Actually no I didn't copy straight from Wikipedia. It's called common fucking knowledge...and research, something you should apparently do more of.
It doesn't change the fact that those are the top 3 things that the Obama administration did. You asked for 3, I gave you 3...because, again, you apparently lack the ability to do the research on your own...then you turn around and say "you copied that from somewhere else". 
Sorry not wikipedia it was or whatever that site was.
I asked you to name 3 things that were good for America that succeeded, you have yet to answer the question. You named me 3 things Obama did and you named 3 things that you pulled from somewhere else, you didn't even give me 3 things that you thought he did were good.
Research is defined as developing a POV reading several sources (both pro and con) and making an informed decision based on that. Any monkey can type into google and give me an answer,
I wanted to know what you thought. It wasn't about research, I wanted to know why you thought he was a great president or going to go down in history as one.
I want to know why you think that those 3 things were great. How they helped America?