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State of the SEC


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State of the SEC
« on: September 25, 2017, 03:15:30 PM »
We've had the required discussions about the inability of Gus to perform at a level adequate for the SEC.  What I've learned over the last few weeks is we are hardly alone. 

1) Saban.  No comment necessary. That cheating shrimpy devil has built a program that is essentially self-sustaining at this point.  Is he a good coach?  Not so much as coaches go. But he has no peer in terms of program-building.

2) Malzahn. Average coach. Very little experience, struggling to learn on the job (and not really learning). 

3) Bust Jones.  HAHAHA.  Total assclown.  Just saw where Tennessee is 0-24 against Top 10 teams since 2008.  I wouldn't want him.  Tennessee doesn't either. 

4) Sumlin. Mediocre coach at best. 

5) Orgeron. Too early to tell, but the initial results aren't good.  We like to think of LSU as some power team, but to be honest they're really just a middle of the pack program and have been for a while.  Lots of squandered talent.

6) Smart.  Again, too early to tell. I don't think much of him as a coach but Dye liked him and thought he could bring that nose-bleeding, tooth-missing toughness back to Auburn. 

7) Shark humper.  Not impressed.  Average coach at best. 

8) Stoops. Decent coach I think.  One of the few in the SEC I'd consider trading for. 

9) Mason.  Ehhhhh... Not buying him yet. 

10) Beluga.  Big fat blubbering piece of shit.  He talks like he's got big nuts and that brashness outkicked the wife coverage by a mile.  He hasn't put a decent product on the field yet.  Arkansas... ugh. 

11) Muschamp.  Not impressed.  Average coach.

12) Odom.  Ha!  Inherited a snowflake mess and they really, really suck.

13) Whoever is at Ole Miss.  Placeholder, doesn't matter.

14) Mullen.  Fuck him.  If he had ants crawling all over him, I'd pour honey on his carcass. I refuse to rate him. 

I'm not defending Malzahn by any stretch of the imagination.  It sucks like a motherfucker, but right now the SEC is Saban and a bunch of unproven or mediocre coaches. 

The urgency for me is that Saban's time in Tuscaloosa is bound to decline.  He's 65.  He cannot continue at this rate for another ten years. 

I don't want to be sitting here with Goofy Goober as a head coach when those fissures open.  There will be a huge void in the SEC, an opportunity for one program to step into the gap and become the "face" of the league for a decade.  We did that when Bryant started to falter and in doing so became the Team of the 80s.  As good as any in the SEC, should have had two or three national titles. 

That vacuum is going to be there and soon.   If the SEC coaching landscape remains Muschamp, Smart, Orgeron, Stoops, Mason, Sumlin, Jones, Anonymous, Mullen, McElwain, Beluga and Odom or the equivalent?  We wouldn't have to upgrade much to be the team that takes over that mantle. 

Is Gus the answer to that?   
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Re: State of the SEC
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2017, 03:30:44 PM »
I don't think Gus is the answer, no matter who comes in after Saban (most likely Dabo?) you still need someone who can develop talent and on a consistent basis Gus can't do that.
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Re: State of the SEC
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2017, 04:41:07 PM »
I don't think Gus is the answer, no matter who comes in after Saban (most likely Dabo?) you still need someone who can develop talent and on a consistent basis Gus can't do that.

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Re: State of the SEC
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2017, 04:55:32 PM »
I don't think Gus is the answer, no matter who comes in after Saban (most likely Dabo?) you still need someone who can develop talent and on a consistent basis Gus can't do that.

Don't think Dabo will follow the legend. Ask Ron Zook how that works out for ya.  He's got a comfy spot carved out in Clemson and will be their Saban for a while. 

Dabo might return home when mama calls in a few years...and a few HCs later.
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Re: State of the SEC
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2017, 08:42:37 PM »
Gus is not the answer nor are any of those other ass clowns in the SEC.
We don't leave our region for head coaches and it's almost a requirement to have connections at Auburn and the best overall of these IMO is Jimbo Fisher FWIW.

And for this reason no search is complete without reaching beyond our normal narrow scope which I can't see happening with Jacobs who will ride this out through the rest of Saban's career.

We are who they want us to be at Auburn.

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