You can both be extremely condescending assholes with the illusion that your perspective is more astute than that of anyone else here. You both labor under the misguided idea that you are more intelligent, more urbane and more sophisticated than the rest of us dumb old country ass rubes. That much is obvious.
C is the Rachel Madcow of this site, barely containing hysteria and continued fraudulent assaults. W is the Bill Maher, snidely mocking in a holier than thou tone.
Both are wrong but don't have the capacity to see it. Both are only different from their Prowler in presentation.
Cool, bro.
As much as you try to obscure what specifically we were talking about here, the following are
They are not opinions.
1) Trump said he got the most Electoral votes since Reagan. That is false.
2) I pointed out that he said a thing that is verifiably false and every president since Reagan except ONE had more (Trump 304, Obama 365, Clinton 370, GHW Bush 426)
3) That was met with:
he was talking about as a Republican candidate. geez.
Oh yeah? Trump's a big fat orange LIAR!! 
You beat me to it.
as a defense of Trump and as evidence that what I said is untrue. That I was "tilting at windmils".
4) Trump never specified that in the original quote, but you "interpreted" it that way for him.
5) Even if you shift the goal posts to only REPUBLICANS, it is still completely false. There have only been two Republicans between Reagan and Trump. One of the two creamed him in an EC votes pissing contest. So it's still wrong. The three smug remarks about how somehow *I* was wrong for calling him out is laughably doubling down on being wrong. It's still wrong. Now there's two things you are wrong about instead of just one. I am still right about both. This is not hard. There's no math involved.
I will not concede that any of those five
facts are not facts. Sorry if that makes me smug. Up is not down. The sky is blue. The earth is not flat. I won't concede complete bullshit so as to not hurt your feelz. Sorry.