yes, she's female, yes, she's married). I'm fine, my stuff is fine and that's more than a lot of people around here can say. I feel blessed.
* Hot showers are not to be underrated.
* Neither are 80 mile trips to go get something to eat just to get out of the motherfucking house.
* The biggest amusement I've had in the last week was when I called my mom on Sunday morning and asked her how we did against MSU...she pulled up the site and said "Auburn wins defensive struggle 3-2." I laughed at that score for a good 5 minutes.
Anyway, that's my report from SW Houston...