This is my last post on politics in a thread you are participating, well maybe a recipe. Are you that fucking stupid or an elaborate troll? What part of that tweet said it was to pass Trumpcare? What part? That critical vote is to bring it to the floor for discussion which is the only way anything is going to get done. You first have to bring it up for debate. Not one goddamed part of that tweet implicated that it was to pass healthcare.
Bringing it up to the floor for debate is how you get shit done in congress. Fuck you in fat retarded face for making me defend Trump you stupid add troll. You bring jack shit to this forum. Stick to football forums and recruiting where you actually have a clue.
Fuck! I took the bait.
Trump is a know that, atleast you should by now. Trump doesn't understand how things work in government and he's the President. He thinks the bill was passed with his "Congrats to all Rep. We can now deliver grt healthcare to all Americans!"
I'll repeat, just in case you can't understand. Trump. Is. Borderline. Retarded. About. Government. Processes.
Btw, I didn't throw a hook to snag anyone...your retarded ass jumped into the boat.
Keep scrolling, but before you go fill this out mmmmkay, thanks.