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Cam steps in it


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Re: Cam steps in it
« Reply #140 on: October 13, 2017, 04:37:18 PM »
I contend that most kneelers STILL don't have a clue why they're kneeling.

But, even if they do, I think it's a failure and the wrong place.

They are worsening the divide. I don't plan on ever watching or supporting any more nfl. Ever.

Wasn't a big supporter before, so won't miss it.

Also, actively boycotting NFL sponsors. Ford, Gatorade, Pepsi, under armour, etc. Explained to wife and kids why.

I'm not a vet but it's my flag. And I don't want anyone disrespecting it. I'm on the side of for the people who fought to protect it. I'm supporting them. Not some pansy ass, over-paid moron with an imaginary chip on their shoulder and therefore, a cause.

And before someone says I missed the point. Like K pointed out long ago, they don't even know the point. And my point is: THEY ARE KNEELING DURING THE PLEDGE!

It would be like one of my kids purposely farting during the blessing. I would slap them silly. It's disrespectful. That's the bottom line.

Fine with me if they keep it up. Hope they get fired and go bankrupt myself. Not very Christian of me, I know. Sorry.

If its one of yours they are already there.
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A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my life.' That is Honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.'

The Prowler

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Re: Cam steps in it
« Reply #141 on: October 13, 2017, 05:25:41 PM »
Ok, so you are obviously missing the entire point.  It isn't about forced patriotism, it's about having some class and showing it.  These "oppressed" players making their shit tons of money sure are "oppressed'.  Show me how these D bags have been "oppressed" and I will show you how the majority of them are just thugs with money.  If not for their ability to play a GAME better than other people, they would be doing the same thug shit that the rest of their homies are doing.  I would also say that half of them or more will be broke within 5 to 10 years after they are done playing. 

Now I have said it before and I will say it again. If you want communism, then take YOUR ass to one of the many countries that live under it.  I agree they have a right to do what they are doing, no problem with that.  It's the disrespect that they have for the same country that has afforded them to play a gotdamn game for a healthy living. So get the communist cock out of your mouth and suck my American balls!!  Hallelujah, holy shit!! Where's the tylenol?
So, you have no problem with them using their stage to peacefully protest oppression and police brutality for all that are affected by it on a massive stage (millions of people watching). You know that up until 2009 NFL players usually stayed in the locker room until after pre-game activities, until the NFL paid the owners to have their players come out for the anthem to show patriotism. You seem to be among those that're focusing on the wrong thing. The message of the protest is what's important.
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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

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Re: Cam steps in it
« Reply #142 on: October 13, 2017, 05:48:57 PM »
So, you have no problem with them using their stage to peacefully protest oppression and police brutality for all that are affected by it on a massive stage (millions of people watching). You know that up until 2009 NFL players usually stayed in the locker room until after pre-game activities, until the NFL paid the owners to have their players come out for the anthem to show patriotism. You seem to be among those that're focusing on the wrong thing. The message of the protest is what's important.

Yes I am aware of that, and I would rather them sit in the locker than this bullshit.  And let's just say that their real protest is over police brutality.  There are definitely some bad cops out there, but there sure as hell isn't near the amount they believe to be.  Hell if they want to protest something that is truly a world wide issue, how about terrorism.  Something that affects everyone and not just some thug getting shot by the cops when he was given ample time to obey verbal commands and instead became such a threat that the officer had to shoot.  At the end of the day, I don't have a problem with them protesting whatever they want to protest.  I just think that there are more respectful was to do it.  And how about the ones giving the black panther "salute"?  That is no different than giving a kkk "salute".  Both groups are racist hate groups that have no place in this world.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2017, 05:53:24 PM by bgreene »
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Re: Cam steps in it
« Reply #143 on: October 13, 2017, 06:52:41 PM »
Yes I am aware of that, and I would rather them sit in the locker than this bullshit.  And let's just say that their real protest is over police brutality.  There are definitely some bad cops out there, but there sure as hell isn't near the amount they believe to be.  Hell if they want to protest something that is truly a world wide issue, how about terrorism.  Something that affects everyone and not just some thug getting shot by the cops when he was given ample time to obey verbal commands and instead became such a threat that the officer had to shoot.  At the end of the day, I don't have a problem with them protesting whatever they want to protest.  I just think that there are more respectful was to do it.  And how about the ones giving the black panther "salute"?  That is no different than giving a kkk "salute".  Both groups are racist hate groups that have no place in this world.

Hear Here!
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Re: Cam steps in it
« Reply #144 on: October 13, 2017, 07:04:32 PM »
Sorry I ruined your black panther party.
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Re: Cam steps in it
« Reply #145 on: October 13, 2017, 10:53:23 PM »
Yes I am aware of that, and I would rather them sit in the locker than this bullshit.  And let's just say that their real protest is over police brutality.  There are definitely some bad cops out there, but there sure as hell isn't near the amount they believe to be.  Hell if they want to protest something that is truly a world wide issue, how about terrorism.  Something that affects everyone and not just some thug getting shot by the cops when he was given ample time to obey verbal commands and instead became such a threat that the officer had to shoot.  At the end of the day, I don't have a problem with them protesting whatever they want to protest.  I just think that there are more respectful was to do it.  And how about the ones giving the black panther "salute"?  That is no different than giving a kkk "salute".  Both groups are racist hate groups that have no place in this world.

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Courage is only fear holding on a minute longer.--George S. Patton

There are gonna be days when you lay your guts on the line and you come away empty handed, there ain't a damn thing you can do about it but go back out there and lay em on the line again...and again, and again! -- Coach Pat Dye

It isn't that liberals are ignorant. It's just they know so much that isn't so. --Ronald Reagan