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Taking what never will be


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Taking what never will be
« on: February 22, 2017, 04:58:29 PM »
NCAA hammer swinging. 

> Loss of Institutional Control
> Freeze didn't monitor conduct
> Freeze didn't promote atmosphere of compliance

Ole Miss self imposes one-year post-season ban in light of new allegations. 

NCAA says.... uh.... that's like Melissa McCarthy self-imposing the loss of her 2017 Miss America sash.  That's like Mississippi State agreeing not to play in the SEC Championship game.  Or the Knicks forfeiting their playoff spot.  Or the Braves giving up their World Series trip. 

I wish I could do that.  Damn, officer, you caught me.  What say we tear up this speeding ticket and I will decline my next visit to Kate Upton's vagina, k?   

Here are some Cliff's from the video:

Chancellor is like "Bueller.... Bueller..."  He's one droning, boring fuck. A lot of bullshit about Ole Miss excellence. 

The guy reading the allegations is little better.  Booooring. 
Freeze is like Jimmy Swaggart

He magnanimously agrees with the decision to impose a ban.  Built a program based on integrity and love. Constantly communicates with the NCAA. Contrary to the allegations, he has a long history of commitment to compliance and monitoring the staff.  It's a day of adversity, but met with a new resolve and an excitement that this process is nearly over.  We need love.  Love, love, love.  All we need is love. 

He's terrible. 
« Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 05:22:45 PM by Kaos »
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Re: Taking what never will be
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2017, 09:49:51 PM »

This is piling on. 

The points he makes though are troubling.  A program draws NCAA scrutiny when it succeeds where it hasn't in the past?  When you have success against ....say.... Saban?  As much as that makes sense, it's just as grievously wrong. 

We all knew Ole Miss had jumped on the cheating train. We knew high school Huckleberry Beaver didn't have the background to control big money boosters used to getting their way.  Everybody knew it.  But Saban is doing it and doing it B.L.A.T.A.N.T.L.Y, so why not? 

The only real problem I ever had with Freeze was the sanctimonious Jesus-jumping and bawling whenever they won a damn game.  Quite honestly I almost can see him being naive enough NOT to know what was going on under his nose because he absolutely did not have enough experience to know how to handle that kind of thing.  I also see that he already knew how Ole Miss ran its dirty business because he had a front row seat for the Oher/Hardy sweepstakes and the cash that turned that wheel.

He was a middling high school coach lucky enough to have two bought and paid for Ole Miss players on his team -- Greg Hardy and Michael Oher.  He got swept up to Ole Miss with them and farted around there until Houston Nutt got hired and sent his beavy ass packing.  He was head coach at freaking Lambuth for two years, and then head coach at Arky State for another before diving back into the same dirty Black Bear pool. He essentially turned having two D-1 level talents on a high school team into a $10 million payday.   

No question he's going to get mauled.  He'll be lucky to get back to a high school job by the time this is over.

I hope other coaches who have virtually no experience before landing major college jobs are paying attention to what's going on and making sure their houses stay clean. 

Also?  It's not a good idea to tweak Saban apparently.  Beat him a few times and the NCAA is going to break down your door because .... well...... it doesn't "look" right. 

« Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 09:51:51 PM by Kaos »
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Re: Taking what never will be
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2017, 10:50:29 PM »
All told, the records show agents and financial advisers moved at least $45,550 to Davis between September 2011 and December 2012. During that same timeframe, records also show at least $12,700 in cash, airfare, living expenses or other receipts moving from Davis to the five players. In addition to that amount, Yahoo Sports also obtained a line-item invoice of 49 transactions from February 2013 that Davis emailed to Fluker's onetime financial adviser Hodge Brahmbhatt. Within the email, Davis listed $33,755 in expenditures under the subject line "D.J. Fluker Invoice."

Remember this?  Not so much as a call, email, text message, twatter tweet, back-dated letter or bookface "like" from the NCAA. The playing field is not, never was and never will be level as long as Emmert is in charge of the only college entity equally as corrupt as......well..... 
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Re: Taking what never will be
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2017, 11:25:32 PM »
Don't mess with with the REC unless you know what you are doing!
« Last Edit: February 23, 2017, 10:15:01 AM by CCTAU »
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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.

The Prowler

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Re: Taking what never will be
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2017, 02:10:15 AM »
All told, the records show agents and financial advisers moved at least $45,550 to Davis between September 2011 and December 2012. During that same timeframe, records also show at least $12,700 in cash, airfare, living expenses or other receipts moving from Davis to the five players. In addition to that amount, Yahoo Sports also obtained a line-item invoice of 49 transactions from February 2013 that Davis emailed to Fluker's onetime financial adviser Hodge Brahmbhatt. Within the email, Davis listed $33,755 in expenditures under the subject line "D.J. Fluker Invoice."

Remember this?  Not so much as a call, email, text message, twatter tweet, back-dated letter or bookface "like" from the NCAA. The playing field is not, never was and never will be level as long as Emmert is in charge of the only college entity equally as corrupt as......well.....
Alabama was still under the NCAA Probation umbrella when those transactions began. They were out from under the umbrella on June 10th 2012.
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Buzz Killington

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Re: Taking what never will be
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2017, 08:44:30 AM »
Well, obviously this means they were out bid.  Right, Pete Thamel?
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Re: Taking what never will be
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2017, 09:07:59 AM »
All told, the records show agents and financial advisers moved at least $45,550 to Davis between September 2011 and December 2012. During that same timeframe, records also show at least $12,700 in cash, airfare, living expenses or other receipts moving from Davis to the five players. In addition to that amount, Yahoo Sports also obtained a line-item invoice of 49 transactions from February 2013 that Davis emailed to Fluker's onetime financial adviser Hodge Brahmbhatt. Within the email, Davis listed $33,755 in expenditures under the subject line "D.J. Fluker Invoice."

Remember this?  Not so much as a call, email, text message, twatter tweet, back-dated letter or bookface "like" from the NCAA. The playing field is not, never was and never will be level as long as Emmert is in charge of the only college entity equally as corrupt as......well.....

What's weird is that as I look around the landscape this morning I see hundreds of "Aubern payed Cam $200,000 and the NCAA didn't do nothing, but we let somebody go hunting and they gonna come after us?!?!?" irate comments. 

Why are you/we the only ones who remember the Fluker stuff -- which is tip of the berg?
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Buzz Killington

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Re: Taking what never will be
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2017, 09:12:57 AM »
What's weird is that as I look around the landscape this morning I see hundreds of "Aubern payed Cam $200,000 and the NCAA didn't do nothing, but we let somebody go hunting and they gonna come after us?!?!?" irate comments. 

Why are you/we the only ones who remember the Fluker stuff -- which is tip of the berg?
Because they know how to sweep that shit under the rug with the quickness all the while parroting on and on about $CAM.
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Re: Taking what never will be
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2017, 09:20:57 AM »
What's weird is that as I look around the landscape this morning I see hundreds of "Aubern payed Cam $200,000 and the NCAA didn't do nothing, but we let somebody go hunting and they gonna come after us?!?!?" irate comments. 

Why are you/we the only ones who remember the Fluker stuff -- which is tip of the berg?

Obviously no reason to rehash 3,719 pages of argument, research, wailing and gnashing of teeth.  Suffice it to say that despite Auburn's Compliance Dept., MSU's Compliance Dept., the SEC, the NCAA and the FBI, along with 1,000,000 butthurt fans all running a proctoscope up Auburn's ass, not so much as payment of an improper Happy Meal or jay-walking ticket was found. 

But, you wrap up a nice, neat, tidy little package of documented violations, complete with invoices, receipts, emails and texts (And the player himself publically twatting, "Yeah, I got paid") and the narrative from fans is, "Aubren paid Cam" and the NCAA decides it's time to start paying these poor players, especially those that had to live in a van down by the river.

It is NOT a level playing field.  Most try to do everything they can to bend, skirt and evade the rules just to keep up.  One plays by no rules.   
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Re: Taking what never will be
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2017, 09:26:14 AM »
What's weird is that as I look around the landscape this morning I see hundreds of "Aubern payed Cam $200,000 and the NCAA didn't do nothing, but we let somebody go hunting and they gonna come after us?!?!?" irate comments. 

Why are you/we the only ones who remember the Fluker stuff -- which is tip of the berg?
Because they control the media and Emmert?
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Re: Taking what never will be
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2017, 09:33:31 AM »
Because they control the media and Emmert?

It's not the media and Emmert, though. 

The bitching is coming from Ole Miss fans.  It's doubly perplexing because one of the Player B's is the Bama running back who took their money and then signed with UAcheaT.  But instead of pointing the finger at the cheating that's documented there?  They whine on and on about Cam. 

They paid a player and he signed somewhere else. Then in exchange for "immunity" -- which means what? -- he ratted their program out.  Wouldn't you be looking at the obvious flames coming from the school with which he signed after taking your money?
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Re: Taking what never will be
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2017, 09:54:00 AM »

For the record Bama does NOT cheat.  Saban doesn't need to.  Just sour grapes from fan bases getting their asses kicked for 8 yrs.
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Re: Taking what never will be
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2017, 10:03:05 AM »
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Re: Taking what never will be
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2017, 10:11:18 AM »
It's not the media and Emmert, though. 

The bitching is coming from Ole Miss fans.  It's doubly perplexing because one of the Player B's is the Bama running back who took their money and then signed with UAcheaT.  But instead of pointing the finger at the cheating that's documented there?  They whine on and on about Cam. 

They paid a player and he signed somewhere else. Then in exchange for "immunity" -- which means what? -- he ratted their program out.  Wouldn't you be looking at the obvious flames coming from the school with which he signed after taking your money?
Oh misread that the complaining was coming from the Ole Misses
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Re: Taking what never will be
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2017, 10:19:41 AM »
Cowherd also said Gus Malzahn would probably run Saban out of coaching. 

The only reason I have the slightest bit of empathy for Old Piss is the same reason I do for any school the ultra-corrupt NCAA goes after.  And that's the NCAA's hands off policy of the goose that keeps laying their golden eggs.

Otherwise, the Rebel-Akbar-Black Bears can lick my taint.  Anyone who follows college football, especially SEC football, even with just a passing interest, has known something was going on in Oxford.  OM has been the poster child for irrelevance in college football for over 40 years.  FOUR-TEE years!  From 1971 until Professor Freeze arrived, their overall record is 216-214-3.  Their last outright SEC title came back in 1963 and they've never been to the SECCG.  The NCAA recognizes one shared MNC back in 1960 with Minnesota.  Of course, in trying to compete with Bama, they claim 2 others from the Great Depression era when a radio station in Tupelo declared them champions.

They are the NC State and UNC of the ACC.  They are the Minnesota and Illinois of the Big 10. They're Texas Tech and Oregon State.  Ear-Relevant!!!  Suddenly, 5 star kids are pouring in to The Grove.  Top rated players are wanting to play for a school whose facilities rank barely above Vanderbilt's and Mississippi State's, in a State that's traditionally so racist, they make Alabama look like a Blue State.  Even the Rebel name and mascot have been attacked for their racial connotations.  But lately, Oxford is the place to be?  Well.....

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Re: Taking what never will be
« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2017, 11:04:22 AM »
Cowherd also said Gus Malzahn would probably run Saban out of coaching. 

The only reason I have the slightest bit of empathy for Old Piss is the same reason I do for any school the ultra-corrupt NCAA goes after.  And that's the NCAA's hands off policy of the goose that keeps laying their golden eggs.

Otherwise, the Rebel-Akbar-Black Bears can lick my taint.  Anyone who follows college football, especially SEC football, even with just a passing interest, has known something was going on in Oxford.  OM has been the poster child for irrelevance in college football for over 40 years.  FOUR-TEE years!  From 1971 until Professor Freeze arrived, their overall record is 216-214-3.  Their last outright SEC title came back in 1963 and they've never been to the SECCG.  The NCAA recognizes one shared MNC back in 1960 with Minnesota.  Of course, in trying to compete with Bama, they claim 2 others from the Great Depression era when a radio station in Tupelo declared them champions.

They are the NC State and UNC of the ACC.  They are the Minnesota and Illinois of the Big 10. They're Texas Tech and Oregon State.  Ear-Relevant!!!  Suddenly, 5 star kids are pouring in to The Grove.  Top rated players are wanting to play for a school whose facilities rank barely above Vanderbilt's and Mississippi State's, in a State that's traditionally so racist, they make Alabama look like a Blue State.  Even the Rebel name and mascot have been attacked for their racial connotations.  But lately, Oxford is the place to be?  Well.....


But Hugh Freeze is all about love.  And Jesus.  And tears. 
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Re: Taking what never will be
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2017, 11:23:37 AM »

For the record Bama does NOT cheat.  Saban doesn't need to.  Just sour grapes from fan bases getting their asses kicked for 8 yrs.

Colin Cowherd is the Vegas Showgirl of sports talk radio. A bigger whore among whores.
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Re: Taking what never will be
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2017, 11:37:57 AM »
It's not the media and Emmert, though. 

The bitching is coming from Ole Miss fans.  It's doubly perplexing because one of the Player B's is the Bama running back who took their money and then signed with UAcheaT.  But instead of pointing the finger at the cheating that's documented there?  They whine on and on about Cam. 

They paid a player and he signed somewhere else. Then in exchange for "immunity" -- which means what? -- he ratted their program out.  Wouldn't you be looking at the obvious flames coming from the school with which he signed after taking your money?
To be fair, this is why people are dead nuts convinced Auburn paid Cam.
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The Prowler

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Re: Taking what never will be
« Reply #18 on: February 23, 2017, 03:07:08 PM »
Speaking of Mississippi State, Ole Miss apparently sent the NCAA some information about MSU's LBer and about his mother asking for incentives and detailing what she's getting from MSU.

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"Patriotism and popularity are the beaten paths for power and tyranny." Good, no worries about tyranny w/ Trump

"Alabama's Special Teams unit is made up of Special Ed students." - Daniel Tosh

"The HUNH does cause significant Health and Safety issues, Health issues for the opposing fans and Safety issues for the opposing coaches." - AU AD Jay Jacobs


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Re: Taking what never will be
« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2017, 03:15:59 PM »
Speaking of Mississippi State, Ole Miss apparently sent the NCAA some information about MSU's LBer and about his mother asking for incentives and detailing what she's getting from MSU.


1) Neal McCready = Ole Miss hump, hired by the bammas over here when Tuberville came from Ole Miss for the express purpose of dogging him then fired for "not being bama enough" later on.  Worthless.

2) Lewis was given immunity in exchange for his testimony against the Rebel Ackbar Black Bears. Therefore.

Neal's nanny-poo-poo-you-did-too is a bottle rocket launched in response to a nuclear attack.
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