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Fuck American Horror Story


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Fuck American Horror Story
« on: September 05, 2017, 11:04:39 PM »
Really, really, really gone too far. 

I love the horror genre.  Weird horror is fine.  Gory horror is fine.   The first season of AHS was fucked up fantastic.   The second season was ridiculous shit.  It semi-righted itself with a decent New Orleans based story about witches in the third year.  Then there was the asinine and awful Freakshow season followed by the misguided and broken Roanoke season last year (had potential but squandered it badly). 

I'd seen a few previews and commercials for the new season Cult and hoping that it could maybe somehow manage to recapture some of the spooky menace and mystery of the first season I gave it a shot. 

18 minutes in?  I'm done.  Fuck this show. 

Trump's election is apparently the big horror.  We've got some chick bawling because Hillary lost, Evan Peters smearing himself in cheeto dust and pretending to be Trump, Hillary and Trump masks in the opening montage.  Talking about how scared people are because Trump won. 

I don't much give a fuck where it goes from here. 
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