Two more points of contentionFirst bolded part:
Even if your (Trump's) unfounded, unproven claim that California is "replete with voter fraud", you think that that explains how she had 4,269,978 more votes than him, very close to doubling his votes in that state? If not for those false votes you and no one else can prove exist, over two million votes would have gone to him instead?

Second bolded part:
Do you think that California is the only state Clinton won and that the other 49 went to Trump?

First bolded part:
She was going to win California no matter what. That's why it doesn't matter. He didn't even try. It only proves that his campaign strategy was far superior to hers.
How many millions of illegal votes were there in California? I dare you to define it. Could it be two million? Four million? You betcha. Nearly a million illegals got drivers licenses after the lunatics out there implemented a law allowing them to do so. Yeah, rather than deporting them, we give them ID cards. Brilliant! We know there are two million out there based on the freaking census. But seriously. How many motherfucking illegals are answering fucking CENSUS questions? Well, we know there are two million stupid enough to do so. How many more are there that didn't?
So could there be enough illegal voters just in California to change "won the popular vote" to "lost it all?" You're insane if you rule it out. Are you insane?
Second Bolded Point:
No shit, she won other states. That wasn't the point. The point is that if you take all 49 states other than California combined, President Trump won the popular vote. That's the only point. 49/50 = 98%. A third grader could do that. Or in your math 11teenquatrile/negative sine of pi.
But if you want to throw maps, let's talk geography. You could get in your car on the east coast, drive all the way to the Pacific Ocean and drive all the way back to the Atlantic never crossing the same state twice and never entering a single county that Clinton won. Or you could drive along the US/Mexican Border and only find those that she did.