As I said.
You should watch the last episode of Homeland. Very connected to what's going on now and how a disinformation campaign can be used to delegitimize an administration.
Saul -- played by Mandy Patinkin -- reminds the president elect that the smear campaign she's enduring (that's coincidentally being orchestrated by members of the former administration) is something America's been doing since the 50s.
"Follow the money.. will be much harder than you think. That's what you'll be doing when this rolls right over you.
We have a disinformation campaign designed to discredit the president elect. As of today we have boots on the ground, like the protesters I had to wade through to get here. That seem familiar to any of you?
It does to me. It's what we did in Nicaragua, Chile, Congo, a dozen other places all the way back to Iran in the 50s. And it does not end well for the elected regime.
You're fighting for your lives here. Do you get that? You can't afford to stay silent..." I assume the writers planned for Hillary's election and expected a backlash against her which was the rationale behind that storyline. What's so interesting to me is that what you're seeing on the screen almost perfectly defines the attacks against President Trump.
Even before he was sworn there were members of the US Congress raising the specter of impeachment. Planting that seed. (Thus the rationale behind my

when you brought it up.
As explained on Homeland the assault on President Trump from the Obama/Hillary camps is a textbook example of the campaigns that were waged against regimes we opposed world wide. Saul's description is eerily accurate. What's being done to Trump IS what we did in Nicaragua. And Chile. And Iran. And....
The global imperialists didn't get their way. They are now waging war on America.
Please don't fall for it.
Lemme give you a simple example of just how pervasive it is. Was on the left coast last week. Getting groceries and the girl asks if I want them bagged. Duh. How else do you carry groceries? Bags are 10 cents each. Say what? I ask why. She says "Trump." I say what? She said after Trump got elected, they had to start charging for bags. Every other clerk I asked said basically the same thing. Trump was going to take money away from the state, so they had to start charging for bags to make it up. Trump was going to give money to the rich, so they needed to charge for bags to help poor people. Trump passed a law that required them to charge for bags. That's how their local politicians are spinning it. That's what they think. But the morons actually VOTED for the bag fee. Proposition 67, passed in November. At the same time all the illegals in Cali were voting for Hillary, they also marked YES (or Si) on a ballot initiative that PROHIBITS stores from providing plastic or paper bags, but allows them to sell said bags to customers. None of the money goes to the poor. None goes to the environment. All goes directly to the store that charges the fee. More than $300 million a year will be generated for.... nothing. And somehow this is Trump's fault? Liberals = Morons. This is just another example of a subtle disinformation campaign. Despite more than 7 million voting yes for this law, every single person I asked about it blamed Trump.