Odd, I've never noticed anywhere that you brought that up and talked about how unfair it was for Trump. All I ever see you bring up in that regard is Russia. I don't understand why the Russia situation is so hard to figure out. Putin has hated the Clintons for quite some time now. That's not a recent development. Of course they're going to try to make her lose. They were going to do what they were going to do regardless of who ran against her. What's ironic about the whole thing is they didn't have to fabricate or manipulate anything really. They simply put the truth out for everyone to see. For that matter, there is no way to quantify how much that helped Trump. Again, the left can't fathom that people in this country simply wanted a change from the status quo. They have to create a reason why their person didn't win, and the thing with Russia is convenient. I would be shocked if there were that many people that were undecided and the Wikileaks release tipped them to Trump in the regions that won Trump the election.
Do you think that tipped the scales in Mighigan, Pennsylvania, or Ohio? Or do you think his platform of bring jobs back to America won him those states? Do you think he won Florida because of Russia? Nope. Didn't think so.
So, I'll go ahead and put you in the group that doesn't understand that it's a serious fucking problem when a foreign government tampers with our Presidential election...and just so we're clear. If the roles were reversed and Hillary was under FBI Investigations for colluding with Russia to affect our election, I'd be just as pissed. If I lived in another Country that America has tampered with the Presidential election...I'd still be pissed, especially if the person that won the election was helping.
I'll say it for you nice and slow. It. Is. A. Serious. Fucking. Problem. That. A. Foreign. Government. Had. Their. Hands. All. Over. Our. Election.
About your, "If Trump colluded with Russia we'd know"...Trump and his staff are under FBI Investigation right now.

That's like you saying, on a much, much smaller scale, "If Saban committed NCAA violations we'd know" after the NCAA states that he and the entire football program is under investigation.