a) I lost nothing. No shit, no pants, no nothing. I merely laughed at you. Suggested maybe you should look past the headlines. That apparently unleashes a torrent of linked diarrhea and sprayed insults from YOU. You weren't insulted until you started making the mocking caricature impressions and ranting like a ... well.. bitch.
You "merely" excised the one sentence where I say we don't KNOW at this point that the Trump administration is completely clean from my lengthy post about how it seems more likely Rice was acting nefariously and replied to it with the : taunt : emoji.
When I again reiterated my position that I tend to believe the Democrats were more likely guilty of "unethical tactics", with the caveat that that doesn't necessarily preclude the Trump team from being "involved in treasonous activities", you replied very diplomatically with "fuuuuuuck you for even using that term", told me to "stop reacting and think for a minute", and ranted about my bias for NOT saying one side is 100% guilty and the other is 100% innocent without the need to see any proof of that whatsoever.
I then ask how you can be so sure amid all of the resignations and recusements from the Trump team (this before Nunes).
You respond to THAT by calling me flippant, hysterical, and "no better than Trevor Noah, that CNN mommy partsicle Don Lemon or that assflapping Bill Maher". Then you tell me the unequivocal fact that Bannon was forced to resign isn't true, which is akin to telling me the sky isn't blue, and then snidely tell me to "do some research".
I respond by showing you that literally, every single news story reports that what I said is true and what you said is false.
Because it triggers you to be proven unquestionably, flatly WRONG about something, you went off the rails from there calling me a "sheep" for believing the lamestream media including Fox & Breitbart. I'm smug for dealing with facts and reality while you ramble on about some shit that factually never happened with absolutely no source to back up your fantastically false claims. It's not at all smug for you to repeatedly post a slew of

emojis followed by mocking invocation of the name of every publication imaginable because YOU know better, despite not even so much as offering up ANY substantiation to your insane claim.
2) Yeah, you're ruining the board with your screaming. It's unseemly. Dial it back a notch. Take a breath. Change the Depends.
The "I know you are but what am I" defense. Solid. Replying to your bullshit with facts is not screaming, tone police. I know this is your go-to defense when you've painted yourself into an embarrassing corner and I don't just let you out of the headlock. Congrats if that works on your sycophants.
>) I've told you this before but you're not the sole arbiter of what's sane, logical, rational or level-headed. In fact, you often can't even see any of those things from the limbs upon which you perch yourself. That's a lesson you're going to have to learn before this is over.
As I said. Disagree all you like, but thinking your side is impervious to guilt and the other side is incapable of anything but evil without any need to see all of the evidence first...that's not "sane, logical, rational, or level headed". It just isn't. I say so and the Oxford English dictionary says so.
#anotherthing) Your default position when anyone disagrees with you is to resort to treating those with whom you disagree as inferior both intellectually and culturally.
Link? If anything I've shown restraint in the face of you calling me an idiotic hysterical sheep.
PS: As of this post, there are 11 responses on this page. Care to guess how many are yours? SIX. More than half.
That qualifies -- in anyone's book -- as shitting the pants, crapping the slacks, ranting, screeding, frothing, screeching or whatever you want to call it.
Wow who'da thought in a 2-on-1 back and forth between you and GH2001 vs. myself I'd have almost exactly half of the responses??? Clearly this is evidence that I don't want dialogue and just want to drag the conversation in the mud.
And with that? Fuck you. Congrats, you brought me there. Now you can pretend you didn't say the same thing to me 2 1/2 pages ago.