Guys, isn't that the wrong one? The one that died was the one Dante pines after who shows up and screws the dead guy on the toilet.
Doesn't matter. Sani just likes talking about dicks.
I think you need to go back and watch that movie. Same one.
Questioning our Clerks knowledge? Motherfucker, what?
Meh whatever. They are both Yankees and brunettes. same same.
Just goes to show that rich college boys like yourself don't have the education enough to admit when you're wrong.
Ye have been led astray from thy faith.This is the 37 dicks girl.This is the chick that just died.
I gotta say I love you and shorty, but you pretty much just got pwned by Chizad and The Six.That's a minus -122
I did and I accept my fate. Luckily I am still better at math.
Always a good tie breaker with The Chad