You ridiculous mommy part.
This the part where you tell me I'm the one stepping out of civil discourse, isn't it.
I signed the yearbooks for some of the girls I used to teach back when I was 32. I told them they were amazing, beautiful, talented kids and destined for great things in life -- even though I knew they were none of those things. I told them it was a true joy teaching them and I was glad they had been in my class.
Holy shit.
Fucking ridiculous.
1) You have to be a drooling retard to not recognize the difference in a 32 year old teacher signing his students' yearbooks and the 32 year old district attorney signing the yearbook of a girl who he only knows as the hot piece of teenage ass that waitresses at the Hickory House. You're not a drooling retard, so why are you pretending to be in order to be this obtuse?
2) I like the way you slid "beautiful" in there as if it's exactly the same and in no way much more creepy than "amazing", "talented", or "destined for greatness".
This Allredass led sniveling bitch found something nice the guy scrawled in her yearbook -- which need I remind you he didn't go and snatch from her so he could ejaculate his message into its pages, she obviously and clearly ASKED him to sign it -- and now this ragged old whore is claiming THAT as evidence of an attempted rape?
Get the fuck out. Kiss my ass on the way.
It's circumstantial evidence that they had an inappropriate relationship that he'd even be in a situation where a kid wants him to sign her yearbook. It's
stronger evidence that he's a liar when he says, QUOTE: "This is absolutely false. I never did what she said I did. I don’t even know the woman. I don’t know anything about her. I don’t even know where the restaurant is or was."
And for what it's worth? "Olde Hickory House" is written in all caps and in a different handwriting than everything else -- which is cursive.
So. Fuck you. Fuck her. Fuck all this noise.
So? HO-LY SHIT, Kaos blew this wide open! No one has ever signed a yearbook message in cursive and then switched to print under their signature in the history of ever! MUST be a forgery!
Here's Moore's signature to compare, by the way.

Fake news. Not true. No evidence of any such thing exists.
Guess what. If being single, 32, in a shithole town like Gadsden where most single girls were married by the age of 20 back then, and being nice to younger girls is a crime then lock all you motherfucks up.
You'd be in prison, Chiz.
No. I'm 35 now and before I saw my 17th birthday I was no longer interesting in fucking the 14 year old chicks at Suprises Inside looking at Hello Kittie pencil boxes. If you can relate to this, that's a problem with